In the Spotlight

FBI and CIA Mounted Illegal Surveillance Operation on Progressive Student Activists in Southern States in 1960s

New study based on declassified records reveals paranoia about subversion in conservative states that resulted in serious constitutional violations In April 1967, legendary Black...

CIA: From Power Icon to Symbol of Corruption and Criminal Incompetence

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Liam Daniel Hayden. To put it briefly, our records show that, throughout his entire career, Liam Daniel Hayden has carried out...

CovertAction Bulletin: Free Mahmoud Khalil!

Over the weekend, federal agents arrested Mahmoud Khalil, a permanent legal resident of the United States, and said they were stripping him of his permanent resident status and going to deport him back to Palestine...

What is Happening in Mozambique?

Mozambique’s liberation party, FRELIMO, won elections last October in an apparent landslide win. The party has been in power since 1975. Daniel Chapo has replaced...

CIA Escalates Role in Failed Mexican Drug War Under Donald Trump

Donald Trump has found a new mission for the CIA—ramping up secret drone flights over Mexico to track and hunt down leaders of Mexico’s...

Revolt of the Rich: Wealthy Elites Have Waged A Fifty Year Class War—and Won

The 2024 election between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump makes clear that the U.S. has two right-wing parties and no effective left-wing opposition. Trump and...

China’s Silky Future in a Realigned World

China’s future looks increasingly bleak, but it has great counter-cyclical expansion potential via domestic and international rebalancing In a daring thought experiment, imagine just for...

CovertAction Bulletin: Trump’s “Peace” in Ukraine Prepares U.S. for War with China

Following up on last week's show where we discussed the quickly-changing dynamics of U.S.-European relationships under Donald Trump, we look at the “peace deal” Trump has penned with Ukraine that reportedly includes significant mineral rights for the U.S...

U.S. / Israeli War on Palestine

F**k You Alexander Haig, I am resigning; Say the same to Blinken!!!

Resignations from the U.S. war on Vietnam, to the U.S. war on Iraq, to the U.S. complicity in the Israeli genocide in Gaza In the...

Peace Activists Try and Block Arms Supplies to Israel

David Hartsough is a legendary peace activist who first amassed an FBI file in the mid 1950s at the age of 15 when he...

Einstein Opposed Zionist Colonization in Palestine and Predicted the Current Catastrophe

A few weeks before the creation of the State of Israel, Shepard Rifkin, executive director of the Stern Group, requested that representatives of the...

Latin American Governments Pay a Price For Challenging Israel’s Genocidal War

Governments in Latin America have been at the forefront of opposition to Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and several of those which have done so...

On the One-Year Anniversary of October 7, It is Clear We Were Not Told The Truth

In an impassioned speech before the U.S. Congress in June, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated, “like December 7, 1941, and September 11, 2001,...

Palestinian Journalist and Her Family Are Among Latest Victims of U.S.-Israeli Barbarism

One year after October 7, the Israelis continue to slaughter Gazans, and now Lebanese, en masse with U.S. weaponry. One of the latest victims of...

CovertAction Bulletin: Tribute to Palestinian Journalist Wafa Al-Udaini

On Monday, September 30th, an Israeli airstrike in Deir al-Balah killed Wafa al-Udaini, her husband and two of her children. Wafa was a founder of the October 16 group, a mentor to young journalists and media professionals in Gaza and especially worked to highlight the voices of women impacted by the Israeli occupation...

Did You Donate to Send Food to Gaza? Think Again

“HUNGER CATASTROPHE IN GAZA—DONATIONS NEEDED” cries Mercy Corps.  “URGENT: STARVATION IN GAZA: ALL GIFTS MATCHED FOR GAZA” shouts These and many other appeals from international...

War in Ukraine

CIA Has Played Instrumental Role in Development of Ukrainian Drone Industry

Ukrainian drones have carried out terrorist strikes extending into Russia designed to cripple its oil and gas industry and been deployed to attack Russian...

U.S. Corporate Land Grab in Ukraine Underlies War With Russia

Heralded as a hero in Western media, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has allowed foreign private interests to steal his country’s best land In early November,...

Ukrainian Culture is Celebrated in a Ukrainian Restaurant in Moscow, of all Places!

On a recent visit to Russia, I happened to come across a Ukrainian restaurant while walking through Moscow.  Politicians and the media in the West...

Media Distorting North Korean Role in Russo-Ukraine War

Sensationalistic headlines about North Korean engagement in Kursk contradicted by statements of Secretary of Defense On November 24, Newsweek ran a story by Ellie Cook...

How the United States Drove Russia to Invade Ukraine and the Potential Consequences

The Cold War did not end for the United States with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Instead, the United States set out on...

Russian Artists Being Used By Ukraine to Build Support for U.S. Weapons Pipeline and War

Artists Present Themseves as Antiwar But Are in Fact Pro-War In early May, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken made a staged appearance in a...

Ukrainian Deal: Exposing CIA/Polish Arms Traders Shadow Schemes

Don’t participate in the unfruitful actions of darkness,instead, reveal the truth about them. Ephesians 5:11 In August 2017, CIA’s front company Noetic International Inc. signed an...

National Endowment For Democracy Continues to Weaponize Human Rights

The latest example is its pressing for release of John McCain pallbearer from Siberian jail while it ignores a socialist arrested by the Ukrainian...

FBI and CIA Mounted Illegal Surveillance Operation on Progressive Student Activists in Southern States in 1960s

New study based on declassified records reveals paranoia about subversion in conservative states that resulted in serious constitutional violations In April 1967, legendary Black...

CIA: From Power Icon to Symbol of Corruption and Criminal Incompetence

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Liam Daniel Hayden. To put it briefly, our records show that, throughout his entire career, Liam Daniel Hayden has carried out...

What is Happening in Mozambique?

Mozambique’s liberation party, FRELIMO, won elections last October in an apparent landslide win. The party has been in power since 1975. Daniel Chapo has replaced...

CIA Escalates Role in Failed Mexican Drug War Under Donald Trump

Donald Trump has found a new mission for the CIA—ramping up secret drone flights over Mexico to track and hunt down leaders of Mexico’s...

Revolt of the Rich: Wealthy Elites Have Waged A Fifty Year Class War—and Won

The 2024 election between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump makes clear that the U.S. has two right-wing parties and no effective left-wing opposition. Trump and...

China’s Silky Future in a Realigned World

China’s future looks increasingly bleak, but it has great counter-cyclical expansion potential via domestic and international rebalancing In a daring thought experiment, imagine just for...

Roger Winter Was a Shadowy Figure at the Heart of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide

<img src="" alt="A person sitting in a chair<br> Winter operated as an intelligence agent under cover of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and served as...

CIA Documents Prove the Agency Was Lying to Public About Germ Warfare in Korea for Decades

In 2019, the CIA proved that it had been lying to the public for decades about germ warfare in Korea when it released a...

CovertAction Bulletin: Free Mahmoud Khalil!

Over the weekend, federal agents arrested Mahmoud Khalil, a permanent legal resident of the United States, and said they were stripping him of his permanent resident status and going to deport him back to Palestine...

CovertAction Bulletin: Trump’s “Peace” in Ukraine Prepares U.S. for War with China

Following up on last week's show where we discussed the quickly-changing dynamics of U.S.-European relationships under Donald Trump, we look at the “peace deal” Trump has penned with Ukraine that reportedly includes significant mineral rights for the U.S...

CovertAction Bulletin: The U.S., Europe and the Growing Right-Wing Threat

As the Trump administration openly threatens historic American allies in Europe, weighs in on German elections in favor of the far-right, and pushes the idea of MEGA—Make Europe Great Again—it’s becoming increasingly clear that the relationships and dynamic between the U.S. and Western Europe is changing at a scale we haven’t seen in almost a century...

CovertAction Bulletin: Will Trump and McMahon Dismantle Public Education?

Donald Trump has nominated Linda McMahon, a former executive with World Wrestling Entertainment and twice-failed Senate candidate as well as the Administrator of the Small Business Administration under his first term, to lead the Department of Education. Speaking about her nomination in early February, Trump said he wants her to put herself out of a job—to shutter the US Department of Education...

Mass Incarceration Arose Out of Empire Building Across North America, Carribean and Pacific

The United States today has by far the world’s largest incarceration rate, with nearly two million people living in prisons and jails. The conditions in those facilities are often substandard, with Amnesty International criticizing the dehumanizing practice of holding prisoners in prolonged solitary confinement. Benjamin Weber’s book, American Purgatory: Prison Imperialism and the Rise of Mass Incarceration, shows...

Despite His Law and Order Rhetoric, Trump May Surprise in his Second Term

Donald Trump has a lot of faults. God knows that we have discussed them at length here at CovertAction Magazine and in other venues. But if there is one thing that Trump is right on, it is prison reform. It was Trump, after all, who issued a flurry of pardons and commutations at the end of his...

Draconian Sentencing Guidelines Result in Prison Overcrowding

Prosecutors don’t get promoted by offering shorter sentences Like many Americans, I follow criminal justice developments closely. The arrest and coming prosecution of Sean Combs, also known as P. Diddy, among other things, will likely remain in the headlines for months, and perhaps years, and promises to be fascinating. Prosecutions related to the January 6, 2021, riots...

Deadly Heat in U.S. Prisons Violates Animal Cruelty Laws

The summer of 2013 was my first summer in prison after being incarcerated for blowing the whistle on the CIA’s torture program. When summer arrived in Loretto, Pennsylvania, I had already made a handful of friends, most of whom came from the prison’s “Italian” population. One warm day in the spring, I mentioned to one of the...

Corruption of U.S. Justice Department and the Two-Tiered Justice System: The Case of Whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld

When this Whistleblower Exposed the Crimes of Obama’s Golf Partner and 12th Largest Campaign Contributor, the U.S. Justice Department Did the Honorable Thing—It Jailed the Whistleblower and Let Obama’s Golf Partner Walk Away Free Bradley Birkenfeld is a former Swiss banker who helped the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recoup billions of dollars in tax revenues after exposing the...

“The Death Row You Don’t Want to Know:” An Inmate at San Quentin Reveals What Death Row is Really Like

From the date of being arrested (March 4, 1979) in one of the most racist counties in California (Riverside), and enduring one of what would be called by many, “a circus trial” on December 12, 1979, I was brought to the sixth floor of North Block, better known as the original Death Row. I’ll never forget the...

U.S. Leads the World in Solitary Confinement that Destroys Prisoners Mental Health

Anthony Gay is severely mentally ill. And like many Americans who suffer from severe mental illness and who commit a crime, he was placed in solitary confinement after his conviction, rather than in a mental hospital where he could have received treatment for his schizophrenia. Isolated in a six-by-ten foot cell 24 hours a day, seven days...

Massachusetts Bill Would Give Prisoners Time Off Sentences For Organ Donation

Fits into dubious history of medical coercion and experimentation on vulnerable populations in the U.S. Two Democratic members of the Massachusetts state legislature have proposed a bill that would give state prisoners between 60 and 365 days off their sentences if they donate a kidney, bone marrow, skin, or “other organs” to people in the general population...

Malcolm X’s Family Lawsuit Accuses the CIA, FBI and NYPD in Icon’s Assassination

In mid-November, three daughters of Malcolm X (aka el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz) accused the CIA, FBI, the New York Police Department and the Department of Justice with involvement in the 1965 assassination of the activist leader. The daughters, spearheaded by Ilyasah Shabazz and represented by Attorney Ben Crump, filed a $100 million lawsuit in conjunction with the Malcolm...

JFK’s Lover Was Among Victims of CIA Murder Machine, According to Son of Former High-Level CIA Official

The ex-wife of CIA agent Cord Meyer, Jr., Mary Pinchot Meyer, was trying to convert JFK to pacifism and was known to make wisecracks at dinner parties about what the CIA was doing in the world. Tragically, she was murdered 60 years ago while taking an afternoon jog by the Potomac River. Mary Pinchot Meyer was a...

LBJ Insiders D.H. Byrd and James Ling Bought 132,000 Shares of Stock in Defense Contractor LTV in November 1963 Around Time of the JFK...

Documents accessible at Library of Congress confirm purchase In November 1963, the month of JFK’s assassination, two of Lyndon B. Johnson’s closest friends, David H. Byrd and James Ling, bought 132,000 shares of Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV) stock at approximately $16 per share through the Alpha Omega Corporation investment vehicle. Byrd already owned 19,948 shares of LTV stock at this...

The Murder of Juan Lopez, Defender of Life

On the evening of September 14, Delegate of the Word Juan López had just finished leading a Saturday evening service at the Catholic church in Tocoa, Honduras. Witnesses say that, as he was getting to his car, someone on a motorcycle rode by and shot him multiple times, killing him. López was a teacher, community leader, and a...

Witness Sketch of Man Seen Entering and Leaving Journalist’s Room on the Day He Was Found Dead Resembles Former CIA Agent

Evidence from Martinsburg, West Virginia, Police report contradicts claims of popular Netflix series On August 10, 1991, Danny Casolaro, a Fairfax, Virginia-based journalist who was writing a book on a massive CIA corruption scheme that started with the theft of computer software, was found dead lying in a tub of bloody water in room 517 at...

J. Edgar Hoover Coordinated Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.—And James Earl Ray Was a Patsy

New film provides tribute to William Pepper, the King Family Lawyer, Who Cracked the King Case Conventional wisdom holds that James Earl Ray was a deranged white supremacist who killed Martin Luther King, Jr., on April 4, 1968. Research carried out by King family attorney William F. Pepper determined, however, that King was really killed in a conspiracy...


A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA

Despite his liberal pretensions, Obama’s foreign policy was dreamed up at Langley—which should not have been surprising given his background In the summer of...

Was the Now-Forgotten Murder of One Man on September 9, 2001 a Crucial Pre-condition for 9/11?

Peter Dale Scott, with assistance from Aaron Good, breaks new ground with this exclusive investigation into the two-decades-old assassination of Ahmed Shah Massoud and...

U.S. Media Decries Brutal Russia Invasion of Ukraine—Yet an Intrepid Reporter Finds that the Russians Were Welcomed as Liberators in the Southern Ukrainian City...

Last week I was embedded with the Russian army and visited two towns in southeastern Ukraine. The first town was called Henichesk, a port...

Ukraine: The CIA’s 75-year-old Proxy

Joe Biden “is fueling the fire in the Ukraine.” -- Roger Waters of Pink Floyd It takes a musical artist to cut through the morass...

More Skeletons in Obama’s Closet: Mass Grave in Lugansk, Ukraine Yields Over 200 Bodies

A Part of Obama’s Legacy that Presumably Won’t Be Celebrated in his $482 Million Presidential Library I recently witnessed the exhumation of human remains from...

Outposts of the U.S. Surveillance Empire: Denmark and Beyond

Data acquired by the NSA has been used to convince the Danish government to buy fighter jets from Lockheed-Martin. Denmark’s military allows the United States’...

War Propaganda About Ukraine Starting to Wear Thin

More and More Are Seeing Through the Lies As Amnesty International confirms the inconvenient truths, which many independent journalists and political observers already knew, about the Ukrainian...

New Evidence Reveals That Senator John McCain and Other High-Ranking Vietnam War POWs May Have Lied to the American Public About Being Tortured

Collusion by the White House, the Pentagon, and the mainstream media resulted in disparagement, denial, and suppression of eyewitness testimony confirming that most POWs...

Joe Biden Wanted To Lock Up My Father, CIA Whistleblower Philip Agee—Just Like He Wants To Lock Up Edward Snowden And Julian Assange

Part 6 in our Biden Series: A Company Man? On May 9, 1981, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism was debating the Intelligence...

Escalating the new Cold War with Russia via Ukraine: Biden’s Unprincipled Stands Involving Covert Operations, Blackmail, Corruption, Nepotism and State Terrorism

Part 5 in our Biden Series: The long suppressed facts involving Biden and the Ukraine are clear, documented, and undisputed, even though you will never read them in The New York Times...

If……Then That’s Treason

The Perpetrators This list of perpetrators is not meant to be exhaustive, but it can help us begin a conversation that should lead to indictments...

Beltway Pundit Predictions About Putin’s Downfall Are as Wrong as Predictions 100 Years Ago that the Bolsheviks Would Lose the Russian Civil War

When Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin launched a revolt against Vladimir Putin on June 23, Beltway pundits became euphoric, predicting Russia’s descent into a...

LETTER FROM READER – Re: Secret COINTELPRO Plot to Infiltrate and Destroy the American Indian Movement: “We Wanted Them to Kill Each Other”—FBI Agent Admits...

Dear Jeremy, Pearl after pearl spews forth from your agitated fingers. Here is one I wish to comment upon: Secret COINTELPRO Plot to Infiltrate and Destroy the American Indian Movement: “We Wanted Them to Kill Each Other”—FBI Agent Admits After 5 Decades of Silence. “In a 2019 documentary that aired on PBS, From Wounded Knee to Standing Rock: A...

LETTER FROM READER – Re: Pathology of GOP is Frighteningly Evident in its Lionization of Navy SEAL Killer Eddie Gallagher

A truly disgusting figure. You may be interested in the way Canada dealt with a unit that ‘went rogue’ in Somalia. After it was proven that a boy had been”executed” by the Regiment the unit was disbanded and is not revered, in fact if it is spoken of at all, it is with shame...

A Good American: Mass Surveillance System Killed by NSA Weeks Prior to 9/11

"A Good American" is a gripping docu-thriller about a groundbreaking surveillance program, the brilliant mastermind behind it and how an alternative to mass surveillance—one which excluded U.S. citizens—was killed by NSA-management, three weeks prior to 9/11.

National Bird: Whistleblowers Tell Disturbing Truths About Drone Warfare

National Bird follows the dramatic journey of three whistleblowers who are determined to break the silence around one of the most controversial current affairs issues of our time: the secret U.S. drone war. At the center of the film are three U.S. military veterans. Plagued by guilt over participating in the killing of faceless people in foreign countries, they decide to speak out publicly, despite the possible consequences.

U.S. Coup d’État via Presidential Assassination? — Many Questions Remain Unanswered Including ‘Why Was JFK Assassinated?’

From the archives: JFK is a 1991 political thriller directed by academy award-winning director Oliver Stone. It examines the events leading to the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy and the alleged cover-up through the eyes of former New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison, played by Kevin Costner.

Collateral Murder: Classified U.S. Military Video Leaked by Whistleblower Bradley Manning Via WikiLeaks

Classified video footage from a U.S. Apache helicopter in 2007 leaked by U.S. Army intelligence analyst and whistleblower Bradley Manning to Wikileaks. The video shows Reuters journalist Namir Noor-Eldeen, driver Saeed Chmagh, and several others as the Apache shoots and kills them in a public square in Eastern Baghdad.

CovertAction Information Bulletin (1988-2)

CAIB-30 (1988:2) From the Archives: Special Back Issue on Israel the Middle East: Israeli State Terror, Arms sales, Occupation, Chemical & nuclear warfare, Israel in Africa & Central America, Disinformation & Libya, CIA’s William Buckley, Afghan contra lobby

CovertAction Information Bulletin (1979-2)

CAIB-4 (1979:2) From the Archives: Spying on allies: Secret Italy cable, CIA in Spain, CIA Africa recruiting, Angola, Subversive academics in Southern Africa, CIA and human rights, CIA firearms authority, Intelligence budgets, In Search of Enemies

CovertAction Information Bulletin (1979-1)

CAIB-3 (1979:1) From the Archives: CIA attacks CAIB, Top Secret Army spy manual, CAIB CIA poster, CIA in Mexico, Australia U.S. spy satellite base, John Paisley mystery death

CovertAction Information Bulletin (1978-2)

CAIB-2 (1978:2) From the Archives: Editorial, CIA recruits diplomats, Researching CIA officers, Cuban double agent in CIA, CIA North Carolina demolitions training base

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