Nan McCurdy

Nan McCurdy
Nan McCurdy works for the United Methodist Church in the state of Puebla, Mexico with Give Ye Them to Eat (GYTTE), a ministry with impoverished rural people that works in community-based health, sustainable agriculture, and community development specializing in appropriate technologies. Nan is also the editor of the weekly on Nicaragua, NicaNotes. Nan can be reached at
New Biden administration measures may make it easier to apply for asylum. Nicaragua migration north had been very low for 14 years, always under 1,000 border encounters per month. This is especially low when compared to border encounters with people from the Northern Triangle nations of Guatemala, El Salvador and...
The June 23 BBC article by Bernd Debusmann, “US Immigration: They’d rather die than return to Nicaragua,” confirms that the corporate media consistently make every article an attack on its Sandinista Government. Of four Nicaraguans interviewed for this article from the department of Esteli, two are peasants from villages, one...
Expansion of Public Sector in Nicaragua Has Improved Quality of Life for Everyone In 2018, 48% of U.S.-based churches had their own food-distribution ministry or supported efforts run by other churches or organizations such as food pantries or food banks. These faith-based ministries, unlike government programs, provide immediate help to hungry...
On January 10, Daniel Ortega was inaugurated President and Rosario Murillo was inaugurated as Vice President. The central event in the Plaza of the Revolution was accompanied by Sandinistas celebrating in almost every town with big-screen displays of the inauguration. Once he had been sworn in, with the presidential sash...
In the lead up to the February 25, 1990 elections, President George H.W. Bush told the Nicaraguan people that the U.S. would keep funding the Contras (counter-revolutionaries recruited, funded and directed by President Reagan, the State Department and the CIA in 1980s illegal war), block loans and maintain the...
But Nicaraguans Will Not Let the Evil Empire Dictate Who They Vote for, with Sandinista Revolutionary Leader Daniel Ortega Poised to Win The Sandinista party won with 62% of the vote in the 2011 elections and with 72.5% in 2016. Polls show the Sandinista Party winning as much as 70% of...