[Source: rollingstone.com]

A chorus stretches to the horizon that praises the Trump administration for shutting down USAID.

I feel only deep revulsion when I hear their hymns. I smell a sickening stench when I dig into their fallacious arguments.

Could it be that it is considered to be perfectly okay for politicians, journalists and so-called “truth tellers” to praise the slaughter of those expendable little parasites at USAID while casting a blind eye on the horrific fraud and waste, in the hundreds of billions (or trillions) of dollars taking place in the Department of Defense and the entire intelligence system—now linked up with investment banks and asset management by Oracle and Palantir?

That corruption is getting exponentially worse.

USAID does some good; shutting it down without any transparency, and without releasing the actual documents concerning wrongdoing so that citizens can know what is actually going on, is a crime. All we know are the bits that Elon Musk publishes on X—and he made all his money from government fraud. Musk’s fraud makes the corrupt bureaucrats at USAID look like amateurs.

Shutting down an agency without due process and transparency is damaging to the entire government. The goal of the Trump administration is not to seek the truth, but to intimidate others in government who it wishes to silence.

The attack on USAID also serves to cover up the simultaneous evisceration of government agencies responsible for safety, real public health (as opposed to scam pandemics), protecting the environment, and assuring that our citizens have the right to due process. Police are being militarized and their chain of command made classified under Homeland Security. The situation is grave.

Fortunately, there are those who are not so easily cowed. There are those in America, and in the federal government, who know what Peter Thiel and Steve Feinberg are really up to and do not buy any of this “crusade against the deep state” fairy tale.

There are many crimes, and acts of corruption, that took place using the name of USAID. But USAID itself was not the agency giving the orders. Blaming USAID for corruption is like blaming the butcher for the death of chickens.

When USAID carried out operations, it acted as a velvet glove for brutal elements in intelligence. And those elements got their marching orders from the billionaires. And where might we find those billionaires? Why, in the Trump cabinet, where else?

I ask politely that those praising this dubious “get your hand out of my pocket” distraction operation focused on USAID, politely, “Please shut up. Please admit that you are all paid agents helping to distract and confuse the citizens as the billionaires shut down every part of government that serves a purpose and then create a military state loyal only to the super-rich.”

Remember, fellow citizens, the unaccountable units that those billionaires are building up in DoD and ICE, and in a remade CIA, will be truly ruthless. They will make the little foibles of overpaid bureaucrats at USAID look like children playing house.

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  1. Another WorldView is Possible seems to trying to dismiss the militarization of the US economy and the establishment of a military dicatorship as a bit of positive reform.

    First,Trump plays no role. He is a puppet, as is Musk. It is powerful banker/IT kings like Peter Thiel and Steve Feinberg who are behind this.

    I explained what was going on when I wrote this article a week ago,and it is only worse now with the installation as chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs Dan Caine who is one of the most dangerous and corrupt people in the military aiming to end all regulation and oversight. He also ran the special access programs in DoD for covert attacks on US citizens. He really is as bad as it gets.

    Anyone who is pushing a Republican vs Democrat narrative, or left vs. right narrative is 95% likely to be a paid agent.

    If you read the article, it is clear where I stand. As for the stupid comment that I woke up to techno totalitarianism late, perhaps he does not know who I am.

    As independent candidate for president in February 2020 I demanded an end to the COVID 19 fraud and later demanded repeatedly that the assets of the corporations and banks that rigged up this psychological operations be seized as well. Will “Another WorldView is Possible” demand the seizure of the assets of the banks and corporations who set this up? I doubt it. That would be biting the hand that feeds. There is zero indication that Trump is trying to end any wars.

  2. The author seems to act like the shutdown of USAID, is mutually exclusive, to the effort to trim waste fraud and abuse, elsewhere in the Government, the Spook-Community, “The Deep State” (aka ‘The Real State’), etc…. But that doesn’t necessarily follow.

    Apparently a bunch of USAID functions are going to continue, over at the State Department (and probably the CIA, as well)… But with direct command-and-control, and accountability, to Trump’s people. I’d say that at worst, this is a value neutral proposition.

    But it has tremendous upside, as well, for the future of a less-dominated and completely controlled world. We SAY that we love “democracy”. But what USAID has shown, for a long time, is that what we really love is DC-based control, over obedient local puppets, around the world. So what we really want is “DEMOCRACY®” – meaning obedience to US diktats, and if that can be achieved through well-controlled elections, through NED and USAID all the better. If NOT – USAID (the Pentagon and the CIA) will gin-up a color revolution, and start arming and funding “rebels” – until democracies eschew any real sovereignty, and do what we tell them to do.

    It’s important to realize that Trump had 4 years to analyze how his first term was completely sabotaged – and the 2020 Election was likely stolen. And playing no small part in all of that, was unaccountable, semi-autonomous branches of “The Deep State”, like USAID and the NED. I’m NOT a Trump-guy – but he’s the guy who won the Election, and now has majorities in both other branches of Government. Elections have consequences – and I can certainly see where Trump doesn’t want to have a rogue – “4th Branch” of the Government, undermining what he’s trying to accomplish.

    If what he’s doing is wrong – like supporting the Genocide and the Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians from THEIR LAND…then WE – will need to rise-up and cancel ‘brunch’, and get our asses out into the streets to make our voices heard. And now that the DNCIA Democrats have thankfully been taken out of power, perhaps we’ll be able to get that accomplished. It’s been lonely out in the streets. The center-right and faux-left followers, of the Democrat Party, have been sorely missed, while their leaders were cheerleading-us, into a Nuclear War with Russia, and China -and ignoring a full-fledged in Palestine, and attempts to get us into a war against Iran. I’ll be happy, if Trump can stop at least 2 out of those potential three disasters.

    As for Technocratic Totalitarianism… The author seems to have ‘woken-up’ a little LATE, on that front. We really could have used all-hands-on-deck, when Genocide Joe and the Lockdown “Left” – were pushing all of us into Mandatory Lethal Injections, and AgendaID2020 internal “Passports”.

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