[Source: africanagenda.net]

Mozambique’s liberation party, FRELIMO, won elections last October in an apparent landslide win. The party has been in power since 1975. Daniel Chapo has replaced President Filipe Nyusi who served two terms. Current events though are volatile and, at the time of writing, it appears that Venâncio Mondlane from the opposition, right wing, RENAMO, could take charge of the government.

FRELIMO was declared the winner in 64 out of 65 municipalities and has denied fraud. Post-election protests erupted across the capital, Maputo, and across the country as far north as Nampula Province with many protestors having been killed by state law enforcement. The main opposition party, RENAMO under Mondlane’s leadership, is continuing to call for public demonstrations and is contesting the election results at the Constitutional Court.

Maputo anti-FRELIMO demonstrators hold placard which reads: “I didn’t vote for the people in power.” [Source: africanagenda.net]

Civil unrest, mass demonstrations and the demographics of the young unemployed are not the incumbent government’s only problem as northern Mozambique, completely underdeveloped and with porous borders, becomes the next African region to become ungovernable due to militia terrorism, amid the natural gas and rubies.

But is the terrorism in the north a problem for the government or is it not a problem? Do members of the ruling party have common interests in conserving instability and lawlessness in Cabo Delgado Province? And just how strong are these ties of common interest between members within FRELIMO and members within South Africa’s government? Will a change in Mozambican government be any change at all?

A person in a blue vest with his hand up

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Opposition leader Venâncio Mondlane. [Source: zitamar.com]

It would appear Mondlane—who has expressed admiration for right-wing Brazilian stonrgman Jair Bolsonaro—has been groomed for his position, riding on the brand of Mozambican national hero Eduardo Mondlane to whom he is related, and will implement liberal economic reforms on behalf of foreign corporate interests.

These interests have long coveted Mozambique for its mineral wealth and oil deposits. The French company Total Energy, has been in the process of constructing a $20 billion gas complex in Palma, financed in part through the U.S. Export-Import Bank, which represented the largest foreign investment in Africa to that point.

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Eduardo Mondlane [Source: pinterest.com]

Wikipedia, the online information aid, pretends to be unbiased and privately operated; however, it provides the “official narrative,” i.e., the victor’s version of events. Like Google, it is a Western intelligence-run operation to drive propaganda. A Google/Wikipedia search of Mozambique terrorism Cabo Delgado provides the following:

“The insurgency in Cabo Delgado is an ongoing Islamist insurgency in Cabo Delgado Province, Mozambique, mainly fought between militant Islamists and jihadists attempting to establish an Islamic state in the region, and Mozambican security forces. Civilians have been the main targets of terrorist attacks by Islamist militants. The main insurgent faction is Ansar al-Sunna, a native extremist faction with tenuous international connections. From mid-2018, the Islamic State’s Central Africa Province has allegedly become active in northern Mozambique as well, and claimed its first attack against Mozambican security forces in June 2019. In addition, bandits have exploited the rebellion to carry out raids. As of 2020, the insurgency intensified, as in the first half of 2020 there were nearly as many attacks carried out as in the whole of 2019.

Ansar al-Sunna (English: “Supporters of the Tradition”) is similar to the name of an Iraqi Sunni insurgent group that fought against U.S. troops between 2003 and 2007. They are known locally as al-Shabaab but they are not formally related to the better known Somali al-Shabaab. Some of the militants are known to speak Portuguese, the official language of Mozambique, however others speak Kimwane, the local language, and Swahili, the lingua franca language spoken north of that area in the Great Lakes region. Reports also state that members are allegedly mostly Mozambicans from Mocimboa da Praia, Palma, and Macomia districts, but also include foreign nationals from Tanzania and Somalia.”

The information above is not a clarification of reality. It is a badly hatched intelligence plot which could have been written by a CIA/MI6 undergraduate with a high UN security clearance. It does not reflect reality. It reflects a wannabee plot to justify the raison d’être of the War on Terror and the latest funneling of liquid cash down the throat of the Western Warlords’ most distinguished conduit, Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda. It is the script for the next Hollywood film about saving Africa from Africans and the next location for the Anglo-American-controlled United Nations foreign occupation.

If violence in northern Mozambique spirals out of control, as it is, a UN peacekeeping operation will be allocated to occupy Mozambique territory. As with MONUSCO, the UN Peacekeeping force in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and the majority of UN Peacekeeping operations elsewhere across the continent, it will remain in place for decades to safeguard this well-known narco route, human trafficking route and region rich in natural gas, oil, rubies and other resources. Terrorism will continue to create lawlessness and continue to turn the people who live in the region into the next batch of IDPs (Internally Displaced People), refugee pawns for the “human rights” war game on Africa.

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[Source: news.sky.com]

Back in Time

Under colonial Portuguese rule Maputo or Lourenço Marques as it was called then, as the capital of Mozambique was a tourist destination for white South Africans and the playground of the Portuguese middle class with jazz bands and, later in the 1980s, Tom Jones performing at the famous Costa do Sol on the Avenue Marginal. Life was “good for the blessed and short and sharp for the rest.”

Portuguese colonial rule of Angola and Mozambique was long lived and particularly nasty under the government of António de Oliveira Salazar which was finally overthrown in Portugal by the Carnation Revolution in 1974.

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Kwame Nkrumah [Source: blackhistoryheroes.com]

Ghana’s formidable Pan-African statesman, Kwame Nkrumah, made a curiously interesting point about Portugal during a famous speech given by him on neo-colonialism. He said:

The imperialist powers that have brought in their vassals, Spain and Portugal, Portugal in fact since the wars of Spanish succession 1700-1714, being a protectorate of Britain, which has enjoyed special trading and unnecessary rights in both Portugal and the Portuguese territories for over 200 years.

In a mirrored reflection of the Angolan struggle against colonial rule, Mozambicans were to achieve self-government only to find they would face an extended battle in a foreign-instigated and funded civil war, a war which would result in near-total destruction of the country’s infrastructure, economy and social cohesion, thereby justifying the words of those who would say Africans are incapable of governing successful economies. In Angola, a civil war lasted from the mid-1970s until the early 2000s. The war claimed millions of lives, Angolan, South African and Cuban.

A private military company, Executive Outcomes, was hired by President Agostinho Neto’s government in the early 1990s to end the UNITA insurgency. Executive Outcomes successfully achieved its mandate; however, foreign forces, particularly those residing in South Africa, went to inordinately great lengths to re-ignite the war and discredit the reputation of Executive Outcomes.

The objective of these foreign forces was to perpetuate destabilization and civil war for as long as possible while reaping the harvest of diamonds for Harry Oppenheimer’s DeBeers.

Resistance to Portuguese colonial rule formed into FRELIMO, Frente de Libertação de Moçambique, under the leadership of Eduardo Mondlane.

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Harry Oppenheimer [Source: biznews.com]

FRELIMO was supported by the Non-Aligned Movement (whicih included many socialist leaders) and Pan-Africanist leaders of the era, such as Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Modibo Keita of Mali, Sekou Toure of Guinea, and Patrice Lumumba of Congo, who represented the fordible calibre of leadership of those times.

FRELIMO gained power in 1975 with Samora Machel as the first president. Eduardo Mondlane had been assassinated in 1969 by an explosive device concealed in a parcel delivered to him while in Tanzania.[1] Samora Machel was assassinated in a plane crash in 1986, brought down by a South African intelligence operation.

Samora Machel [Source: utopix.cc]

By 1976 civil war had erupted in Mozambique with the formation of RENAMO. This civil war, as with that which unfolded in Angola to counter the implementation of peace and prosperity of the elected government of Agostinho Neto under the MPLA, turned into a protracted and extremely brutal period which only ended in 1992 with the transition in South Africa from Apartheid to democratic rule.

RENAMO, Resistência Nacional Moçambicana, formed in northern Mozambique as a regional tribal interest in securing power in a FRELIMO-dominated government, ostensibly opposed to their communist ideology. Taken in the context of other African liberation stories, it is most likely the case that Ian Smith’s Rhodesia took foreign funding to help form RENAMO as part of the Cold War playbook, pitting opposing forces of Western democracy and Soviet communism against each other, both ultimately stemming from the same source as the City of London bankers who financed the Bolsheviks and Karl Marx.

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Ian Smith [Source: mediastorehouse.com]

Tiny Rowland of Lonrho would have played a similar role as was his role in Angola; Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) was also backing RENAMO as the FRELIMO government was harboring and supporting Robert Mugabe’s ZANLA, Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army. Apparently Samora Machel disliked Mugabe and called him out as a CIA asset.

In the South Africa of the 1980s with the South African Border Wars in full swing in Angola and South West Africa (now Namibia), it was common knowledge that South Africa was running RENAMO.[2]

In 1992 the Rome General Peace Accords were signed between FRELIMO and RENAMO. The Catholic Church of Rome was responsible for brokering the peace negotiations. Northern Mozambique continued to remain underdeveloped by the Maputo-orientated FRELIMO government.

And all became quiet in northern Mozambique for a time.

Fast Forward to Natural Gas

In 2009 oil prospectors from a Texas company, Anadarko, declared the discovery of one of the world’s biggest reserves of liquefied natural gas (LNG) off the coast of Cabo Delgado, northern Mozambique.

Anadarko, having spent billions on prospecting, procuring and construction of facilities, sold its stake in the venture to Total Energy according to this Reuters article dated 2019:

Anadarko has agreed to be taken over by Occidental Petroleum Corp. Anadarko led a liquefied natural gas project in Mozambique, but was replaced by Total after the French oil major agreed to buy Anadarko’s African assets for $8.8 billion as part of the Occidental takeover. Total will be the main operator of Mozambique LNG with a stake of 26.5%. ENH Rovuma Área Um, S.A. will own 15%, Mitsui E&P Mozambique Area1 Ltd will hold 20%, ONGC Videsh Ltd, Beas Rovuma Energy Mozambique Limited and BPRL Ventures Mozambique each have 10%, while PTTEP Mozambique Area 1 Limited will have 8.5%.

In 2013 RENAMO discarded the peace agreement, blaming a Mozambican military attack on its headquarters. Out of the blue RENAMO re-emerged in shiny new uniforms with shiny new weapons. Who supplied the new equipment for the re-invention of a militarized RENAMO?

In 2020 Al Jazeera conducted an extensive interview with the founder of Executive Outcomes, Major General Eeben Barlow, who can undoubtedly be considered the African who knows more than any other about the foreign backed insurgencies that have, and continue to plague the continent. He has been described as the nemesis of the Warlords of Westminster and Washington:

Interviewer: “But what happened to that progressing and once progressing and relaxed country like Mozambique, I mean it was stable and progressing and peaceful. Why such an influx of PMCs [private military companies]?”

Eeben Barlow: “Ironically, they discovered oil and gas. It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out that any country that discovers oil and gas is suddenly going to find themselves under severe threat from many quarters as people try to claim that oil and gas for themselves. We see Mozambique shortly after the oil and gas discovery was announced, a previous liberation movement known as RENAMO suddenly reappeared with new equipment and new uniforms. Where did they get that from?”

Interviewer: “Where do you think they are getting that from?”

Eeben Barlow: “Well, we can only speculate on that, so I don’t have the proof of that but it doesn’t take rocket science to figure out who was up there when the oil and gas was discovered.”

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Eeben Barlow [Source: citizen.co.za]

ISIS in Africa: Recycling Africa`s Mercenaries

In 2020 Tanzanian authorities apprehended 600 mercenaries en route to the DRC. They were Eritreans, Somalians and Ethiopians, seasoned fighters, spill-overs from al-Shabaab, Boko Haram and the TPLF.

The fundamental truth that one must remember is that the ADF (Allied Democratic Forces) that are operating in North Kivu and Ituri provinces of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo are solely comprised of foreigners who are Islamic extremists and who conduct acts of terrorism on the local Congolese populations that are so extremely barbaric in nature that they defy words.

The acts include amputations, mutilations and cannibalism. South Africa is fully aware that ADF members routinely cross its borders and, in effect, operate from within the Republic of South Africa. Evidence of this is in the proliferation of military training camps in remote parts of the country with their existence covered up by the State.

In Mozambique in 2017 an insurgency of Islamic militants emerged in Cabo Delgado Province calling themselves Ansar al-Sunna. Their purpose is to terrorize the local population whereas their scorched-earth policy does not apply to resource extraction. Ansar al-Sunna has never attacked the LNG project.  

Since 2017 more than one million Mozambicans have become IDPs.

AFP In this file photo taken on August 24, 2019 The remains of a burned and destroyed home is seen in the recently attacked village of Aldeia da Paz outside Macomia
Demolished homes in Mozambique. [Source: bbc.com]

More than 4,000 people have been murdered, many by the most grotesque acts of beheading and cannibalism. In 2020, three videos were circulated on social media. The first shows a woman, stripped naked, walking in front of a group of soldiers who are interrogating her as she walks, naked. She turns to them and they shoot her point blank in the head, naked.

The second shows an attack on a bus moments after it occurred. A young man lurches toward the person filming, vomiting blood before he collapses. The female passengers on the bus lie dead and dying with their clothes torn, their underwear showing, the foot well of the bus driver’s seat is a pool of blood.

The third shows a man speaking in Portuguese to the person filming. He is surrounded by mutilated and beheaded bodies. He bends down and hacks off the arm of one of the men lying at his feet.

In late 2020, when violence spiked, 50 local people were taken to a football ground and be-headed.

Such incidents are numerous.

A Mozambican army soldier examines a village after it was attacked by jihadists in 2018
Mozambican soldier in destroyed village. [Source: dailymail.co.uk]

Following the Play Book:  DISINFORMATION PSYOP

According to this BBC article:

“Observers say the evolution of the insurgency in Mozambique is remarkably similar to Boko Haram’s emergence in northern Nigeria, with a marginalised group exploiting local grievances, terrorising many communities, but also offering an alternative path for unemployed youths frustrated by a corrupt, neglectful and heavy-handed state.”

The FRELIMO government has attempted to downplay the terrorism occurring in the completely underdeveloped and neglected north. However, former President Nyusi made a speech recently which was reported as follows:

Mozambican president Filipe Nyusi warned on Friday that terrorism could divide the country, advocating that everyone unite to fight rebel groups in Cabo Delgado province, in northern Mozambique.”

One wonders if Nyusi has become concerned that the monstrosities his government has allowed to take place is now becoming a threat to FRELIMO power. Recent post-election events are proving this to be the case. However, the FRELIMO government has fulfilled its duty and turned the insurgency into a regional problem. Since July 2021 Southern African Development Community forces and the Rwandan Defense Force have been operational in the area.

Rwanda | Cabo Delgado: Mozambican Defence Minister visits Rwandan forces – The New Times
Mozambican Defense Minister visits Rwandan forces. [Source: africa-press.net]

Come Join the Party. Giving Kagame Something to Fight For

The Club of Mozambique reported in November 2022:

“Mozambican President, Filipe Nyusi, on Monday called again for arms support from the European Union (EU) to combat terrorism in Cabo Delgado.

‘That support for Mozambique is not limited only to non-lethal [equipment],’ given the need to make ‘the defence and security forces more robust for combat intervention,’ Nyusi urged on the sidelines of the opening of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, meeting in the Mozambican capital, set to run for the next three days.

The head of state also asked that financial support already allocated by the EU for military support for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) should also be granted to Rwanda, which also supports Mozambican troops in Cabo Delgado—particularly in areas to which the country wants the return of natural gas projects.

The EU announced in early September the allocation of €15 million for the SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM), notably for field fortifications and storage containers, medical equipment, vehicles and boats, as well as technological devices.

This instalment complements an €89 million funding to Mozambique’s armed forces aimed at equipping the units being trained by the EU mission in the country.

Terrorism is one of the issues on the agenda of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) assembly and the EU, and MEP Carlos Zorrinho, co-chairman of the assembly, had already announced in his speech that the EU would take further steps to support Mozambique in Cabo Delgado, without giving details.

He said that the delivery of lethal weapons ‘is not normally’ in the EU’s support package, ‘but there are many ways of helping and cooperating, without necessarily having to supply weapons.’”

Mozambicans deeply resent the presence of Rwandan forces in their country. A video on TikTok shows a number of local people blocking a road in Bobole, Maputo Province, to stop the Rwandan military vehicles from entering the town. People are shouting “Get out Rwanda! Go back home to Rwanda!”

Rwandan forces in Mozambique where they are deeply resented. [Source: en.wikipedia.org]

Home Grown or Implanted? Recycling African Mercenaries

A video conference held in 2021 by the Center for Strategic and International Studies is an example of UN policy which is to deliberate a crisis for long enough to allow the situation to escalate and the region to become ungovernable.

“For Hanna Tetteh, the priority should be to ‘be able to understand what are the challenges within the Cabo Delgado region and how are we going to support…[the Southern African Development Community (SADC)], which has demonstrated that it wishes to take leadership on this issue.” The support has to be given at the level of bringing ‘the political tools to bear to try and create solutions within those regions and deal with some of the governance deficits that they have—lack of service provision, challenges with inequality—and, of course, at the same time, to provide a humanitarian response,’ she emphasized.”

At the time of this CSIS meeting the Nyusi government had already received a proposal to resolve the insurgency in Cabo Delgado by Exectuvie Outcomes.

The proposal for Executive Outcomes involvement in Mozambique is in a document titled: PRE-PROPOSAL DISCUSSION DOCUMENT: AN APPROACH TO DEFEATING THE ISLAMIST INSURGENCY IN NORTHERN MOZAMBIQUE,  3 November 2020.

It was handed to Mozambique’s Defense Attaché, Colonel Simon Zengeni, in Pretoria, South Africa.

Not only was the Nyusi government in receipt of this workable proposal but the proposal came already financed by a philanthropic organization.

And yet the Nyusi government did not accept the proposal and acted instead in accordance with its co-criminal allies and hired a Russian private military company and a SADC force that were set up to fail, resulting in the use of the Rwandan Defense Force for which Paul Kagame’s Rwanda has been awarded millions by the European Union for its defense budget.

Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi and Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame. [Source: paulkagame.com]

As things stand today the foreign-backed insurgency in Cabo Delgado Province has, indeed, resulted in the destabilization of northern Mozambique, the downfall of the FRELIMO government, and the obstruction of the development of the new gas and oil industry for the benefit of the State. It has also destroyed a good and developing tourism sector, driven off foreign investment, and cost the lives of thousands and the suffering of a million or more people.

The media, and the FRELIMO government, intentionally push the point that the Islamic insurgency in the north is a result of poverty and underdevelopment, that it is “home grown.” Such a narrative normalizes the existence of cannibalistic terrorists, as if somehow local Mozambicans could become so radicalized that they could turn upon each other and perform acts too grotesque for words. The insistence that radical Islam is being normalized, routinized is a cover story, a very dangerous cover story that has only one purpose and that is acceptance. It is desired of the general public that they believe the terrorists are the good guys and that leadership that happens to be Muslim in faith, are the bad guys.

Radical Islam is never home grown. Radical Islam is venture capitalism. It runs on oil or drugs or human trafficking or a combination of the three. That is how it funds itself. In 2010 British academic Mark Curtis published Secret Affairs: Britain`s Collusion with Radical Islam.

The book illustrates how radical Islam has been nurtured. British investigative journalist Vanessa Beeley has documented the creation of the Free Syrian opposition in Syria by Britain. Her work can be viewed here on her Substack. Note how Wikipedia is used to malign her work. Her work and archives of it, dating back to the start of Syria’s destabilization, can be found on the UK Column.

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Courageous British journalist Vanessa Beeley. [Source: finalscape.com]

That radical Islam is synthetic is an open secret. It is the secret army of the Warlords of Westminster and Washington as explained to those who will listen by the extraordinarily brave Americans, former CIA intelligence analysts such as Larry Johnson, Scott Ritter and others of their ilk.

The following is a quote from page 488 of Eeben Barlow’s recently published book, The War for Africa: Conflict, Crime, Corruption & Foreign Interests. The author’s words—from 2016—were prophetic. All that he warned has now come to pass:

“On 27 May 2016, a meeting with a representative of the Mozambiquan government resulted in me writing a confirmatory letter to him—on his request. In it, I stated:

Our discussion on 27 May 2016 re Mozambique refers:

I believe one must first analyze and consider the comment made by Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Council adviser to President Jimmy Carter, that a divided and warring Africa serves the very best interests of the U.S. Brzezinski stated: ‘…protecting access to hydrocarbons and other strategic resources which Africa has in abundance, (is) a task which includes ensuring against the vulnerability of those natural riches and ensuring that no other interested third parties, such as China, India, Japan, or Russia, obtain monopolies or preferential treatment.’

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Zbigniew Brzezinski [Source: thefamouspeople.com]

My letter went on to state:

‘In the coming months, the government of Mozambique can expect attacks across all of its Pillars of State with the aim of destabilizing and discrediting both the government and the security forces [i.e.,] Intelligence, Police and the Armed Forces….Pressure will also be put on the IMF and World Bank to deny Mozambique access to foreign capital and loans. Regardless, these actions will erode the economy…’”

Mondlane’s return and the unrest it has provoked looks also to be part of a preconceived plan to destabilize Mozambique.

In the 1980s, the Reagan administration supported RENAMO in a low intensity warrfare operation and with the neo-conservative still in power in Washington, they haven’t lost sight of their long term agenda.

  1. Tanzania has a curious role in the liberation era. Pan-Africanists abhored the notion that Julius Nyerere was anything other than a liberation saint. Tanzania acted as a breeding ground for leftist Marxist ideology and schooled many of Africa’s leadership in Marxist rhetoric. Unbeknownst to many at the time, their Marxist rhetoric would serve as justification for the Cold War to play out across Africa.

  2. John Stockwell was the CIA field operator in Angola under orders from Henry Kissinger to make life as difficult as possible for the liberation government of Agostinho Neto. He documented his mission in his whistleblower book In Search of Enemies. The CIA crafted Holden Roberto’s FNLA while the Anglo-American network of Harry Oppenheimer worked with Angus Ogilvy and Tiny Rowland in support of Jonas Savimbi’s UNITA Party which paid in diamonds. South Africa was then brought in to use its soldiers to fight with RENAMO and UNITA, allies in the Cold War in Africa.

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