On April 4, 2018—a date symbolically chosen because it is the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination—Clare Grady and six other activists broke into the Kings Bay Submarine base in St. Mary’s, Georgia, the largest nuclear submarine base in the world.  They carried hammers and baby bottles filled...
RE: Bought-And-Paid-For: Biden’s Long History Pandering to the Israeli Lobby by Editors – February 13, 2021 Great piece on Joe Biden. As you are well aware, from its very outset, the Zionist project has been predicated on theft (stealing land), and violence—displacing people while many times injuring and killing the indigenous...
Part 4 of: WHO IS JOE BIDEN, REALLY? -- CAM exposes his 30-year history as a pawn of U.S.-Israel policy despite its ongoing violation of Palestinian rights and crimes against humanity....
While war corporations, or so-called "defense contractors," make billions in profits, Wall Street is the ultimate beneficiary of today’s nonstop wars. The prosaic nature of war profiteering—far from the work of a shadowy cabal—is precisely why the collusion is so destructive and should be outlawed. The U.S. ruling class deploys...
Peace Activists Conduct a Public Shaming of the University of Arkansas for its Links to a Prominent Nuclear Bomb Parts Supplier for the U.S. Government On Friday, January 22nd, a group of peace activists held a rally on the University of Arkansas campus in Fayetteville to protest a contract between...
Despite unprecedented U.S. military and economic pressure, North Korea has kept its economy stable and increased the power and scope of its nuclear deterrent, forcing Washington to temper its bellicosity and come to the table. With the inauguration of a new administration in January 2021 following a year of decline for...
Two U.S. peace researchers, Michael T. Klare, professor emeritus of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College, and Joseph Gerson, president of the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, have launched a new organization, the Committee for a SANE U.S.-China policy that seeks to counter the U.S....
President Lyndon B. Johnson's doctor, Dr. Joseph Eusterman, wrote on January 16, 2021: Thank you CAM and Mr. DiEugenio for this superb and important essay. I am a 91 years young retired internist. I was stationed at USNH-NNMC-Bethesda (now Walter Reed) from ’61 to ’63 caring for hi-ranking Navy, Marine and civilian govt. personnel. When then VP Johnson emergently returned from Pope John 23’s installation in Italy due to a painful kidney stone attack, I was assigned to oversee his case management...
Amidst a deadly global pandemic, rising threat of climate change, and nuclear war, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (The Bulletin) has set its 2021 clock at 100 seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been to armaggedon. In a press conference on Wednesday, January 27th, Rachel Bronson, the director...
Part III of our exclusive Biden Series on Joe Biden’s foreign policy positions through the years: The Balkans In his 2008 memoir, Promises to Keep, then Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden touted his leadership on the Balkan conflict as one of his two proudest moments in public life. He pushed...

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