Part 1 - French and Belgian politicians foment jihadist conspiracy Since the end of February 2020, thousands of refugees and migrants have been trying to cross the Greek border by way of Turkey, specifically in the border region along the Evros River, but also by boat to the Greek island...
Will Marion Maréchal (MM), who announced her premature retirement from politics three years ago at age 27, return to the forefront? Having since founded her far-right “metapolitical school,” the Institute of Social, Economic and Political Sciences (ISSEP) in Lyon, MM looks to be far from done with her political...
Right-wing radicals and neo-fascists have become more powerful in Russia over the past few years.  After the Soviet Union collapsed, the new, aggressively anti-communist government of Boris Yeltsin overthrew the weak social-democratic government of Mikhail Gorbachev, and two right-wing Russian structures merged. The émigré anti-communists, who had been nurtured...
Listen to the latest episode of Randy Credico’s acclaimed radio show “Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom,” an ongoing exploration of the prosecution and persecution of the imprisoned WikiLeaks founder. Part One: Alicia Castro and Martin Stolar Alicia Castro, currently Argentina’s ambassador to the Russian Federation, first met Julian Assange in London,...
With the dramatic rise of extreme Rightist, Fascist, and neo-Nazi parties and movements in Europe, attention is now focusing on the last stages of a profoundly important trial in Greece. In Athens on September 18, 2013 Pavlos Fyssas, an antifascist rapper, was murdered by Giorgios Roupakias, a member of a gang from...
Many still see Germany as a beacon of stability in an increasingly polarized Europe, with the Christian Democratic chancellor Angela Merkel leading the country for 15 years in a row by now. But the façade of ostensible perdurability is crumbling quickly as the country currently experiences rather drastic shifts in its political power structure,...
The head of Rassemblement National (RN)—formerly known as Front National—Marine Le Pen (MLP) announced during her New Year's greetings to the press on January 16, 2020, that she would be a candidate in the 2022 presidential election.  "One can’t improvise oneself as president, one prepares for it" explained Marine Le Pen, in her incessant...
Listen to the latest episode of Randy Credico’s acclaimed radio show Live on the Fly. This series entitled “Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom” is an ongoing exploration of the prosecution and persecution of the imprisoned WikiLeaks founder. Who’s Who on Episode 10 of Live on the Fly Jesselyn Radack heads the...
Listen to the latest episode of Randy Credico’s acclaimed radio show “Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom,” an ongoing exploration of the prosecution and persecution of the imprisoned WikiLeaks founder.
The recent assassination of the Christian democrat Walter Lübcke, president of the Kassel governmental district, by right-wing extremists, marks the first murder of a politician in Germany in over half a century. It comes at a time in which there is a significant surge of white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups in Germany and...

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