Steve Brown

Steve Brown is a member of the Editorial Board of CovertAction Magazine.
He can be reached at
Giant Mobile Billboard Campaign for Julian Assange Goes Viral and Will Keep On Truckin’ Round the Nation’s Capital
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What started as a one-man “shame-on-you” protest against the Justice Department—launched by comedian-activist Randy Credico—has gone viral as “Buy-a-Billboard-for-Julian” Campaign supported by activists worldwide
Co-Founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, Ben Cohen, pledged: “I’ll Match Each and Every Donation to The Julian Assange Mobile Billboard Campaign”
Two weeks ago CovertAction Magazine...
Giant Satirical Billboards—Mounted on Trucks Driven All Over the Nation’s Capital—Are Publicly Shaming Democratic Party Leaders for Their Illegal Persecution of Julian Assange
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The mobile billboards are a brainchild of standup-comic-turned-activist Randy Credico. Each one is 15 feet long and circulates around DC's most famous landmarks, skewering the hypocrisy of Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, Jerald Nadler, Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats.
D.C. residents and tourists—as many as 40,000 a day—are stopping in...
Biden’s order to declassify FBI files relating to the 9/11 attacks is a public relations stunt that will reveal little and satisfy no one
Given that this is the 20th anniversary of 9/11, many investigators have reexamined this tragic event in hopes of learning important lessons or shedding new light...
Hunter Biden has discovered a sly new way to sell his famous family name to corrupt foreign billionaires and oligarchs. If his powerful father continues to help him behind the scenes—by twisting arms and dangling tempting U.S. loan packages—Joe Biden’s little boy might eventually wind up as rich as...
His two children could lose their father for the rest of their lives
Although important legal principles are at stake in the extradition trial of Julian Assange, for which a ruling will be handed down on January 4, it should not be forgotten that there are important human issues at...
By now you have probably been told innumerable times by friends, colleagues and progressive commentators why holding your nose and voting for Joe Biden is absolutely necessary to save America from four more destructive years of Donald Trump.
I agree with all those voices. And I endorse all their reasons—which...
On March 17, William H. Blum, the feisty investigative journalist who (literally) wrote the book on CIA crimes and coverups – and who passed away on December 9 at age 85 – was remembered and celebrated at a public memorial in Washington, D.C. The event, which took place at...