Thomas C. Mountain

Thomas C. Mountain
Thomas C. Mountain is an educator and historian with over 40 years background in Africa. He lived and reported from Eritrea from 2006-2021 and at one time was the most widely distributed independent journalist in Africa. Follow him on X/twitter at thomascmountain. He is best reached at
The U.S. war against Yemen is slowly but surely heating up. With more and bigger bombs the U.S. is doing the only thing it knows how to do when what it is doing is not working, something even Joe Biden has admitted. Some might think this story started on October...
With the announcement by the U.S. Defense Department of the creation of five new bases in Somalia, the U.S. has made it clear it is stepping up its intervention in the country. The previous government in Somalia had run the U.S. military out of Somalia, pretty much, but when the...