The U.S. May Have Lost the Military War in Syria, But Has Won the Propaganda War at Home By Portraying its Murderous Invasion as a Moral Crusade
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 16
As It Did with Castro in Cuba and Noriega in Panama, the “Mighty Wurlitzer” of U.S. Propaganda Defused Antiwar Sentiment by Painting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as a Brutal Animal Who Had to Be Removed.
In 1991, famed MIT linguist Noam Chomsky published a political pamphlet called Media Control: The...
Dutch Socialist Condemns Her Party’s Shameful “Dumb Monkey” Response To The Syrian War—Sadly Echoed Not Only By Corporate Media But Also Left-Wing Media
Sonja Van den Ende - 2
How Her Visit to War-Torn Syria Led a Dutch Socialist Reporter to Lose Her Faith in the West
The picture below is a frame from a smug Western documentary on the Syrian War. I wrote the caption in 2020, after viewing the documentary, which was a piece of propaganda filled...
Weaponizing “Humanitarian Aid” to Syria: Deceitful Cover for U.S. Support of Al Qaeda and Excuse to Violate Syrian Sovereignty and UN Charter
Rick Sterling - 3
On Friday July 9 the UN Security Council unanimously agreed to a conditional one-year extension of the Turkey/Syria border crossing at Bab al Hawa. As part of the agreement, the UN Secretary General needs to report regularly on what is happening with the aid going into the Al Qaeda dominated...
The Syria Deception: The Public Has Been Hoodwinked Yet Again into Supporting a Criminal War of Aggression—and One That Has Been Effectively Lost
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 40
United States warmakers have become so skilled at propaganda that not only can they wage a war of aggression without arousing protest; they can also compel liberals to denounce peace activists using language reminiscent of the McCarthy era.
Take the case of Syria. The people and groups one would normally...
A Tale of Two Ambassador Fords: Both Served as Ambassador to Syria but Have Very Different Analyses of the Country’s War
Rick Sterling - 1
In the past few months, Grayzone journalist Aaron Maté has interviewed two former ambassadors to Syria: former UK Ambassador Peter Ford and former U.S. Ambassador Robert S. Ford. The two ambassadors have a common surname but very different perspectives...