I just returned from my third trip to Russia, and my second trip to Donbas (now referring to the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk collectively) in about eight months. This time, I flew into lovely Tallinn, Estonia, and took what should be about a six-hour bus ride to St....
State terror operations that follow from CIA playbook contradict saintly image of Zelensky promoted in the U.S. media. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s saintly image in the media is contradicted by state terror operations being conducted under his orders against political dissidents and Ukrainian civilians accused of collaboration with Russia. The Associated...
U.S. has a long history of subcontracting dirty counterinsurgency operations to brutal proxy forces–the Georgian Legion is but the latest The Georgian Legion stands out among the many right-wing militias of Ukraine. While most of the new breed of Ukrainian fascists are active on social media, the Georgian Legion has gone...
Empty mall parking lot and existence of a munitions plant nearby raise questions about official narrative advanced in mainstream U.S. media On Tuesday June 28, mainstream media outlets reported that at least 18 people were killed and dozens injured in a Russian missile strike on a “crowded shopping mall” in...
Why negotiate a diplomatic settlement and adhere to the Minsk agreement when there is so much money in war? During a recent interview with German magazine Der Spiegel, former Chancellor and European political heavyweight Angela Merkel revealed that the Minsk accords, a comprehensive 2015 diplomatic treaty, agreed by the EU,...
As the war in Ukraine rages on, I visited the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk as an embedded reporter with the Russian army. Both of the republics are the trigger of the current conflict. Russian President Vladimir Putin declared their independence on February 24, 2022, something a lot of people were...
The eastern Ukrainian countryside is being littered with Ukrainian Army mines while some towns have been abandoned as residents had to escape Ukrainian Army shelling. Residents consider Americans who send money to the Ukrainian government in the belief that they are protecting them from the Russians to be “idiotic” and...
On December 12, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was again given the red-carpet treatment of a rock star as he made one of his regular visits to Washington, D.C. to plead for more U.S. military aid. This time, however, the act of the former comedian had begun to grow thin as...
Back in the 1960s and 1970s during the war in Vietnam, everybody knew about the “credibility gap,” which morphed into Credibility Gulch as the official story stretched ever-farther from reality. We are seeing it again in the current war between the United States/NATO and Russia, being fought out mainly in...
On November 19th anti-war activists across the United States and across the world launched a new multi-national grassroots movement to demand the end to the current war in Ukraine and an end to NATO expansion. With the recent bombing of Poland, the serious threat of nuclear war looms larger around the globe and U.S. imperialism continues to wage it’s own proxy war in Ukraine against Russia.