Dear Reader,
We hope this message finds you well.
We are facing an unprecedented challenge: while the critical work that we do at CovertAction Magazine (CAM) has never been more vital, we urgently need your monetary support to continue to provide the fearless, timely and accurate, investigative reporting that you depend on.
Dire Straits
If we don’t meet our spring fundraising goal, we will be left with no choice but to turn out the lights and end publishing CovertAction Magazine. It’s that serious!
Only your immediate donation will help us overcome this shortfall and allow us to continue our mission exposing the hidden crimes of the U.S. government and plutocrats worldwide.
Your contribution, no matter the size, will help us maintain our steadfast commitment to providing compensation for CAM writers, editors, and technical support. We understand that times are tough for many, but we firmly believe that together we can make a significant difference. CAM relies heavily on your support, just as much as you rely heavily on CAM!
How You Can Help
Please visit our website donation page to make a secure, online donation. You can also send a check made out to CovertAction Institute, Inc. and mail it to:
CovertAction Institute, Inc.
55 Gerard Street, #1323
Huntington, NY 11743
Remember, your donation is tax-deductible, and every dollar brings us closer to achieving our fundraising goal. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to CovertAction Magazine, we truly cannot do this without you.
In Solidarity,
Chris Agee, Jeremy Kuzmarov and the CovertAction team