Tag: Asia
Manufacturing Consent for War: 70 Years of CIA Coups, Assassinations, False Flag Operations and Mass Murder
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 27
A Review of Vijay Prashad’s book, Washington Bullets: A History of the CIA, Coups, and Assassinations, with foreword by Evo Morales (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2020).
During his confirmation hearing in February, the CIA’s latest director William J. Burns continued a long Agency tradition of playing up the threat...
The Cautionary Tale Of “Doctor America”: How Dr. Tom Dooley—Once A Universally Revered Secular Saint to Millions—Found the CIA and Lost His Halo
James Bradley - 5
How the Dulles brothers, the CIA and the U.S. Navy conspired to turn a decent man into a deceitful spreader of disinformation in support of the Vietnam War
The Cold War birthed imaginary nations like East Germany and West Germany, North Korea and South Korea. By 1954 Hồ Chí Minh...
Fire-fighting foams used on bases worldwide are contaminating the environment and endangering public health.
Günther Schneider, a farmer from Binsfeld, Germany, has photos that show what the stream that flows through the village of Binsfeld looks like when aqueous film-forming foam is released from a fire suppression system in...
By failing to educate students about the many genocides the U.S. government has supported, they promote a dangerous nationalistic ideology.
In the age of the pandemic, as many high school classes are being taught remotely, the value of personal interaction for students cannot be overstated. While traditional high school history...
Ban Killer Drones: International Campaign of Civil Disobedience Necessary (Part 2)
Brian Terrell - 3
A large campaign of civil disobedience is necessary to abolish one of the U.S. military's monstrous creations
The headline of the Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan on November 30, 2012, page one above the fold with my photo, read “Terrell: American Drone Strikes Must Stop.”
I was served well by this...
Ban Killer Drones: International Grassroots Movement to Ban Weaponized Drones Launched (Part 1)
Jack Gilroy - 2
An international grassroots movement to ban weaponized drones and military and police surveillance, entitled Ban Killer Drones, has been launched. Go to www.bankillerdrones.org to see the teamwork results of this excellent resource on the United States’s not-so-secret assassinations around the world.
A group of long-time anti-drone war organizers, including Nick...
Dan Ellsberg Blows the Whistle Again at UMASS-Amherst Conference to Commemorate His Legacy
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 9
The 90-year-old Pentagon Papers leaker details top secret plans in 1958 to destroy Taiwan and warns that similar discussions are going on in the Pentagon today.
Dan Ellsberg, the legendary whistleblower who has been arrested more than 75 times for protesting the U.S. warfare state, has not mellowed with age.
As cities and towns are faced with rising poverty, homelessness and drug addiction, the authorities respond with more social control, using a technology that makes George Orwell’s 1984 seem tame
I’m seated in the police Zoom briefing with other council members representing Hastings, my small English seaside town in East...
James Bradley, Author of Flags of Our Fathers, #1 New York Times Best-Seller, Speaks Out Against the U.S. Military Encirclement of China
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 20
In an exclusive interview with CAM, James Bradley warns that war could break out anytime, and the U.S. would be to blame. Bradley calls for renewed engagement with China at a grass-roots level.
In February the U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, made it a priority to phone Rui Figueiredo, the Foreign Affairs and Defense Minister of Cape Verde. They spoke about commerce and “security.” Why is the tiny African nation of Cape Verde (population 550,000) a U.S. priority? It is because the U.S. is behind China in the latest “scramble for Africa.”