Tag: China
Claims made by transatlantic politicians and their media partners turn reality upside down—and would baffle even George Orwell.
U.S. President Joe Biden, Western politicians and their media partners agree that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was “unprovoked.” The president of the country notorious for its numerous unprovoked wars of aggression called...
Bioterrorism expert and whistleblower alleges that CIA secretly collaborated in supporting unethical gain of function research that resulted in the manufacture of the COVID-19 virus, which was then leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Dr. Andrew G. Huff is an Iraq War veteran and infectious disease epidemiologist with a...
Militarism and Diplomacy in the South China Sea: The Propaganda Machine is Mobilized
Andi Olluri - 4
A recent Pentagon conference on psychological warfare noted that the forces of indoctrination “cannot wait until a crisis begins.” A high-ranking chief at the Department of Defense suggested a model for propaganda, in no way new: “Look at marketing…What makes people drink Coke, what makes people drink Pepsi?” In...
China Appears Poised to Achieve through Cooperation in the 21st Century what Japan Sought to Achieve through Coercion in the 20th
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 4
U.S. elites have predictably reacted with hysteria to China’s rise and could go so far as to provoke a world war to try to salvage their Southeast Asia empire—as the Roosevelt administration did with Japan on the eve of Pearl Harbor.
From 1991 to 2021 China achieved ten-fold growth in...
Biden Administration Tramples on Japan’s Post-World War II Pacifist Constitution By Pushing Country’s Rearmament
Sara Flounders - 0
Main target is China in dangerously provocative policy that faces no visible domestic opposition in the U.S.
On December 16, Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced a new defense strategy that doubled Japan’s military spending by 2027. Japan further agreed to acquire offensive weapons and reshape its military command...
Shameless Hypocrisy: West Shows Solidarity with Chinese Protesters While it Conceals its Own Earlier Massive Atrocities Against China
Felix Abt - 1
Of course, police brutality against peaceful protesters in China and elsewhere is reprehensible and condemnable. When it happens in China, it is particularly heinous—at least from the point of view of Western mainstream media and politicians who are particularly concerned about human rights in China.
Only exceptionally does a Western...
CovertAction Bulletin – China’s COVID Outbreak and Protests: Myths and Facts
Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa - 3
Western media described recent protests in China as “mark[ing] a new awakening” and represent a significant challenge to Xi Jinping and the Communist Party of China. After years of leading the world in addressing COVID-19, the Chinese government is indeed relaxing some of the lockdown regulations, but the situation is far more nuanced than the media is reporting.
Western Media Has Not Much Evolved From the Era of the Yellow Peril in Its Routine China-Bashing
Felix Abt - 24
Distorted coverage of alleged removal of Hu Jintao from Communist Party Congress is par for the course along with other recent coverage.
It is common for Western media to automatically imply or label everything that happens in China as “evil.” The most recent case concerns the events surrounding former Communist...
Outrageous Brainwashing Event—Sponsored By Bush Institute and CIA-Backed National Endowment for Democracy (NED)—Deliberately Falsifies History to Inflame American Hatred Against Russia and China
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 4
Head of International Republican Institute Dan Twining ridiculously compares Putin-Xi meeting to Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact between Hitler and Stalin, while former Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs accuses Russia of igniting protests in Chile
Russia-bashing was in full vogue at a conference at the George W. Bush Institute in Dallas...
U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping met for more than three hours at the G20 conference November 14 and 15 in Indonesia. They needed to discuss each other’s “red lines,” Biden said.
The meeting wasn’t just about Taiwan, where U.S. war ships cross China’s “red lines”...