Tag: CIA

Leon Panetta was drowned out by anti-war activists when he spoke at 2016 convention, but not this time Former CIA Director Leon Panetta (2009-2011) was among the featured speakers on the final day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago on August 22 when Kamala Harris accepted the party’s...
As Bad As Nixon Was, Things Got So Much Worse After He Left the White House Fifty years ago, on August 9, 1974, Richard M. Nixon resigned the presidency in disgrace on the threshold of impeachment as a result of the Watergate scandal. Two years earlier, five men, including a salaried...
American Author Who Lived in Nepal Has Evidence Indicating That CIA and/or U.S. Special Forces Operatives Coordinated Slaughter of King and His Family and Then Covered It Up On the night of June 1, 2001, a lovesick Nepali prince, fearing that he would be disowned if he went ahead...
CIA Destabilized the Country by Supporting Invasions from Thailand by Exiled Politician Son Ngoc Thanh That Were Designed to Overthrow Neutralist Prince Norodom Sihanouk Who Allied with Communist China and Supported the Vietcong Around the time of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s 100th birthday, The Intercept ran a series...
National Endowment for Democracy Recognizes Unelected Heads of State and Honors Russian Traitor Who Lobbied for Sanctions on His Own Country in Alliance with Billionaire Con Man Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), both war hawks and advocates of regime change around the world,...
Vance’s top funder, Peter Thiel, co-founded the data-analytics company Palantir, which has the CIA as a client, and was an early investor in Facebook, the CIA’s “wet dream.” Surging in the polls after surviving an assassination attempt, Donald Trump boosted his prospects of becoming the next president by nominating J....
Confronted with an incoherent assertion, an exasperated Bertrand Russell once sighed, “Statements of this kind, I must confess, leave me gasping, and I hardly know where to begin.” I found myself repeatedly having the same thought while making my way through a delusional new book about the intelligence community. Big...
On May 26, The New York Times Magazine ran a feature story by Matthieu Aikins entitled “America’s Monster: Uncovering the Brutal Career of Abdul Raziq—And the Hidden Truths of the War in Afghanistan.” The story detailed the U.S. military and CIA’s support for Abdul Raziq, a police commander in Spin...
Don’t participate in the unfruitful actions of darkness,instead, reveal the truth about them. Ephesians 5:11 In August 2017, CIA’s front company Noetic International Inc. signed an agreement with RKW Strategic Services LLC, a U.S.-based “waste-to-energy” (WTE) firm headed by a Polish immigrant. According to the Noetic’s press release, the agreement implied...
The CIA-linked Cicero Institute’s campaign to make it illegal to be homeless. A confluence of horrific policies is converging that threatens the freedom of homeless people in the United States. Governors and big city mayors across the western United States are demanding the “right” to drive the homeless from view...