Tag: Coup d'état

Venezuela has itself experienced multiple U.S.-backed coup attempts On June 27, 2024, the Venezuelan government condemned the failed military coup attempt that sought to unseat Bolivia’s left-wing government. Venezuela’s government has itself survived repeated coup attempts backed by the United States since the country’s Bolivarian Revolution in the late 1990s. The...
On July 26, former President Mohamad Bazoum was removed from power by a military general, Tchiani. This has set off a wave of condemnation and threats of military intervention from the US and France, for whom Bazoum proved to be a reliable ally. Thousands have rallied to support Niger’s new leadership since July 26, reportedly carrying banners reading ”Down with France” and “Foreign bases out”. The US has about 1,100 troops in Niger and France has about 1,500...
Part I of a CAM investigation into the origins of the Ukraine War: U.S. and NATO involvement in the February 2014 Coup and Maidan Massacre, and their historical antecedents As I write, the world is on the edge of nuclear and humanitarian crises after a year of the Ukraine...
In interview with British journalist, Morales says the U.S. uses NATO to provoke wars and sell weapons. U.S./UK-backed coup against him in 2019 was undertaken for lithium and because his government advanced an alternative economic model to the neoliberal “Washington Consensus” In an interview with British journalist Matt Kennard at...
MSNBC legal analyst Daniel Goldman, Majority Counsel in the first Trump impeachment inquiry, adds to the vast TV disinformation wasteland Goldman claimed on air that the U.S. routinely works to prevent military coups—when it is a leading perpetrator of them In the vast wasteland that is cable television “news,” every...
Academy Award-winning director Oliver Stone has come out with a new documentary film, JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, which offers excellent evidence of U.S. intelligence’s tragic assassination of President John F. Kennedy in November of 1963. The film is subtitled “through the looking glass” likely due to its coverage...
On October 13th, Venezuela’s representative to the UN Samuel Moncada denounced plotting by the United States and Colombia against Venezuela’s democratically elected government at the UN Security Council. In an eight-page letter to Security Council President Martin Kimani, Moncada detailed “bellicose” statements by Colombian President Iván Duque and by U.S. Navy Admiral...
New Senate report sheds light on failure of intelligence community to “properly analyze, assess and disseminate information” that would have led to an adequate law enforcement response to the Capitol riots. The Army deployed the National Guard three hours after request by chief of Capitol Police. Some officials even...
US Military Supporting Honduras Drug War with New Forward Bases - InSight Crime
Candidates Linked to Major Corruption Scandals Win Election Primaries—in a country that has suffered since 2009 U.S.-backed coup. In the 19th century, American writer William Sydney Porter (better known as O. Henry) coined the term banana republic to describe the fictional Republic of Anchuria in the book Cabbages and Kings (1904), a collection of short stories inspired by his experiences in Honduras...
Pattern of U.S. Support for Autocracy across the Middle East In early April, Prince Hamzah bin Hussein, the former crown prince of Jordan, was imprisoned under house arrest. King Abdullah II, who is Hamzah’s half-brother and the absolute ruler of Jordan, ordered Prince Hamzah to cease communications with the outside world. Prince...