Tag: Denmark

Continues Supporting Ukraine War and Tripling War Budget “We have decided to offer Ukraine NATO membership. But it is also clear that we must all agree on it if it is to happen,” said Denmark’s Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen following the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting at NATO headquarters...
“Today was January 7, 2025. The day when Denmark learned that we can no longer trust the United States. I will NEVER forget that day.” So wrote political commentator, right-wing influencer Jarl Cordua on social media. This statement reflects what Denmark’s mass media are communicating in their editorials, and quoting...
Part V: War Costs and Profits When Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen met with President Donald Trump, December 2019, Trump was threatening less support for NATO and European conflicts if they did not use 2% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for defense. What defines “defense” is at issue herein since...
Part IV: The Yankees Are Coming to All Scandinavia Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen surprised the nation three days after Joe Biden warned Russia it would lose its Nord Stream natural gas connection to Europe if it militarily invaded Ukraine to prevent it from joining NATO. “Denmark and the USA have...
Part III Media Brainwashing Midway in Wimbledon’s championship last July, Denmark’s favorite son, Rune Holger, bashed a forehand over to his senior by 16 years, the seven-time Wimbledon champion Novak Djokovic, who had leg surgery a month before. I missed the return as a loud Danish voice droned over the...
Part II: The Destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline: We Came We Saw They Died “If Russia invades—that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine—then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.” President Joe Biden said standing next...
The Russians are Coming On a rare, warm summer day without rain and roaring wind, my love (Jette) and I took a walk over a green field alongside a promontory of Køge Bay in southeast Denmark. Another nature lover came by as we heard a lark signaling high above its...
Part II of a CAM Exclusive on Historic U.S.-Danish Military-Intelligence Cooperation (See Part 1 here) We were awakened to the roar of F-16s exercising overhead. The day before, February 10, the Social Democrat government announced yet another escalation in its war-threatening measures alongside its main partner, the United States: the...
Part 1 of a 2-part series on U.S. penetration of Denmark's National Security State Lars Findsen, Denmark’s Defense Intelligence Service (FE) chief—the equivalent of the U.S.’s CIA director—walked into Copenhagen city court with three large police escorts pressed against the country’s leading spy charged with treason. Findsen is forbidden to...
Denmark’s Social Democrat female leaders have followed their American counterparts in adopting a Russophobic discourse to justify the sell-out of their country France and Germany’s demand last May for “full clarity” from the United States and Denmark concerning their spying upon its leaders fizzled out as Russophobia took preference during...