Tag: Israel/Gaza War

The Islamic State has taken credit for an attack that killed 84 people and left dozens wounded in Kerman, in southern Iran. The bombing was significant because it was on the anniversary of the assassination by the United States of Qasem Soleimani, who was the commander of the Iranian Quds force 1998 until he was killed on January 3rd, 2020 by a U.S. drone strike under the orders of Donald Trump. At the time, Soleimani was on his way to meet with the Prime Minister of Iraq and in fact he was killed in Iraq, near Baghdad International Airport...
At a Scranton courthouse rally for Palestine shortly after the massive Israeli government attack on Gaza in October 2023, it was suggested by a Veterans For Peace (VFP) speaker that the better place to protest was several blocks away at the Army Ammunition Plant, where its operator General Dynamics had been stepping up...
The U.S. and Israel are quickly escalating the conflict in the Middle East. On December 31st, the Navy sank three Yemeni boats in the Red Sea. Ten Yemenis were killed in this attack. The boats were part of the Yemeni Armed Forces grouping that have been preventing passage of Israeli ships, or those heading to Israeli ports, through the Red Sea. While the Yemeni Armed Forces have been largely successful in this mission, they have not caused any casualties on the ships that they are redirecting, making this provocation by the US even more egregious...
Israel’s Expertise in Pacifying the Palestinians Is in High Demand by Capitalist Elites As Populations Around the World Grow Restive As the world watches in horror Israel’s military assault on the people of Gaza, people are left to wonder why world leaders are not doing more to censure Israel...
The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed HR 888, reaffirming the State of Israel’s right to exist by a vote of 412-1. And HR 894, which says the House “clearly and firmly states that anti-Zionism is anti-semitism” has passed by a vote of 311-14 with 92 abstentions...
Another example of the United States, as an empire, fully supporting Israel in its attempted genocide against Palestinians was decided with the vote to censure Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) on November 7, 2023. Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, had the courage to call out Israel for its militaristic debacle in Gaza, as...
On November 26, three young Palestinian men were shot in Burlington, Vermont. Hisham Awartani, a junior at Brown University, released a statement that was read at a campus vigil saying, “This hideous crime did not happen in a vacuum. As much as I appreciate the love of every single one of you here today, I am but one casualty in a much wider conflict.” ...
The purpose of this article is to create unity instead of the current animosity between the good and decent people who identify as “pro-Israel” and the good and decent people who identify as “pro-Palestine.” How? By demonstrating that the PURPOSE of Israeli government violence against Palestinians—including one of its openly declared purposes of...
November 4th has been declared an International Day of Solidarity with Palestine. Over 100 demonstrations will take place that day around the world in solidarity with Palestine, from Johannesburg to São Paulo, Berlin to Kuala Lampur, Athens to Algiers...
Right Out of a George Orwell Novel As the U.S. escalates its involvement in wars in Ukraine and Gaza, Joe Biden gave a speech at the Oval Office on October 19 that was totally detached from reality. The speech was designed to legitimize a $106 billion budget request to Congress for...