Tag: Joe Biden
Escalating the new Cold War with Russia via Ukraine: Biden’s Unprincipled Stands Involving Covert Operations, Blackmail, Corruption, Nepotism and State Terrorism
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 7
Part 5 in our Biden Series: The long suppressed facts involving Biden and the Ukraine are clear, documented, and undisputed, even though you will never read them in The New York Times...
Biden Would Like You to Forget His Enthusiastic Support for Ethnic Cleansing, Mass Murder, Islamic Terrorists and War Criminals
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 3
Part III of our exclusive Biden Series on Joe Biden’s foreign policy positions through the years: The Balkans
In his 2008 memoir, Promises to Keep, then Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden touted his leadership on the Balkan conflict as one of his two proudest moments in public life. He pushed...
Part II of our exclusive Biden Series on Joe Biden and the political skeletons in his closet
Joe Biden presents himself as an empathetic guy who is willing to go the extra mile to help people overcome their personal tragedies.
However, Biden has throughout his career endorsed policies that caused countless...
Exclusive Series: Biden’s Foreign Policy History and What it Portends for his Presidency
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 13
As factions of the U.S. political elite grapple with the waning days of the Trump presidency, one cannot help but be left with a sense of irony. From election meddling to lethal interference abroad...
Beware of the Hawk: What to Expect from the Biden Administration on Foreign Policy
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 13
Millions of people around the world breathed a sigh of relief with the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2020 U.S. election and victory of the Biden-Harris ticket.
Joe Biden’s victory speech exuded a feeling of optimism in its call for a new era of bipartisanship and decency in politics.