Tag: Korea

In 2019, the CIA proved that it had been lying to the public for decades about germ warfare in Korea when it released a trove of signals intelligence documents from the Korean War in a publication called Baptism by Fire: CIA Analysis of the Korean War. The documents detail communications...
With all the glorification of our “heroes” in uniform—a glorification that seems to grow in inverse proportion to the real need for them—a person could begin to feel afraid to utter aloud the sort of jokes that people used to make. For instance, you might feel the need to...
The Korean War has never ended: Despite the U.S. government’s attempts to portray it as a long-ago victory, it has never signed a peace agreement with North Korea. Tens of thousands of U.S. troops continue to be stationed on the Korean peninsula, first as part of the Cold War and now as part of the New Cold War encirclement of China...
Three days after the September 11 terrorist attacks, Barbara Lee (D-CA) was the sole member of the U.S. Congress with the foresight to vote against an authorization of the use of military force that gave legal justification for the war in Afghanistan and the Global War on Terror. Nearly 22...