Tag: Middle East

Some Victims Are More Worthy Than Others in Our Orwellian Media Landscape The U.S. media have been dominated by images of Ukrainians suffering under the Russian invasion. New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote characteristically that Joe Biden had “masterly and humbly helped organize a global coalition” of Good and Democracy—and...
Numerologists tell you that 19 is 1 + 9 which equals the powerful # 1, or new beginnings. Well, 19 years ago on March 19, coincidentally, my nation orchestrated the most horrific deed since God knows when. The illegal and immoral attack, invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq really upset the world's...
MSNBC legal analyst Daniel Goldman, Majority Counsel in the first Trump impeachment inquiry, adds to the vast TV disinformation wasteland Goldman claimed on air that the U.S. routinely works to prevent military coups—when it is a leading perpetrator of them In the vast wasteland that is cable television “news,” every...
UK government shamefully cooperated with U.S. in torture of al-Qaeda suspects We Americans have had a painful and difficult national debate over the past 20 years relative to torture. Torture was official U.S. government policy from 2002 until at least 2005, and that iteration was not formally outlawed until passage...
The So-called ‘Humane’ Murder of Families and How the Pentagon’s Favorite Weapon Endangers Us All An article in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs magazine, widely seen as the official mouthpiece of the neoliberal foreign policy establishment, posits that the U.S. government’s drone program could be made more humane, killing...
Issa Touma, photographer from Aleppo, has portrayed the Syrian people before, during and after the war. But it was only when he moved to Sweden that he understood why the Western world’s image of Syria was so distorted. Despite great difficulties in Syria, he feels hopeful for the future. I...
Townsend Oversaw Army Unit in Syria That Committed Myriad Atrocities and Helped Cover Up Crimes As head of AFRICOM, the veteran of Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada and U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is sanctioning yet more dirty war operations and killing. In early December, The New York Times...
Top MIT Scientist Was Subject to Defamatory Attacks and Had Article Exposing Truth About Alleged Syrian Chemical Weapons Attacks Pulled by Prestigious Scientific Journal Fearful editors and CIA-connected hacks ganged up to defame top MIT scientist who refused to echo government propaganda. Instead, he quit his 30-year job on principle. Theodore...
Lebanon’s crisis has been precipitated in large part by the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Israel and cannot be solved until these rogue actors stop their foreign meddling Wherever Victoria Nuland goes, she brings trouble. Nuland is the third most powerful person in the State Department. In February 2014, she famously handed out...
Lacking the backbone to stand up to Dick Cheney when it counted, Powell betrayed the world and participated in the deaths of hundreds of thousands Colin Powell is dead. The 84-year-old former Secretary of State, former National Security Advisor, and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff succumbed to...