Tag: Middle East

Did the CIA lie, cheat and betray its friends and business partners in ways that even Donald Trump might envy? A rapidly unfolding intelligence scandal indicates that the answer is yes. The dark world of cyber-age espionage is on full display in the unfolding scandal involving the CIA and Crypto...
RE: Bought-And-Paid-For: Biden’s Long History Pandering to the Israeli Lobby by Editors – February 13, 2021 Great piece on Joe Biden. As you are well aware, from its very outset, the Zionist project has been predicated on theft (stealing land), and violence—displacing people while many times injuring and killing the indigenous...
Part 4 of: WHO IS JOE BIDEN, REALLY? -- CAM exposes his 30-year history as a pawn of U.S.-Israel policy despite its ongoing violation of Palestinian rights and crimes against humanity....
Part II of our exclusive Biden Series on Joe Biden and the political skeletons in his closet Joe Biden presents himself as an empathetic guy who is willing to go the extra mile to help people overcome their personal tragedies. However, Biden has throughout his career endorsed policies that caused countless...
Peter Dale Scott, with assistance from Aaron Good, breaks new ground with this exclusive investigation into the two-decades-old assassination of Ahmed Shah Massoud and may identify his murder as the green light—not only for Osama bin Laden’s attack on the World Trade Center—but also for the Bush/Cheney team’s long-planned...
As bad as they are on other foreign policy issues, the Biden-Harris victory in the November election is still a cause for optimism in U.S.-Iranian relations, given what we have seen under Trump. At a minimum, it brings (1) hope that the U.S. will come back into the Joint...
Must-See New Documentary Exposes Britain's Complicity in the 1953 Bloody Coup in Iran--A Collusion which the UK Continues to Officially Deny After 67 Years After 60 years of foot-dragging and dissembling, the U.S. government finally confessed and admitted its role in the bloody 1953 coup that overthrew Iran’s democratically elected government...
It’s been sixteen years since Gul Rahman died of hypothermia, beaten and left half-naked and short shackled to a bare prison floor at the CIA-run Salt Pit “black site” prison in Afghanistan. It is not known what the CIA did to his corpse. His body was never turned over to his family. According to...
Winston Churchill’s enthusiasm for chemical weapons Winston Churchill was a great fan of chemical weapons. His advocacy, which in this respect was refreshingly free of the cant and hypocrisy we have become used to, was longstanding. He thought such weapons were particularly suited to quelling rebellion in those parts of...
Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who currently serves on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, faced confrontation from several Democratic senators on the Senate Judiciary committee during his confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court of a week ago. The Senate Judiciary committee questioned him about the accusation...