Tag: New Zealand

The news that the Waihopai spy base was going to be built led to the birth of the Anti-Bases Campaign (ABC) in 1987. ABC has campaigned for the closure of Waihopai ever since (our most recent protest there was in 2023). We have consistently said that it is a U.S....
In 2024, New Zealand leaves no doubt where it stands on the Gaza War. It is firmly on Israel’s side, having said nothing beyond general tut-tutting about the genocide being inflicted on the Palestinians by Israel. New Zealand government leaders have repeatedly condemned Hamas, with no equivalent condemnation of Israel’s...
What does NATO have to do with New Zealand and vice versa? The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is what it says on the tin, and New Zealand is about as far away from the North Atlantic as possible. NATO was set up as a united European and North...
And Surprise, Surprise: He’s Pushing for New Zealand to Join AUKUS, an Anti-China Military Security Partnership of the U.S., Australia and Great Britain New Zealand held its triennial general election in October 2023 and the result was what had been predicted by the polls all along—the Labour Party, which had...
Nicky Hager received major national award in New Zealand after having written a book exposing a secret spy base in New Zealand and exposing other state crimes Julian Assange has, thus far, spent years in a British prison, awaiting extradition to the U.S., where he faces charges under the Espionage...
Increasingly Popular with the Demise of Labour Party Standard-Bearer Jacinda Ardern, the Maori Party Vows to Remove New Zealand from Five Eyes Surveillance Alliance The Te Pāti Māori Party in New Zealand’s October 14 elections is campaigning on a genuine anti-imperialist platform and could be a significant factor in the...
Peace groups in all three nations need to rally against provocative alliance that is a pivotal component of war planning. The AUKUS pact (military initiative among Australia, the UK and U.S.) came out of nowhere in 2021 when Australia broke a $A90 billion contract to buy French submarines. Instead, it signed...
Australian Labor Party a pale shadow of what it was in the 1970s under Gough Whitlam—who was overthrown in a CIA-backed coup On May 21, Australians elected as their new prime minister Anthony Albanese of the Labor Party, who defeated conservative Scott Morrison. CNN reported that Australians had delivered a...
Pro-imperial thrust governed by decades-long membership in the Five Eyes, an electronic spying agreement between the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It has become apparent that New Zealand is getting more entangled in the U.S. Empire than ever before. Don’t be fooled that New Zealand and America’s longest...
The effects of this poisonous coup attempt—cooked up at Langley more than 30 years ago—had lingering consequences which exacerbated income equality, stifled economic growth and undercut human rights. Back in the 1980s New Zealand registered in the global consciousness because of its then-Prime Minister, the late David Lange, and his...