Tag: North America

The Biden Administration is pursuing a policy of “energy chasing,” where U.S. regulators put pressure on foreign-owned fuel supply companies, shippers and even financial insurers so that they back out of deals to bring “fuel to our ports.” On March 17, there were significant protests in eastern Cuba against the blackouts. The president says the authorities have gone to dialogue with them and explain the country’s energy problems...
On February 4th, The Economist published a devastating analysis—or perhaps, “pre-mortem”—on the collapse of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) under Olaf Scholz’s stewardship. Elected in what the Western media contemporaneously branded a “shock” result in September 2021, hopes for his coalition government in many quarters were high. Today,...
Demands End to U.S. Arms Sales to Israel and an Immediate Cease-Fire On Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024, active-duty Air Force Senior Airman Larry Hebert began a hunger strike in front of the White House to highlight the plight of the starving children of Gaza. Hebert’s act of protest was set...
Israeli military young men and women are not the first to have recurring nightmares of what they have seen and done. They are not the first to dissolve into the abyss of war. American military from World War I, World War II, the war on Viet Nam, the wars on Iraq...
The U.S. war against Yemen is slowly but surely heating up. With more and bigger bombs the U.S. is doing the only thing it knows how to do when what it is doing is not working, something even Joe Biden has admitted. Some might think this story started on October...
Powerful new evidence of a government-abetted conspiracy has prompted King family members to demand a reopening of the investigation into his murder. Everyone knows that James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King, Jr., right? The U.S. government says so. All the school textbooks say so. And it is enshrined...
Cuba is currently facing what National Public Radio (NPR) called its worst economic crisis in decades, fueled by the U.S. blockade, diminished access to Venezuelan oil and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Power cuts, due to the lack of oil supplies, are common and can sometimes last up...
The Korean War has never ended: Despite the U.S. government’s attempts to portray it as a long-ago victory, it has never signed a peace agreement with North Korea. Tens of thousands of U.S. troops continue to be stationed on the Korean peninsula, first as part of the Cold War and now as part of the New Cold War encirclement of China...
PART I Noetic Continental Inc. Foists Military Equipment Through Private War Companies Analyzing the CIA’s records, we’ve noticed that there were many references to the Noetic international Inc., a company with questionable origin and activity. According to its website, the enterprise specializes in "delivering products and services including assessments, operations and finance to...
Juan Zarate’s contempt for human rights was reflected in his criticism of Barack Obama for trying to close down Guantánamo Bay Zarate also helped sow misery as a chief architect of modern financial warfare The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a CIA offshoot that was founded in 1983 to promote...