Tag: North America

British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Queen Elizabeth and U.S. President Gerald Ford Sanctioned an Operation to Bring Left-Leaning Prime Minister Gough Whitlam Down by Having an Arms Company and Bank Run by CIA Assets Trick His Deputy Prime Minister into Accepting an Illegal Loan Danny Casolaro was a maverick investigative...
Was Lee Harvey Oswald a “Lone Nut”? “Lone Gunman”? “Hitman”? “Conspirator”? Or, As He Claimed, “A Patsy”? To try to get the answers to the above questions about the man accused of shooting President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, I attended a reading at Theatre 40 in Beverly Hills of Dennis Richard’s...
In 1921, just after the Russian Revolution, Yevgeny Zamyatin published a dystopian science fiction novel, We, in which a spacecraft engineer lives in a futuristic city made of glass enabling government authorities to track everything that people do at every moment of the day. The novel influenced George Orwell and...
Most people tend to believe that the CIA is just an intelligence service, gathering information to enable better public policy. However, CAM readers know that its real purpose is to engage in political skullduggery and subvert or destabilize other countries in order to help facilitate the goal of U.S. global...
In August, two months before the Tribe of Nova Music Festival massacre, the Pentagon awarded a $35.8 million contract to build U.S. troop facilities for a secret base it maintains deep within Israel’s Negev desert, just 20 miles from Gaza, code-named “Site 512.” Procurement records describe the secret base, located...
From the date of being arrested (March 4, 1979) in one of the most racist counties in California (Riverside), and enduring one of what would be called by many, “a circus trial” on December 12, 1979, I was brought to the sixth floor of North Block, better known as...
While most social media platforms spy on us, manipulate our emotions with hidden algorithms, feed our data to governments on request and censor with no notice or transparency, can there be an alternative that’s friendly for everyone to use? We talk with John Kiriakou and Sean O’Brien about Pancake, a new messaging technology being built to address that question...
The Maine-Endwell School District in Upstate New York Set a Wonderful Precedent By Hosting a Peace Day on September 21 Children around the world need to be taught that killing brothers and sisters, and fellow humans anywhere is murder and should never be allowed.  In the United States, the vast majority...
With Ukraine’s global image having taken a hit because of its identification with Naziism along with the failings of its summer counteroffensive, the Biden White House is now urging lawmakers in both parties, according to Politico, to sell the war effort in Ukraine as a job creator and economic...
A Palestinian boy living on Israel’s West Bank rolled a rubber truck tire toward an already burning fire. Wearing a mud-smeared T-shirt and a determined expression, he dumped the tire and ran for another. “There’s my column,” I said to my wife, Stephanie, pointing to the TV screen as we...