Tag: North Korea

Development of nuclear weapons has enabled North Korea to avoid the fate of Libya, Syria and Iraq Over the last 75 years, North Korea has been invaded and bombed back to the stone age by the United States, subjected to unprecedented economic warfare, vilified in the international media and had...
How can a country with a degree of democracy put sanctions on various countries resulting in wide impoverishment while it brags that it is spreading democracy and freedom worldwide? A country that has the rule of capital as its main objective. True, there are other systems with negative characteristics. But capitalism...
Sensationalistic headlines about North Korean engagement in Kursk contradicted by statements of Secretary of Defense On November 24, Newsweek ran a story by Ellie Cook with the headline “Russian and North Korean Troops Shrink Ukraine’s Gains in Kursk.” The title made it seem like North Korea was fighting on the front-lines...
In late July, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA cutout that specializes in regime-change propaganda, hosted a set of conferences where panelists alleged that North Korea had executed a 22-year-old man for watching South Korean soap operas. The allegations had earlier been reported in the New York Post...
Years ago I read a book, edited by CovertAction Magazine founders Philip Agee and Louis Wolf, entitled Dirty Work: The CIA in Western Europe, about the CIA in Western Europe. All the articles and essays were very interesting but one had a distinctive title “The CIA Makes the News,” by...
The Juche idea or Juche ideology has been the guiding idea of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) for many decades. Juche is synonymous with the DPRK. Without understanding the Juche idea, it is impossible to have any understanding of the DPRK. However, much of the media in the...
The DPRK Has Thwarted U.S. Designs to Control the Korean Peninsula in a Major Historical Accomplishment. On August 15, 1945, Korea was liberated from Japanese imperialist colonial rule thanks to the arduous armed struggle waged by the anti-Japanese partisans led by the guerrilla leader Kim Il Sung. Japanese imperialist rule, which...
A recent Washington Post article titled “A North Korean defector captivated U.S. media. Some question her story” highlights the many appearances Yeonmi Park has made on right-wing news outlets over the past few years. Scholars and solidarity activists have been pointing out the serious holes in Park’s stories since she started getting attention...
First, Obama falsely portrayed Gaddafi as a monster; then, he lied about the need for harsh sanctions to punish him for crimes he never committed and, finally, he launched an illegal war under a pretext as phony as Lyndon Johnson’s Tonkin Gulf Resolution and George W. Bush’s Weapons of...
In advance of a webinar hosted by the Canadian chapter of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), which describes itself as a global network of peacemakers, to which I was invited to speak in February 2023, I was asked four important questions. The mainstream media would not ask me such...