Tag: Russia

The U.S. Congress is currently working on yet another anti-Russian bill called “Senate Bill S. 1102: Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act of 2019.’’ Russia is not far away from the Eastern Mediterranean—but the United States is. Nevertheless, Washington’s zealous eye perceives Russian “malign” influence there and intends to radically...
Executive Summary The Russian-German far-right relationship encompasses three ecosystems: first, the main German far-right party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), because of its electoral success and ability to influence “high politics”; second, several echo chambers—peripheral “think tank” institutions and individuals without visibility on the broad German political landscape; and third, the...
Like the proverbial cat, some concepts have several lives. Or, like the mythological phoenix, they can be reborn from the ashes. This is certainly the case of the Intermarium, a geopolitical concept that envisaged an alliance of countries reaching from the Baltic Sea over the Black Sea to the...
The day in, day-out news cycle of Russian collusion has relegated Ukraine to the background of “Russiagate,” and yet the Washington-Kyiv axis largely remains the pivot on which the “New Cold War” turns. The media appear to have forgotten that the Ukraine crisis, which began nearly five years ago,...