Tag: Rwandan Genocide

Snow followed in the footsteps of CovertAction Information Bulletin founder Philip Agee in his attempt to expose the close connections between the CIA and multi-national corporations and in his analysis of the political-economy of U.S. imperialism. Keith Harmon Snow, after suffering from cancer, died in early December at the...
Admitting lesser crimes to conceal major ones is called a “limited hangout” In the intelligence community, a “Limited Hangout” occurs when the conspirators put out part of the truth in order to hide the whole truth. Conspirators only do limited hangouts when desperate, since doing so often will reveal that...
After 27 years, strong evidence implicates Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame in the downing of Hutu President Juvénal Habyarimana's airplane Just after 8 p.m. on the night of April 6, 1994, two surface-to-air missiles, fired from a location near Kigali airport, struck the Dassault Falcon 50 private jet of Rwanda’s Hutu...