Tag: Spotlight

“Frank Olson is flying and it’s a long way down” - David Clewell, “CIA in Wonderland.” In September 1994, the NBC hit show Unsolved Mysteries aired an episode on Dr. Frank Olson, a CIA biochemist at the Fort Detrick laboratory on germ warfare. Olson had supposedly jumped to his death...
In popular lore, John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Abraham Lincoln, was the first lone deranged gunman—preceding Lee Harvey Oswald. A stage actor from a famous theatrical family from Maryland and Confederate sympathizer who was as “handsome as a Greek God,” Booth shot Lincoln in the back of the head...
When this Whistleblower Exposed the Crimes of Obama’s Golf Partner and 12th Largest Campaign Contributor, the U.S. Justice Department Did the Honorable Thing—It Jailed the Whistleblower and Let Obama’s Golf Partner Walk Away Free Bradley Birkenfeld is a former Swiss banker who helped the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recoup billions of...
The peaceful succession of presidents is sacrosanct in American democracy and marks the United States as an “exceptional nation” which does not experience the same kind of palace intrigues and coups as other nations. Conventional wisdom holds that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, by Lee...
In early January 2009, a thirteen-year-old girl named Almaza Samouni watched in horror as 30 members of her family were killed while her home in Gaza was shelled by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) during Operation Cast Lead. Among the victims was her brother, who was struck by a...
This Military Paradox Could Very Well Lead to Nuclear Armageddon In 1949 the U.S. War Department changed its name. Branches of the armed forces were then administered under a new name: the Department of Defense. This newly defined mandate of defending the United States should have been a relatively easy and inexpensive task. Geography...
British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Queen Elizabeth and U.S. President Gerald Ford Sanctioned an Operation to Bring Left-Leaning Prime Minister Gough Whitlam Down by Having an Arms Company and Bank Run by CIA Assets Trick His Deputy Prime Minister into Accepting an Illegal Loan Danny Casolaro was a maverick investigative...
From the date of being arrested (March 4, 1979) in one of the most racist counties in California (Riverside), and enduring one of what would be called by many, “a circus trial” on December 12, 1979, I was brought to the sixth floor of North Block, better known as...
The Maine-Endwell School District in Upstate New York Set a Wonderful Precedent By Hosting a Peace Day on September 21 Children around the world need to be taught that killing brothers and sisters, and fellow humans anywhere is murder and should never be allowed.  In the United States, the vast majority...
In August 2022, Ukrainian security service (SBU) operatives hid explosives in a crate intended for a cat in a car driven by a woman and her twelve year old daughter. After the car passed through the Russian border, the SBU planted the bomb in the SUV of Russian journalist...