Tag: Spotlight
Florida International University Hires Failed Venezuelan Coup Plotter as Visiting Professor at Adam Smith Center For Economic Freedom
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 1
The CIA has long had a presence on American college campuses—whether as recruiters or in political science and Russian Studies Departments.
Foreign CIA assets or political leaders or intellectuals receiving funding from the National Endowment For Democracy (NED), which finances propaganda, have been frequently appointed to faculty positions at prestigious...
Widening the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Yellow Journalism Stoking Potential War on Iran
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 4
The Wall Street Journal Blames Iran For Helping to Plot Tribe of Nova Massacre When This is Uncorroborated
During the late 1800s, the Hearst yellow press ran stories falsely accusing Spain of sinking the U.S.S. Maine in order to help mobilize public opinion in support of the Spanish-American War that...
CovertAction Bulletin – Eyewitness Gaza: Why the Resistance is Justified
Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa - 0
On October 7th, the Palestinian resistance launched its Al-Aqsa Flood uprising against the decades-long occupation by Israel. Despite $3.8 billion every year in military aid from the US and a vast military and surveillance state, the Israeli government seemingly had no warning to this carefully-planned advance...
Cuba Played a Crucial Role in the Demise of Apartheid While the CIA Helped Uphold It for Decades
Isaac Saney - 0
Between 1975 and 1991, Cuba embarked on a remarkable internationalist mission known as Operación Carlota. This mission was undertaken to defend Angola's newly found independence from an invasion by apartheid-era South Africa, and it played a pivotal role in the broader African anti-colonial and national liberation struggles.
Over 400,000 Cubans...
Biden Has Relaunched Reagan’s Murderous War Against Nicaraguan Democracy–How Many Is He Willing to Kill to Win?
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 2
When CIA-trained terrorists tried to overthrow the Sandinista government in the 1980s, the left erupted in protest. Now the left is cheering for the CIA.
During the 1980s, the American left was mobilized in opposition to the Reagan administration policy of arming the Nicaraguan Contras—counter-revolutionaries, whose primary purpose was to...
A new trial, expected to start shortly in the District of Brescia, Northern Italy, is grounded on the accusation that NATO bases in the region of Veneto provided orientation, training and support to infamous right-wing terrorist organizations, most notably Ordine Nuovo.
In May 1974, Ordine Nuovo operatives planted a bomb...
Infamous U.S. Army Counterinsurgency Manual FM 30-31B, Used in False-Flag Terrorist Operations is Authentic, Top Intelligence Insiders and Criminal Investigations Finally Reveal
Denis Voltaire - 0
CovertAction Information Bulletin Vindicated by Revelations; Originally Exposed 1970 Manual, which CIA Called a Soviet Forgery, in January 1979 Issue.
Criminal trials and investigations in Europe confirmed that top-secret “Supplement B” to U.S. Army Field Manual 30-31, contrary to the U.S. government’s oft-repeated denials, was indeed an authentic document.
Son of Slain Journalist Who Exposed Web of CIA Corruption Calling For New Murder Investigation
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 0
Danny Casolaro’s Death in August 1991 Was Ruled a Suicide But Overwhelming Evidence Indicates That He Was Murdered—Likely by Rogue Elements of the CIA in Collaboration with the Kuwaiti Royal Family
When a housekeeper at the Martinsburg, West Virginia, Sheraton Hotel entered Room 517 on the morning of August 10,...
CIA Still Refuses to Declassify Documents Exposing Its Responsibility for the Betrayal, Arrest and 27-Year Imprisonment of Nelson Mandela
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 2
CIA operative Donald Rickard admitted to role in capture of African hero
On August 5, 1962, Nelson Mandela was apprehended by South African authorities while driving with Cecil Williams, a white Communist theater director, from Durban to Johannesburg.
At the time, Mandela, a leader of the military wing of the anti-Apartheid...
It is no secret that Rwanda has been behind 26 years of catastrophic war and occupation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), ever since its invasion, alongside Uganda, in 1996.
Uganda’s crimes get far less press than Rwanda’s, but they are well-documented in decades of UN experts’ reports.