Tag: U.S. Empire

New study finds U.S. responsible for nearly 300 million deaths—and counting In September, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation—established by a bipartisan act of Congress in 1993—opened the Victims of Communism Museum in Washington, D.C., which aims to spotlight the plight of the alleged 100 million victims of Communist ideology. The...
Canadian liberal Prime-Minister Justin Trudeau surprised many with his ruthless suppression of the truckers protest in Ottawa last winter. But anyone who was surprised just hasn't been paying attention. Canada’s Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (2015-present) gained notoriety last year for activating the Emergencies Act for the very first time...
Actually One of the World’s Top Military Spenders and Joined at the Hip to America’s Murderous Militarist Empire How Canada’s military-industrial complex sucks up to and serves the American one On July 8, the Canadian government led by Justin Trudeau announced that it would send 38 General Dynamics-made armored vehicles to...
Turning and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconerThings fall apartThe center cannot holdMere anarchy is loosed upon the world...William Butler Yeats As I wrote four years ago in 2018 after visiting Iran, there is a battle for civilization taking place. And note how I phrased this:...
Lee Camp Talks Cross-Platform Shut Down of RT America and The Censorship of Left Anti-War Media Voices The information war has heated up, this time with targets on the backs of anti-war journalists and media voices critical to NATO and the U.S. Last week, the offices of RT America were...
Already threatening war with Russia, the White House this month has unveiled a new imperial grand strategy for the Indo-Pacific that raises the prospects of war with China. The new strategy starts by repeating familiar clichés about America’s supposed humanitarian intentions in Southeast Asia and role in providing the security...