Tag: United States

Ted Hall Helped the Soviet Union to Counterbalance the U.S. Monopoly on Atomic Weaponry After World War II, Which Acted as a Deterrent Against Aggressive U.S. War Plans Dave Lindorff initiated the documentary film A Compassionate Spy, following a correspondence with Ted Hall’s 87-year-old widow, Joan Hall. Lindorff had written...
Jodie Evans Said That Peace Group Has Not Accepted Any Money From China or Any Other Foreign Government At a webinar on “The New McCarthyism” hosted by CovertAction Magazine in collaboration with The Canada Files on October 9, Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans accused 11 New York Times journalists...
Will justice prevail for the first time in the new multicentric world order? A short manual for damage control in the Middle East Humankind is on the edge of an extremely dangerous military and moral precipice. It faces the prospect of internationally approved and widely applauded genocide (the destruction of...
While many people are deeply saddened by the escalation of violence in the Arab-Israeli conflict, what’s commonly under-reported is the origin and funding of Hamas. The Hamas attack on Israeli non-combatant civilians was not at all a blow to Israel’s ruling elite, but, on the contrary, an attack that strengthens...
The man who tipped off New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison about the corruption of the Warren Commission was poised to be the next Speaker of the House before his plane went down in October 1972 and could have potentially been president. On October 16, 1972, a Cessna 310 with the...
The CIA has long had a presence on American college campuses—whether as recruiters or in political science and Russian Studies Departments. Foreign CIA assets or political leaders or intellectuals receiving funding from the National Endowment For Democracy (NED), which finances propaganda, have been frequently appointed to faculty positions at prestigious...
Gary Devore Vanished Mysteriously After He Had Learned About a Bribery Scheme Orchestrated by Panamanian General Manuel Noriega, Who Recorded High-Ranking Officials Having Sex with Minors in His House Hollywood screenwriter Gary Devore vanished 26 years ago on a June night in 1997. A year later his car was found...
CIA Cutout Spends $5 Million Per Year to Spread Anti-China Propaganda While Congress Chips in at Least $500 Million In 2021, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA cutout provided $5 million in grants to anti-Chinese government groups. The main purpose was to try to destabilize China and...
Has Carbon Taxation Become an Expedient Way to Redistribute Wealth, Cover Up Environmental Crimes, Promote Hazardous Energy Policies, and Control the Working Class and Developing Nations? Does the Threat of Climate Change Misdirect the Anti-War Movement? During the early 2000s, only a few left-wing magazines with limited circulation warned about...
Raises Questions Also As to Why the Democratic Party Would Choose Someone So Far to the Right to Become the Party’s Effective Foreign Policy Spokesperson The jaw-dropping three-count federal indictment against Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Robert Menendez (D-NJ), his wife, and three businessmen with close ties to the authoritarian...