Tag: United States

Incompetent G-men failed to notice that Walt W. Rostow, National Security Adviser from 1966 to 1969, authored an anti-communist manifesto that was written as a rebuttal to Karl Marx. Throughout his long tenure as FBI Director from 1926 to 1971, J. Edgar Hoover effectively presented himself as a dedicated “red...
In a “2-minute topic” posted on Twitter, former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter reported that the U.S. MQ-9 drone that was forced down into the Black Sea on March 14 was not innocently transiting international airspace when it was intercepted by two Russian Su-27 fighters. Rather, it was on an intelligence-gathering...
CounterPunch podcaster Eric Draitser has published a hit piece attacking veteran anti-war activists Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies in the form of a review of their new book, War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless War. His review, published on January 27 by an obscure avowedly socialist...
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has released its 2023 Annual Threat Assessment, putting China, Russia, Iran and North Korea directly in the crosshairs of U.S. imperialism and regime change operations...
Claims made by transatlantic politicians and their media partners turn reality upside down—and would baffle even George Orwell. U.S. President Joe Biden, Western politicians and their media partners agree that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was “unprovoked.” The president of the country notorious for its numerous unprovoked wars of aggression called...
On March 4, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, made a surprise visit to U.S. troops stationed in northeast Syria to the chagrin of the Syrian government, which said the visit was “illegal" and a “flagrant violation of the country’s sovereignty.” The Syrian Foreign Ministry said...
The Pentagon has awarded the defense giant Raytheon Technologies, the second largest weapons-maker in the world, over $30 billion in government contracts since Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III’s confirmation on January 22nd, 2021. Austin was on Raytheon’s board of directors prior to his confirmation. Austin at the time had made...
Famous Black Like Me author John Howard Griffin, who was recruited under CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, appears to have played an important role in the cover-up For five decades, the circumstances of the sudden death of the famed anti-Vietnam War monk Thomas Merton have remained cloaked in the confusion of assorted...
Thirty five people were arrested and twenty three charged with domestic terrorism at a music festival gathering that was part of the a week of action to stop Cop City. Cop City, as it is known by activists, is a $90 million dollar police militarization facility in Atlanta, and activists for the past two years have been occupying the forest where it is being built...
February 27 through May 8 marks the 50th anniversary of the occupation by the American Indian Movement (AIM) of Wounded Knee on the Oglala Lakota Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota, the site of the last great massacre of the Indian Wars in December, 1890. In a 2019 documentary that...