Tag: United States

On December 10, 2004, the body of journalist Gary Webb, 49, was discovered in his home near Sacramento after a moving company worker found a note posted to his front door that read: “Please do not enter. Call 911 and ask for an ambulance.” Webb’s death was listed as a...
In this special episode, we bring you voices from CovertAction Magazine’s December 1st fundraiser event in New York City. Featuring guests like Eva Bartlett, Ben Norton, Katie Halper, Randy Credico and many more, Pushback Against Empire brought together a wide perspective of voices to celebrate the 44th year of CovertAction and to help us build for the next 44 years.
Part II of a CAM Series on the Georgian Legion The story of the Georgian Legion is more than just battles and atrocities. Far from the battlefield, thousands of people are now soldiers on a second, digital front. They are engaged in both propaganda and attack, relentlessly swarming anyone who...
U.S. school kids, hospital patients, and prison inmates share food poisoning, while food liquidators boast they turn “trash into treasure.” Operating in the shadows is easy in the United States secondary food market, as few question what happens to food that exceeds its expiration date in leading supermarket chains...
So why do climate justice groups like 350.org support the war in Ukraine? While the world’s climate negotiators gathered for the COP27 summit in Egypt, a new report published by the Transnational Institute, a Dutch think tank, emphasizes how rising global military spending is a great threat to efforts to...
QJoan, how do you think the world would look today had Ted Hall not given vital information to the Soviets, in order to avoid a monopoly of nuclear power, seeking a balance in the world? “I heard a four-year-old boy in a train station the other day say: ‘We’re...
Controversial New Documentary Reveals How A Teenage Army Physicist Named Ted Hall Saved The Russian People From A Treacherous U.S. Sneak Attack In 1950-51—And May Well Have Prevented A Global Nuclear Holocaust The provocative documentary “A Compassionate Spy” tells the amazing but almost unknown story of a “near-genius” Harvard physics...
And even more disturbingly, why are the men who commit these crimes revered in American popular culture? “The thrill of killing like a drug; the greatest feeling I’ve ever experienced in my life.” – Eddie Penney, Navy SEAL Team 6. In January 2012, Chris Kyle’s book American Sniper: The...
U.S. imperialism’s star-crossed 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and the ensuing 20-year occupation was doomed from the very start. Oscar-nominated and Emmy Award-winning director Matthew Heineman’s new 96-minute non-fiction film Retrograde documents the denouement of a deceitful debacle. His film, shot on the ground often amidst intense combat, zooms in on...
They See Only the Bad Old Days of the Soviet Union The CIA, thanks to Hollywood and fanboys, enjoys an undeserved reputation for competence in carrying out espionage and covert actions. I am fascinated by the delusional punditry offered by former CIA officers, such as Douglas London and Steven Hall. Full...