Tag: United States
The Wolfowitz Doctrine Led to the Disastrous War in Iraq: Now it is Leading to a Potentially Even More Cataclysmic War in Asia
Aidan O’Brien - 11
The Project for a New American Racist Century is omnipresent in the capitals of Europe today. From Dublin to Berlin—Ukrainian colors are on flagpoles, bus stops and buildings. The subtext is blonde hair and blue eyes.
America and its European clients (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization—NATO) now see Ukraine much...
75th Anniversary of the Hollywood Blacklist Takes on Added Significance With Escalation of New Cold War
Ed Rampell - 3
Let’s Hope History Does Not Repeat
This month marks the 75th anniversary of the start of the Hollywood Blacklist. On October 27, 1947, screenwriter John Howard Lawson, the first member of what came to be known as the “Hollywood Ten,” testified before the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC).
A recent video portrays real-life clashes between demonstrators and counter-demonstrators at events in California. As demonstrators yelled, damaged and stole signs and banners, and chased one another, it all seemed somewhat absurd.
But it also showed the sincerity of people, willing to stand outside in the extremely hot weather in...
Show how ideologies of American exceptionalism and innocence have inoculated public from human suffering meted out in their name
Credibility is low these days for the U.S. government, politicians and the mainstream media. Sorting through news reports for reliable fact and analysis would make George Orwell weep. Jeffrey Sachs, director...
Tulsi Gabbard Leaves Democratic Party: Says It Has Been Taken Over By “An Elitist Cabal of Warmongers Dragging Us Closer to Nuclear War”
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 12
Former Hawaii Congresswoman and 2020 presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has left the Democratic Party, saying that it has been taken over by an “elitist cabal of warmongers” who are “dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.”
On her podcast on October 11, Gabbard recalled that, when she decided to run...
But instead, he pandered to the CIA’s leadership and to the politicians who put them there.
A friend from Covert Action Magazine recently sent me a video of former CIA Acting General Counsel John Rizzo giving an interview upon his retirement from the CIA. The interview is seven years old....
How Much Longer Can the U.S. Continue to Wage Economic War on Europe, and Much of the World, Without a Major Blowback Effect?
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 16
Sabotage of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has awakened many people to the gangster methods that have been deployed for years by the U.S. government doing the bidding of multinational corporations.
On September 26, the world was put on edge when “blasts equivalent to the power of several kilograms of...
Much of the disinformation is drawn from the dissident Falun Gong sect whose leaders believe that aliens brought science to the world so they could take control of human bodies.
By now, everyone in the West should know that there is mass slave labor in the Chinese province of Xinjiang,...
Biden Administration Wants Kidnapped Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab to “Suffer Like Julian Assange,” according to UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur
Ed Rampell - 6
New documentary by Alex Smith explores travails of Saab who faces U.S. wrath because he tried to circumvent Washington’s onerous illegal sanctions levied against Venezuela
The U.S. imperialists “want Alex Saab like they want Julian Assange to suffer,” charges human rights and international law expert Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, who the...
Son of Weather Underground Leaders Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers Knows Which Way the Wind is Blowing in New Podcast
Ed Rampell - 3
Zayd Dohrn is the son of what is arguably the “First Family of America’s Far Left.” His parents, Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers, were the so-called “domestic terrorists” who, according to then-vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, “palled around with Barack Obama.”
The 1977-born Zayd, who grew up underground, has grown up...