Tag: United States

The Working Class Explains…and Debunks Common Lies As predicted by multiple polls, the Sandinistas, led by Daniel Ortega, won a resounding victory on the November 7th elections in Nicaragua. The elections were a referendum on the path that the Sandinista government has taken the country, which is grounded on large...
“Frank Olson is flying and it’s a long way down” - David Clewell, “CIA in Wonderland.” In September 1994, the NBC hit show Unsolved Mysteries aired an episode on Dr. Frank Olson, a CIA biochemist at the Fort Detrick laboratory on germ warfare. Olson had supposedly jumped to his death...
Putin is considered a threat because he restored Russian sovereignty, erased the humiliation of the Boris Yeltsin era, and championed Russia’s national interests. But that is just what the U.S. elite could not tolerate. The U.S. military-industrial complex needs enemies like human lungs need oxygen. When there are no enemies,...
Environmental Destruction is Part of the Huge Human Costs of the American Military Empire Whenever I read or hear about PFAS in the news it always seems to be about contaminated drinking water. That’s because the federal government and the U.S. military prefer talking about PFAS in municipal water systems...
Top MIT Scientist Was Subject to Defamatory Attacks and Had Article Exposing Truth About Alleged Syrian Chemical Weapons Attacks Pulled by Prestigious Scientific Journal Fearful editors and CIA-connected hacks ganged up to defame top MIT scientist who refused to echo government propaganda. Instead, he quit his 30-year job on principle. Theodore...
On October 13th, Venezuela’s representative to the UN Samuel Moncada denounced plotting by the United States and Colombia against Venezuela’s democratically elected government at the UN Security Council. In an eight-page letter to Security Council President Martin Kimani, Moncada detailed “bellicose” statements by Colombian President Iván Duque and by U.S. Navy Admiral...
A few weeks ago, an extraordinary Vietnamese war hero and a great friend of mine passed away at the age of 102. I used to play tennis with him until he was about 90 years old. Unsurprisingly, as a former tennis champion of Vietnam of the late eighties, the...
Inside the Dark History of a Beloved Icon It has been more than two years since Buzzfeed News published an in-depth series that revealed the use of paramilitary anti-poaching squads by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) to evict Indigenous peoples from their lands to make room for conservation...
CIA Director Burns subsequently went to Moscow to try and intimidate Putin into revoking troop buildup on Ukrainian border Part 1 On October 18th, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to affirm U.S. support for Ukraine’s war against its eastern provinces. Since the beginning of...
Admitting lesser crimes to conceal major ones is called a “limited hangout” In the intelligence community, a “Limited Hangout” occurs when the conspirators put out part of the truth in order to hide the whole truth. Conspirators only do limited hangouts when desperate, since doing so often will reveal that...