Tag: United States
Huge Military Budgets, Covert Operations, Drones and Assassinations—but hey, at least he didn’t start another major war
By any objective measure, Donald Trump has been one of the worst presidents in American history.
His administration exacerbated inequalities, fomented social divisions, encouraged nativist and white supremacist groups, gutted environmental protections, mishandled the...
Was the Now-Forgotten Murder of One Man on September 9, 2001 a Crucial Pre-condition for 9/11?
Peter Dale Scott and Aaron Good - 61
Peter Dale Scott, with assistance from Aaron Good, breaks new ground with this exclusive investigation into the two-decades-old assassination of Ahmed Shah Massoud and may identify his murder as the green light—not only for Osama bin Laden’s attack on the World Trade Center—but also for the Bush/Cheney team’s long-planned...
Wars R Us: A Review of Christian Sorensen’s New Book “Understanding the War Industry”
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 8
Pay no attention to all those nasty left-wing allegations about how military contractors collude and conspire with the Pentagon to warp our economy, impoverish our citizens, pervert our national goals, and foment needless bloody wars that slaughter millions in order to fatten corporate profits. The truth is actually much...
Former CIA Director John Brennan Whitewashes History in Shameless Self-serving Memoir
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 2
During the Vietnam War era, peace activists compared American war planners like Robert S. McNamara and Henry Kissinger to Albert Speer, Hitler’s Minister of War Production and Armaments who stood out for his lack of ideological zeal in supporting the Nazi cause. What motivated Speer, rather, was a cold...
The Trial of the Chicago Seven, made by celebrated director Aaron Sorkin, has attracted the most attention of this fall’s double-feature look-back on Left-wing manifestations against the war. But The Boys Who Said NO!, produced by veterans of the war and opposition to the draft, provides some context for...
According to a profile in Eric Blehm’s 2010 book, The Only Thing Worth Dying For: How Eleven Green Berets Fought For a New Afghanistan, President Trump’s new Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller picked out passages from British pro-imperialist writer Rudyard Kipling to motivate troops under his command. In this...
Beware of the Hawk: What to Expect from the Biden Administration on Foreign Policy
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 13
Millions of people around the world breathed a sigh of relief with the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2020 U.S. election and victory of the Biden-Harris ticket.
Joe Biden’s victory speech exuded a feeling of optimism in its call for a new era of bipartisanship and decency in politics.
Protecting the Secrecy of the Mission: A Review of Douglas Valentine’s new Novel TDY
Bill Tremblay - 1
Early on in this “based-on-a-true-story” book, Pete, the central character and narrator, makes clear that something ominous lies ahead when he says wistfully:
“I wish I could tell you more about Rusty, José, and Taurus. I wish I could fully develop their characters and entertain and enlighten you with...
By now you have probably been told innumerable times by friends, colleagues and progressive commentators why holding your nose and voting for Joe Biden is absolutely necessary to save America from four more destructive years of Donald Trump.
I agree with all those voices. And I endorse all their reasons—which...
What to do in November? The Editors for CovertAction Magazine Weigh In
Chris Agee and Jeremy Kuzmarov - 20
Some people on the left have been confused about what to do in November. So much so, that former members of Students for a Democratic Society felt compelled to write an open letter urging a vote for Biden against Trump. We agree.
A Trump victory would further exacerbate inequality, sexism...