Some people on the left have been confused about what to do in November. So much so, that former members of Students for a Democratic Society felt compelled to write an open letter urging a vote for Biden against Trump.[1] We agree.
A Trump victory would further exacerbate inequality, sexism and the environmental crisis while bringing about more structural racism and the threat of war. A Trump defeat, by contrast, could open up space to build a genuine left-wing movement that is capable of long term political, economic and social transformation.
Four more years or more of Trump will not afford us that space and would yield a horrendous outcome that could bring us back to the dark age of Europe in the 1930s.

Trump is supported by armed vigilante groups, neo-Nazis and far-right, white supremacists, some of whom he referred to after the 2017 Charlottesville riots as “very fine people.” Trump’s political strategy is to stoke racial hatred, scapegoat minorities, and advance his own war agenda. He has promoted gargantuan military budgets, expanded the U.S. military footprint and promoted aggressive covert regime-change strategies.
Trump’s personality significantly is that of a bully who made his reputation partly by starring in a reality TV show where he got to fire and humiliate guests.
Adding danger to the mix is Trump’s ability to arouse a cult of nationalism and violence while enjoying support from the most reactionary and aggressive elements of Wall Street and finance capital.
Confusion regarding who to vote for in the November elections is both due to the Democratic Party’s machinations in undermining the progressive Bernie Sanders during the last two primaries, and because Biden was a central figure in (1) securing congressional support for the Iraq War, and (2) reinforcing mass incarceration and the War on Drugs, among other crimes. Biden bragged about authoring the PATRIOT ACT and has long championed NATO. Given his past positions, he would likely exacerbate the threat of more war in the Middle East and aggravate conflicts with Russia and China, to name a few.
His running mate, Harris, is also a harsh prosecutor from California who used red-baiting tactics during the Democratic Party primaries and contributed to the mass incarceration scourge.
There can be no illusions about the Democratic Party and its Wall Street backers. At a time like this, we are reminded, though, of those in the 1930s who urged for a popular front strategy to fight impending fascism. Bulgarian Communist Georgi Dimitrov, who became Prime Minister after the war, is a case in point.
In his concluding speech before the Seventh World Congress of the Communist International in August 1935, he argued that the Communist International should ally with the Social Democrats, even though they had supported German Nazi Freikorps attacks that resulted in the killing of many leftists, including Communist Party leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in January 1919.[2]

Dimitrov’s insights are relevant today as people decide what to do in November. He and others in his time understood fascism as the open terrorist dictatorship of the most chauvinistic, ruthless, and imperialist elements of finance capital. The fascist goal of world conquest, and destruction of organized labor, promised unprecedented profits for big business, which were among its most fervent backers.
Fascists gain strength during times of economic crisis and capitalize on the weakness and destruction of the political left, which is what has occurred in the United States.
Decades of neoliberal policies have decimated America’s middle and working class and contributed to downward mobility at a time when labor unions and the political left have been unable to effectively fight back.
This is all part of a more virulent and destructive phase of capitalism that bears ominous parallels with Europe in the 1930s. A great many lives and the fate of humanity are at stake in this election and it is imperative that we ally with the lesser evil. This represents a commitment to the anti-fascist struggle in defense of American workers and people around the world.

[1] https://www.thenation.com/article/activism/letter-new-left-biden/
[2] Georgi Dimitrov, Selected Works, volume 2 (Sofia Press, 1972), 86-119, https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/dimitrov/works/1935/unity.htm.
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About the Author
About the Author

Chris Agee is Executive Editor of CovertAction Magazine.
He teaches at the City University of New York, the State University of New York and is the author of numerous articles in various publications.
Chris can be reached at chris.agee@icloud.com.
Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine.
He is the author of four books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019) and The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018).
Jeremy can be reached at jkuzmarov2@gmail.com.
A bit late with this comment (better late than never)
“Never open the door to a lesser evil, for other and greater ones invariably slink in after it” -Baltasar Gracian. Gracian’s maxim is, in today’s world, tantamount to ‘A vote for a lesser evil is nevertheless a vote for evil’ posing a riddle for the social psychologists: when a ‘democratic’ society has accepted a ‘lesser evil’ principle applies to its governing foundation, how can such a society self-define as anything other than evil?
I agree with many of the comments preceding my own –
This endorsement is worse than the usual “lesser evil” nonsense. CA is endorsing a candidate backed by the entire U.S. intelligence apparatus, the Silicon Valley oligarchy, and the Wall Street banker cabal, not to mention the unspeakable John Bolton and George W Bush. What do you think a Biden Administration will look like if not fascist? They are demanding billions for national surveillance (“contact tracing”) and incarceration (“quarantine”) under the guise of Covid, for ever-expanding lock downs and destruction of workers’ income, federalized policing and even further expansion of the U.S. war machine.
Trump is a shamelessly corrupt and vile huckster but a figure who has struck a chord with a disaffected muti-racial working class sick of the condescension of the bourgeois elite presiding over their economic ruin, not to mention the massively despised “public health emergency measures” supported only by the economically secure and their backers. Characterizing Trump voters as simply racist fascists in “armed militias” stupidly mimics the nonsense peddled by the capitalist media. In case it had escaped your attention, most of us in the U.S., Candada and Europe have been under legally-forced house arrest for months, with all political activity (save state-supported BLM theatrics) and most travel banned, and tightening media censorship, all under the guise of a benevolent state apparatus that just wants to keep us “safe.” Hundreds of millions internationally face starvation due to the shutdown of the world economy.This is real life fascism, and it will become still worse under the pathetic,addled-minded Uncle Joe and Friends. Enjoy the Great Reset.
When Congress “authorized” the Iraq War, Democrats controlled the Senate. I vowed to myself that I would never vote for a political candidate who had voted to authorize the Iraq War. We must remember that Joe Biden was instrumental in the war authorization’s passage through the Senate. A vote for Biden is a statement that his support for the Iraq War was acceptable. To be sure, Donald Trump bears responsibility for over 200,000 deaths from COVID-19. Biden, on the other hand, bears responsibility for many more deaths in Iraq and surrounding countries. I am supporting the candidate of the Green Party, Howie Hawkins.
To be fair (and set the record straight), Trump did not promote “gargantuan military budgets.” The democrats gave him more than he asked for. In fact, it has been the democrats who only approve of Trump when he is bombing some other country. It is the democrats that seem to want more war. Both candidates are terrible choices, and it is pathetic that this is the best the US can do out of a country of 370 million people. However, when one realizes that both parties are owned by the same masters, one can understand how neither will allow a candidate who will truly work for the people.
Since the only groups powerful enough to deploy a biological warfare globalist coup of financial warfare to destroy the world economy then promote a globalist new world order and cover the world with G5 to digitally record every time we break wind, claiming to repair the world … are neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden, why waste your breath? …talking about either of them. CAQ has historically extensively covered the destabilization of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and full court press by the Reagan/Bush Adminstration. But, not covered at all George Herbert Walker Bushes namesake, Herbie Walker, who along with Brown & Sullivan illegally founded Ruskombank (see Antony Sutton on youtube before he’s erased) in 1919 to fund communism and Nazism out of NYC for 7 decades. Vote for that.
The real vote, here, is either a vote for the overt freedoms and self-governance provided by the U.S. Constitution …or… a vote for slavery & extinction under a covert racist one world government run by bankers who finance death squads and armies, covert ionospheric aerosol spraying & covert ionospheric heaters for weather modification … all to snuff out children of color and colonize their homelands and subjugate the pinks (vulgarly called, whites).
How many people of color are in the Fed/City of London, the Sovereign Knights of Malta, or the Skull & Bones. Yet, these are the only groups capable of deploying a world-wide biological warfare attack as a tactic of financial warfare to enable mayors and governors with dictatorial powers to strip away are rights to free assembly, free speech, freedom to gather and freedom of religion to the applause of the most stupid among us …just as they orchestrate war, poverty and genocide. After all, Rockefellers founded Tavistock, the parent of MK-Ultra god of propaganda and mind control …and CAQ has extensively covered MK-ULTRA, but Tavistock not so much. Vote for that.
The Sovereign Knights of Malta death squads of the Holy Roman Empire in which the covert Fehme oligarchy death squads were seeded and flourished, whose membership today includes all the heads of western intelligence & their apologists …has done this for 900 years. Vote for that.
The Sovereign City of London which is a separate country inside London comprised of the central bankers that run the western world and have been trying to takeover Russia and China for hundreds of years as they took over Africa and the Americas, which grew out of a marriage of the Holy Roman Empire (which excluded Rome) of German warlords running the Inquisition (to this day) in marriage to the 2,000 year old families that choreographed the forces that became the Vatican Jesuit Catholic empire continue the Inquisition, today. Vote for that.
The German Society of the Skull & Bones Order of Death, being exactly that in Germany and at Yale, is also a child the the oligarchy families that covertly dominate the banking and military world today, (along with the oligarch families behind the Vatican) and have for 2,000 years. Vote for that.
So, why would you waste your breath on even considering Trump or Bechtel corporation, I mean Biden, I mean Harris when voting. After all, Bechtel brought us the politics of Reagan, Schwarzenegger, Pelosi, Feinstein, Newsom, Harris and now California has outlawed the use of natural gas in new housing because it is low cost and Bechtel runs the nuclear power and electrical power syndicate not to mention California, Oregon & Washington. Vote for that.
So, your loyal readers must come to the conclusion that for you to promote the Globalist nazi/fascist NWO globalist one world government over the freedoms and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States — which is the only document in the history of the world that gives people ownership of their own lives …is mystical, at best and we, your loyal readers can only assume that you were forced to write this in order to be allowed for the magazine not to be snuffed out by the powers that be rather than run a mole operation to bring people like me out of the woodwork.
Your editorial could have been condensed to one sentence. Vote for one world government run by central bankers, the Fed/City of London, Sovereign Knights of Malta and Skull & Bones Brotherhood of the Order of Death — or — Vote for the U.S. Constitution. Vote for that.
You should invite me to write an editorial for you that will have everything your magazine has neglected over the years that would complete your founders’ vision & mission … otherwise I would invite your readers to attend my website, which is confusing as well but at least names the players who are enacting this global coup to install world fascism under the tyranny of the space age tools of dark science and the nerd trillionaires who would supply the programs, hardware and software to enslave and eliminate 80% of the human race.
That is, www nuclear weather forecast dot com or http://www.nuclearweatherforecast.com
A vote for Trump is a vote for allowing nuclear reactors to exist: 41,000 people a day (1.2 billion since 1941) either get fatal or nonfatal cancer from the nuclear industry …that is a number that was calculated by scientists using nuclear industry statistics …instead of just counting fatal cancers caused by the nuclear industry, nonfatal cancers were also counted. Simple as pie. Vote for that. After all, the same interlocking directorate of the Fed/City of London that founded and own the Fed, also orchestrated the great wars, nuclear power, and founding of the United Nations, Israel & Pakistan in 1947 not to mention the CIA not to mention its eastern division being staffed before the end of WWII by Allen Dulles …as CAQ has extensively documented. Vote for that.
And what about Obama’s original pick for VP, whats-his-name, who ran Fannie Mae and bailed out just before it went bankrupt, who had a private investment firm with all the Bush nazi fascist companies on his board? CAQ and John Loftus have wrote extensively about the enemy within. Vote for that.
And what about the original anti-fascist research/broadcast in the U.S. for the last 40 years, Dave Emory broadcast and archived at KFMU, google Dave Emory KFMU archives …https://wfmu.org/playlists/DX Vote for that. He’s the only surviving anti-fascist researcher in the U.S. that draws on hundreds of works of anti-fascist authors and reporters. Vote for that.
What about the covert coup in 1913 where the same banking families that were thrown out of the U.S. in 1776 again regained dictatorial power over the U.S. in 1913 and by definition the owners of the Fed (being the City of London corporation) get the entire interest on the national debt each year as a dividend on their ownership of founding Fed stock …in all the original five Rothschild-founded banks in Europe, as well as the Fed …netting them, that is, the eight families that own the Fed, several trillions dollars a year …did I say, a year? …in personal disposable nontaxable income. Vote for that.
As for me, give me liberty or give me death. But do not give me a world run by globalist new world order fascist bankers. Even if it is only for 4 more years. What’s the rush to oblivion?
This country has boiled down to the compassionate versus the fascist.
It has never been about Trump or Biden.
It has, as your magazine has demonstrated for decades, about the forces pulling their strings.
Vote for the U.S. Constitution or the end of it.
That’s your real choice.
Since the only groups powerful enough to deploy a biological warfare globalist coup of financial warfare to destroy the world economy then promote a globalist new world order and cover the world with G5 to digitally record every time we break wind, claiming to repair the world … are neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden, why waste your breath? …talking about either of them. CAQ has historically extensively covered the destablilization of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and full court press by the Reagan/Bush adminstration. But, not covered at all George Herbert Walker Bushes namesake, Herbie Walker, who along with Brown & Sullivan illegally founded Ruskombank (see Antony Sutton on youtube before he’s erased) in 1919 to fund communism and nazism for 7 decades. Vote for that.
The real vote, here, is either a vote for the overt freedoms and self-governance provided by the U.S. Constitution …or… a vote for slavery & extinction under a covert racist one world government run by bankers who finance death squads and armies, covert ionospheric aerosol spraying & covert ionospheric heaters for weather modification … all to snuff out children of color and colonize their homelands and subjugate the pinks (vulgarly called, whites).
How many people of color are in the Fed/City of London, the Sovereign Knights of Malta, or the Skull & Bones. Yet, these are the only groups capable of deploying a world-wide biological warfare attack as a tactic of financial warfare to enable mayors and governors with dictatorial powers to strip away are rights to free assembly, free speech, freedom to gather and freedom of religion to the applause of the most stupid among us …just as they orchestrate war, poverty and genocide. After all, Rockefellers founded Tavistock, the parent of MK-Ultra god of propaganda and mind control …and CAQ has extensively covered MK-ULTRA, but Tavistock not so much. Vote for that.
The Sovereign Knights of Malta death squads of the Holy Roman Empire in which the covert Fehme oligarchy death squads were seeded and flourished, whose membership today includes all the heads of western intelligence & their apologists …has done this for 900 years. Vote for that.
The Sovereign City of London which is a separate country inside London comprised of the central bankers that run the western world and have been trying to takeover Russia and China for hundreds of years as they took over Africa and the Americas, which grew out of a marriage of the Holy Roman Empire (which excluded Rome) of German warlords running the Inquisition (to this day) in marriage to the 2,000 year old families that choreographed the forces that became the Vatican Jesuit Catholic empire continue the Inquisition, today. Vote for that.
The German Society of the Skull & Bones Order of Death, being exactly that in Germany and at Yale, is also a child the the oligarchy families that covertly dominate the banking and military world today, (along with the oligarch families behind the Vatican) and have for 2,000 years. Vote for that.
So, why would you waste your breath on even considering Trump or Bechtel corporation, I mean Biden, I mean Harris when voting. After all, Bechtel brought us the politics of Reagan, Schwarzenegger, Pelosi, Feinstein, Newsom, Harris and now California has outlawed the use of natural gas in new housing because it is low cost and Bechtel runs the nuclear power and electrical power syndicate not to mention California, Oregon & Washington. Vote for that.
So, your loyal readers must come to the conclusion that for you to promote the Globalist nazi/fascist NWO globalist one world government over the freedoms and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States — which is the only document in the history of the world that gives people ownership of their own lives …is mystical, at best and we, your loyal readers can only assume that you were forced to write this in order to be allowed for the magazine not to be snuffed out by the powers that be rather than run a mole operation to bring people like me out of the woodwork.
Your editorial could have been condensed to one sentence. Vote for one world government run by central bankers, the Fed/City of London, Sovereign Knights of Malta and Skull & Bones Brotherhood of the Order of Death — or — Vote for the U.S. Constitution. Vote for that.
You should invite me to write an editorial for you that will have everything your magazine has neglected over the years that would complete your founders’ vision & mission … otherwise I would invite your readers to attend my website, which is confusing as well but at least names the players who are enacting this global coup to install world fascism under the tyranny of the space age tools of dark science and the nerd trillionaires who would supply the programs, hardware and software to enslave and eliminate 80% of the human race.
That is, www nuclear weather forecast dot com or http://www.nuclearweatherforecast.com
A vote for Trump is a vote for allowing nuclear reactors to exist: 41,000 people a day (1.2 billion since 1941) either get fatal or nonfatal cancer from the nuclear industry …that is a number that was calculated by scientists using nuclear industry statistics …instead of just counting fatal cancers caused by the nuclear industry, nonfatal cancers were also counted. Simple as pie. Vote for that. After all, the same interlocking directorate of the Fed/City of London that founded and own the Fed, also orchestrated the great wars, nuclear power, and founding of the United Nations, Israel & Pakistan in 1947 not to mention the CIA not to mention its eastern division being staffed before the end of WWII by Allen Dulles …as CAQ has extensively documented. Vote for that.
And what about Obama’s original pick for VP, whats-his-name, who ran Fannie Mae and bailed out just before it went bankrupt, who had a private investment firm with all the Bush nazi fascist companies on his board? CAQ and John Loftus have wrote extensively about the enemy within. Vote for that.
And what about the original anti-fascist research/broadcast in the U.S. for the last 40 years, Dave Emory broadcast and archived at KFMU, google Dave Emory KFMU archives …https://wfmu.org/playlists/DX Vote for that. He’s the only surviving anti-fascist researcher in the U.S. that draws on hundreds of works of anti-fascist authors and reporters. Vote for that.
What about the covert coup in 1913 where the same banking families that were thrown out of the U.S. in 1776 again regained dictatorial power over the U.S. in 1913 and by definition the owners of the Fed (being the City of London corporation) get the entire interest on the national debt each year as a dividend on their ownership of founding Fed stock …in all the original five Rothschild-founded banks in Euope, as well as the Fed …netting them, that is, the eight families that own the Fed, several trillions dollars a year …did I say, a year? …in personal disposable nontaxable income. Vote for that.
As for me, give me liberty or give me death. But do not give me a world run by globalist new world order fascist bankers. Even if it is only for 4 more years. What’s the rush to oblivion?
This country has boiled down to the compassionate versus the fascist.
It has never been about Trump or Biden.
It has, as your magazine has demonstrated for decades, about the forces pulling their strings.
Vote for the U.S. Constitution or the end of it.
That’s your real choice.
After reading this I just unlisted my favorites to include this site. Trump is a racist?????????? LOL He’s done more for minorities in 4 yrs. than the CORRUPT LYING Hypocrite Biden has done in 40 YEARS. Just because a “racist” supports you doesn’t make you a racist.
I was just introduced to this site today and thought they would be a good source of information, but reading this pure propaganda piece has shattered that illusion. This is typical MSM-style propaganda. Taking things out of context, no facts, projecting fears about what could happen as if it was real, despite factual data to the contrary.
Reading this at the very start of this article was a clear red flag to me that you could not be taken seriously:
“A Trump victory would further exacerbate … and the threat of war.”
Threat of war? Trump (who by the way I did NOT vote for) is almost finished with his term, and let’s look at some facts here… how many wars has he started? Zero. Trump is the only president in recent history who has not started a war. Yet you think that your baseless fears that he somehow poses a “threat of war” is a valid reason to vote him out?
From there on the article doesn’t get any better. If this is an example of the type of or lack of logic, reason, research and conclusions that you use on your site I can see that you are not a reliable source of information and I would be embarrassed to share any of your articles or to cite them.
You use classic misinformation tactics like the MSM and fake fact checkers when you make statements like this:
“Trump is supported by armed vigilante groups, neo-Nazis and far-right, white supremacists, some of whom he referred to after the 2017 Charlottesville riots as “very fine people.” Trump’s political strategy is to stoke racial hatred, scapegoat minorities, and advance his own war agenda.”
Taking what he said “very fine people” out of context by neglecting to say he first eliminated white supremacists from the group of people he was talking about saying that white supremacy was never acceptable. Your talk again about “… his own war agenda”. What war? He is the only president who since at least the first Bush who has not started a war.
Is this article part of your application to be accepted as a Big Tech funded ‘fact checker’?
I’m glad to see from the comments that many of your readers/former readers are logical and critical thinkers who can see right through this garbage.
well said
The open letter by the former members of Students for a Democratic Society is recommending that everyone vote for Joe Biden but they do have single good thing to say about Joe Biden. Similarly the Covert Action Magazine in their article are recommending that people vote for Joe Biden but they have only bad things to say about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and not a single good thing to say about them and even use the word ” evil ” when describing Joe Biden as the lesser of two evils. If I were writing an article recommending that people vote for a certain person I would not use the word evil and also I would point out a few of the person’s good qualities to increase the probability that people will vote the person. If all these people want Joe Biden to win they are not going about it in the right way as the only reason they give is that they think Joe is the lesser of two evils.
The piece’s conclusion is indeed surprising and doesn’t follow from most of its otherwise cogent analysis. Lesser evil is still evil and should be avoided; after all, DJT is but a symptom and logical consequence of a long string of American mishaps, in which Biden & cabal were no spectators. While better, boycotting elections is still a weak move – no way to discern if an abstainer is uninformed, disinterested, dispirited or protesting. If most of the all but half of eligible US voters that cast no vote would instead do so for a “third party” (e.g. Green), the outcome would be completely different. It is high time to break out of the 2-party straightjacket and herd mentality perpetuated by corporate media, look down the ballot, and vote your own heart.
The conclusion made at the end of the piece was not totally surprising as the same conclusion appears to have been made in first paragraph when they wrote “Some people on the left have been confused about what to do in November. So much so, that former members of Students for a Democratic Society felt compelled to write an open letter urging a vote for Biden against Trump.[1] We agree.” (note the last 2 words “We agree”)
What created some confusion for me is that the writers do not mention Biden’s name in their conclusion.
It would have been more clear if they said ” we agree that voters should vote for Biden ” and ” voters should
ally with Biden the lesser of two evils” The two writers are not big fans of Biden so may have been uncomfortable saying ” vote for Joe Biden” as they both do not like Joe Biden.
We’ve now come full circle. Covert Action is endorsing the candidate of the National Security State
Excellent point!
I am surprised by your conclusion. I recognize that many if not most on the left would close “anybody but Trump” but I didn’t expect that from you. I am not a Trump fan but, to me, the most important thing happening is Trump’s war against the Deep State. This is a disease that has been around since at least President Kennedy. I know a lot about it because I was a subscriber to Covert Action Information Bulletin for ages.
Donald Trump is such a dangerous human being that it is a no brainer that everyone must vote for Joe Biden
and remove a dictator from power. Joe Biden has his flaws but he is a zillion times better than Trump.
I agree that Trump is a problem but how is Biden better? He is an oligarchic stooge just like Obama. Besides you realize you are voting for someone that has dementia.
According to an expert on You Tube, Joe Biden has some cognitive problems, but the symptoms do not provide clear proof of the medical condition referred to as Dementia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDIpfm3eQ4M
Also it is okay for you to criticize Biden, but if you think that Biden is as bad or even worse than Trump then it means that you are a poor judge of character. Biden will sometimes acknowledge that he has made a mistake, something that Trump has never done in his entire life.
I am a poor judge of character? Hmmm…let’s count the ways…
Biden voted for the Crime Bill that created the prison industrial complex
Biden was VP when Obama administration create the failed state of Libya.
Biden was VP when Obama administration took us from two wars to seven.
Biden was VP when Obama administration forcibly evicted thousands of poor people from their homes during 2008 mortgage crisis. Oh yeah…none of the bankers went to jail.
Biden has Harris as his VP and she loves to put people in prison and keep them there. Her record is shameful from BLM perspective.
Biden voted for NAFTA…which hollowed out jobs for people.
Trump did NONE of these things. And no…I am not a Republican.
Bottom line – as Jimmy Dore says…”We’ve already lost this election. Raytheon, Halliburton, Boeing, Exxon, WallSt, BlueCross, Eli Lilly have ALREADY WON. They’ve won ever election since 1980, and we’ve all lost every one of them.”
So…please tell me who is a bad judge of character?
This article is just insane. The authors are recommending a vote for a man that clearly has dementia and cannot read out-loud a sentence to save his life! In all actuality, a vote for Biden is a vote for Harris and she is no friend of social justice. Her treatment of blacks and those in prison has been horrific. At this point, it is hard to tell who is worse – Biden or Trump. In fact, to drive home my point, this is an excerpt from the article…
“Trump’s political strategy is to stoke racial hatred, scapegoat minorities, and advance his own war agenda. He has promoted gargantuan military budgets, expanded the U.S. military footprint and promoted aggressive covert regime-change strategies.”
Ironically, this is exactly what happened during the Obama-Biden administration. People conveniently forget just how much of a warmonger the Nobel Peace Prize Obama really was. He took us from two wars to seven!! During the 2008 financial crisis, Obama gave trillions to his banker buddies and kicked out minorities from their homes.
For anyone reading this…don’t waste your vote on this oligarchic mess. A no-vote is a vote of no-confidence in our fake democracy.
Don’t vote for anyone in the Federal elections! In the end, it does not matter who wins…nothing will change. If you think a vote for Biden is going to change things…good luck!