United States warmakers have become so skilled at propaganda that not only can they wage a war of aggression without arousing protest; they can also compel liberals to denounce peace activists using language reminiscent of the McCarthy era.
Take the case of Syria. The people and groups one would normally count on to oppose wars have been the ones largely defending it. They have also often been the ones to label war opponents as “Assad apologists” or “genocide deniers”—causing them to be blacklisted.

In April, The Nation magazine published an essay by Gilbert Achcar, a professor of international relations at the University of London entitled “How to Avoid the Anti-Imperialism of Fools.” Achcar is co-author with Noam Chomsky of a book critical of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East,
In his Nation essay, he divides the Left into two factions—one which “opposes all forms of imperialism and oppression,” and one which “supports any regime or force that is the object of Washington’s hostility.” The latter includes “Russia’s thuggish capitalist and imperialist government, or Iran’s theocratic regime or the likes of Slobodan Milošević and Saddam Hussein.”[1]
The binary Achcar paints is misleading because it does not take into account war critics’ attempts to present more nuanced portraits of American targets for regime change like Putin or Milošević or even Hussein that would account for their domestic popularity. Nor the value placed on the principle of national self-determination and sovereignty, and identification of the double standards of U.S. human rights concerns.

Achcar supports military intervention in Syria under the UN doctrine of Responsibility to Protect (R2P), which enables foreign military intervention if it will stop large-scale human rights abuses.
He quotes favorably in his Nation article from a 2019 statement signed by several prominent figures on the American Left—including Judith Butler, Noam Chomsky, the late David Graeber and David Harvey—demanding that the United States “continue military support for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Force,” in the face of Donald Trump’s announced withdrawal.
This position was based on fear that if the U.S. withdrew, the Kurds would be slaughtered by Turkey, the Islamic State in the Levant (ISIS) or the “murderous Assad regime,” as Achcar termed it.
The Kurds, however, were being used as a proxy force by the U.S. in a regime-change operation that would enable foreign exploitation of Syria’s oil and military domination of the Middle East—and would inevitably be abandoned.
Western empires had used the pretext of human rights many times before to justify colonization, and recruited disaffected minority groups, which was no different in this case.

Voices from Syria
Mark Taliano and Basma Qaddour’s book, Voices from Syria—now out in its second edition—offers a strong rebuttal to Achcar and others who consider opponents of U.S. military intervention in Syria to be foolish.
![Voices from Syria: Revised Second Edition by [Mark Taliano, Basma Qaddour]](https://i0.wp.com/covertactionmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/voices-from-syria-revised-second-edition-by-mark.jpeg?resize=275%2C374&ssl=1)
The authors—one a Montreal based teacher, the other a Syrian journalist—point out that the majority of Syrians consider Assad an authentic nationalist who has saved Syria from jihadist terrorists sponsored by the U.S., NATO, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel and Gulf Arab states like Qatar.
The terrorists have killed an estimated 150,000 civilians and another 260,000 fighters and kidnapped thousands more, some of whom were used for illegal organ harvesting.
Their goal is to impose a theocratic regime and to divide, plunder and exploit Syria and open it up to predatory foreign corporations.
Taliano and Qaddour write that “Syria’s stand against the Western agencies of death and destruction is a stand for all humanity against the dark forces that fester beneath our politicians’ empty words and the courtesan media’s toxic lies.”
These lies have ensured that few in the U.S. or West have acknowledged Syria’s heroic victory against colonial aggression—a modern-day equivalent to Vietnam’s victory over the French at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954.

Long-Standing Plan for Regime Change
Two weeks after the September 11th attacks, General Wesley Clark was visited by a senior general who told him that the U.S. was going to attack Iraq: “The decision has basically been made.”
Six weeks later, when Clark returned to Washington to visit the same general and asked whether the plans for invading Iraq were still in place, the general responded, “‘Oh, it’s worse than that,’ he said, holding up a memo on his desk. ‘Here’s the paper from the Office of the Secretary of Defense [then Donald Rumsfeld] outlining the strategy. We’re going to take out seven countries in five years.’ And he named them, starting with Iraq and Syria and ending with Iran.”

The key to the success of these latter operations was to convince the U.S. public that wars of aggression were military interventions carried out for humanitarian purposes. The way to do that was to give off the illusion that the targeted leaders were brutal dictators intent on waging a campaign of genocide against their own people.
Assad’s Accomplishments

Syria was a main target on Rumsfeld’s list because its leader, Bashar al-Assad, was a secular nationalist like Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi of Libya, who was defiant of the West.
In 2000, Bashar succeeded his father Hafez al-Assad, who had long been a thorn in the side of the West. He had allied Syria with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and in 1971 allowed the Russians to establish a naval base at Tartus.

Though vilified in the West, Bashar retains support of the majority of Syrians because he has advanced free health care and education for Syrians and retained Syrian control over most of its economy while rallying the people against foreign aggression.

While certainly there are brutal aspects to his rule like with his father, Assad’s accomplishments before the war, according to Taliano and Qaddour, included: a) construction and restoration of 10,000 mosques and 500 churches; b) construction of 8,000 schools; and c) construction of 600,000 apartment units for young people and 6,000 hospitals and clinics.

Further, salaries increased by 300 percent under Assad’s rule, thousands of new businesses sprung up, agricultural and industrial capacity increased, the illiteracy rate was kept low, and the unemployment rate declined from 28 to 12 percent.

These facts are at odds with the depiction of Assad as a genocidal tyrant.
The latter is part of a demonization campaign initiated by intelligence agencies and embraced by factions of the Left that have unwittingly helped to advance the agenda of the U.S. empire.

“Your Obama Leading Proxy War”
In March 2011, Americans were led to believe that idealistic pro-democracy demonstrations erupted in the southern city of Daraa—inspired by Arab Spring protests in Egypt and Tunisia, and following an incident of police brutality.
Seven police were killed by the demonstrators in the very first protests, and 60 security forces were massacred two weeks later. The plan of the mob was to provoke a police response that would make it seem like the security forces were reacting harshly, which would discredit Assad’s regime.

For the first three weeks, police and security personnel were under orders, though, not to carry guns.
As the protests spread, foreign terrorists began descending on Syria and were paid $300-$400 per month. Although Syrian soldiers were paid only one-tenth of that amount, they remained mostly loyal to the Syrian government.
Majd al-Zaim, a Syrian, stated that what had happened in Syria was “not a revolution or civil war [as has been depicted in the Western media]. The terrorists are sent by your government [the U.S.]. They are Al-Qaeda, Jabhat al-Nusra, Wahhabi, Salafist, Talibans and the extremist jihadists are sent by the West, Saudis, Qataris, Turkey…. Your Obama and whoever is behind him or above him are supporting Al-Qaeda and leading a proxy war on my country.”

Historical Background
Historically, Syria faced divisions between secular nationalist and Shia Alawites and Sunni fundamentalists who allied with the Muslim Brotherhood.
In 1982, Hafez al-Assad crushed an Islamic rebellion (the Hama massacre), foreshadowing his son’s actions 30 years later.

A July 1986 declassified CIA document outlined a U.S. strategy in Syria that was hostile to Assad—as it remains. The document stated that “In our view, U.S. interests would be best served by a Sunni regime controlled by business-oriented moderates. Business moderates would see a strong need for Western aid and investment to build Syria’s private economy, thus opening the way for stronger ties to Western governments.”
The report acknowledged that the collapse of the Ba’athist state presided over by Assad could help to empower “religious zealots” seeking to establish “an Islamic Republic.” But this was a risk that Washington was willing to take.
Twenty years later, the Chargé D’affaires at the U.S. embassy in Damascus, William Roebuck, in a leaked diplomatic cable, referred to the threat to the Assad regime from Islamic extremists as “an opportunity that the U.S. should take action to try to increase.”

Roebuck also pushed for better coordination with Egypt and Saudi Arabia in provoking sectarian divisions by exaggerating Iranian influence along with a rumor campaign against Assad, and arming of the Kurds as part of a destabilization strategy, which was implemented under Obama.
An Inhuman Enemy
Voices from Syria tells the stories of the victims of U.S. policy like Ammar, whose sister was killed by a Wahhabi suicide bomber while she was on her way to the local university.
Ammar said that, after the first blast, another suicide bomber blew himself up in the same place, taking advantage of the gathering of people and ambulance teams. At the hospital, Ammar saw many burned and charred bodies, including his sister, who was now a “body without a soul”—like so many others.
Lilly Martin, an American living in Syria, is quoted in Voices from Syria as stating that she could not vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election because Clinton had overseen “the transfer of weapons from Libya to Turkey to be used specifically by the American-backed terrorists.”
These terrorists destroyed Martin’s home on March 21, 2014, beheaded her Christian neighbors and kidnapped and raped the old ladies.

Dr. Declan Hayes described an attack by al-Nusra (U.S.-backed jihadi group) on the village of Kesab where the terrorists swarmed across the border on motorbikes, pick-up trucks, and Western ambulances, and proceeded to desecrate all of Kesab’s churches, loot the village graves and strip the houses of anything of value.
Pepken Djourian and his wife saw their only son executed in front of them, after which his body was left to rot in the sun before being thrown into the ground like a dog.
In another case, terrorists beheaded and executed a captured soldier while he was speaking to his father on the phone so he could hear his son being killed.
The terrorists further roasted bakery workers in a town loyal to Assad in an oven and slaughtered staff at a medical clinic and displayed their severed heads in the marketplace for intimidation.
Operation Timber Sycamore
Some of the head choppers were trained by U.S. military advisers at terrorist training camps in Jordan under the CIA’s $1 billion Operation Sycamore, the largest covert operation since the arming of the mujahadin fighters in Afghanistan to fight the Soviet Union in the 1980s.

Turkish helicopters could be seen overhead during armed terrorist invasions of towns while the Syrian Arab Army was fighting insurgents who wore Turkish military uniforms and carried Turkish military identification.
The Israelis allowed Al Qaeda militants, Jabhat al-Nusra, to use the occupied Golan Heights to fight against the Syrian Army, while the Israeli Air Force repeatedly bombed Syria.

Russia to the Rescue
In “How to Avoid the Anti-Imperialism of Fools,” Gilbert Achcar criticized U.S. and British- based anti-war groups for failing to condemn Russian imperialism in Syria.
Many Syrians, however, laud the Russians for helping to save their country.
Ammar told Taliano and Qaddour that “the Russians provided the biggest humanitarian aid by supporting the Syrian Armed Forces against Western backed barbarian terrorism,” and that Russian aid—including food and medical supplies—was distributed directly to needy people.
![According to Russia's defence ministry, 92 Russian soldiers have been killed in Syria since September 2015 [File: Omar Sanadiki/Reuters]](https://i0.wp.com/covertactionmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/according-to-russias-defence-ministry-92-russian.jpeg?resize=696%2C464&ssl=1)
Lilly Martin stated that Russia had “saved the Syrian Coast”—along with Syrian towns like Kesab that were on the verge of destruction by the CIA-backed terrorists.
Cruel Economic War
The cruelty of Western policy is exemplified by its economic war on Syria, about which Achcar and his associates have been silent.
The goal of the economic war has been to weaken Syria and demoralize its people so as to pave the way for Syria’s conquest.
Militias affiliated with both the U.S. and Turkey blocked the sale by Syrian peasants of wheat and barley east of the Euphrates, thus exacerbating the food shortage in the country.
They have sold oil illegally in northern Iraq and set fires in an attempt to decimate Syria’s yield of strategic crops. Many of the fires have targeted olive trees, which are used to produce olive oil—a source of livelihood for many Syrians.

The economic sanctions have further prevented needed medical supplies and equipment from getting into Syria and caused milk shortages resulting in the deaths of children.
Fraudulent Pretexts
These sanctions have been legitimated by false propaganda.
The Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act, which was signed into law in December 2019 by President Donald Trump, was named after a government defector, Caesar, who leaked thousands of photographs alleging torture of civilians by Assad’s security forces.

Nearly half the photos actually showed government soldiers who had been killed and victims of car bombs and other war-related violence, and many others showed soldiers who had died in combat—not government torture centers.
Caesar’s identity was also unclear and he was suspected of being in the employ of the CIA.
More Bright Shining Lies
American-educated opinion about the Syria conflict has been forged by numerous other deceptions.
These include allegations of chemical weapons attacks by Assad—which most Syrians believe were “staged by the terrorists helped by the USA and UK.”
Another deception surrounds the White Helmets—a group of Western-funded humanitarian aid workers that received endorsement from A-list celebrities like George Clooney.
Financed in part by the United States Agency of International Development (USAID), the White Helmets were led by a suspected British MI6 agent, James Le Mesurier, who died under suspicious circumstances in November 2019.

They staged scenes for public relations purposes, assisted in public executions, and functioned as an Al Qaeda affiliate, according to Taliano and Qaddour, which occupied and destroyed more than 7,000 schools.

The War on Terror Is a Fraud
The Syrian War exemplifies that the War on Terror is a fraud.
The U.S. government has claimed for the last two decades to be fighting the scourge of terrorism, but has armed, trained, and supported Islamic terrorists in Syria as part of an imperial strategy designed to control the country’s oil wealth and dominate the entire region.
Another motive is to provoke destabilization so as to justify endless war—which brings huge profits to war industries that fund both major political parties.
U.S. policy in Syria is no anomaly as the U.S. has supported Islamic fundamentalists in Libya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Chechnya, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Gulf Arab states like Qatar, which allows terrorist financiers to operate in its borders.
Only a very limited number of Americans have recognized the dangers of this strategy—owing in large part to the sophisticated propaganda that has effectively brainwashed many of those who would traditionally identify themselves as antiwar.

- Declassified British documents obtained by The Grayzone Project showed that Achcar trained British Cultural Defense Units who played a key role in the British war in Afghanistan. The Units have also advised the military on how to operate in other countries, including those that were at one time colonized by Great Britain. See Ben Norton, “Elite UK military unit secretly trained by leftist regime-change advocate Gibert Achcar and other academics,” The Grayzone Project, October 3, 2019, https://thegrayzone.com/2019/10/03/leftist-regime-change-activist-gilbert-achcar-academics-train-uk-military/
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About the Author

Jeremy Kuzmarov holds a Ph.D. in American history from Brandeis University and has taught at numerous colleges across the United States. He is regularly sought out as an expert on U.S. history and politics for radio and TV programs and co-hosts a radio show on New York Public Radio and on Progressive Radio News Network called “Left on Left.” He is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine and is the author of five books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019), The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018), and Warmonger. How Clinton’s Malign Foreign Policy Launched the U.S. Trajectory From Bush II to Biden (Clarity Press, 2023). Besides these books, Kuzmarov has published hundreds of articles and contributed to numerous edited volumes, including one in the prestigious Oxford History of Counterinsurgency . He can be reached at jkuzmarov2@gmail.com and found on substack here.
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[…] There you will find 48861 more Infos: covertactionmagazine.com/2021/07/08/the-syria-deception-the-public-has-been-hoodwinked-yet-again-into-supporting-a-criminal-war-of-aggression-and-one-that-has-been-effectively-lost/ […]
[…] of their government. But more recently, as Jeremy Kuzmarov of CovertAction Magazine observed: “United States warmakers have become so skilled at propaganda that not only can they wage a war […]
[…] the imperialism of their government. But more recently, as Jeremy Kuzmarov of CovertAction Magazine observed: “United States warmakers have become so skilled at propaganda that not only can they wage a war […]
The West supports al Qaeda and ISIS.
[…] In the past, most US progressives opposed the imperialism of their government. But more recently, as Jeremy Kuzmarov of CovertAction Magazine observed: […]
NATO terrorists committing war crimes at this moment.
[…] 19) The Syria Deception: The Public Has Been Hoodwinked Yet Again into Supporting a Criminal War of Aggression—and One That Has Been Effectively Lost https://covertactionmagazine.com/2021/07/08/the-syria-deception-the-public-has-been-hoodwinked-yet-a… […]
[…] imperialism of their government. But more recently, as Jeremy Kuzmarov of CovertAction Magazine observed: “United States warmakers have become so skilled at propaganda that not only can they wage a war […]
More on the Washington Regime and its terrorist assets who commit dreadful atrocities against Syrians as policy.
I have no comment about this report but I do have some information about the organization Judicial Watch which may or may not be pertinent:
Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group[1] that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate claimed misconduct by government officials.
Founded in 1994, JW has primarily targeted Democrats, in particular the Presidency of Bill Clinton, the Presidency of Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton. The organization has described climate science as “fraud science” and has filed lawsuits against government climate scientists. JW has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims that have been picked up by right-wing news outlets and promoted by conservative figures. President Donald Trump has repeatedly cited false claims by Judicial Watch about voter fraud. Courts have dismissed the vast majority of its lawsuits.[2]
The DIA document is legitimate. Common knowledge amongst those who have researched war on Syria. Admitted by former DIA Chief General Flynn.
He admitted it publicly as well.
Transcript of interview with Mehdi Hassan is here: https://www.marktaliano.net/teaching-voices-from-syria-unit-one/
i am curious, in reference to the Levant report. Is Levant related to the group called Levant Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). If so is it the group shown in this video.
Levant is a geographical area which includes Syria. The West supports all the terrorists in Syria, including ISIS.
Here is another video about the Washington Regime.
Here is another video:
Here is another video about the Assad regime
Here are two short videos that cover this topic:
I am just curious. In reference to “Tales of the American Empire Films” do you create these films all by yoursel or do you have other people help you
Since you are providing all the readers with the ”true story” before we throw all are “false stories” into the gargage can, I feel that the readers should know more about the person who is giving the “true story”
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself.
I would be curious to read how the author responds to the comment by Michael about “most Syrians believe”.
The author appears to be answering the question from yourself and Michael by sending 2 videos from Carlton Meyer. I am not very knowledgeable about this topic, so you and Michael can watch and formulate your opinions on these videos.
I tried reading the essay by Gilbert Achcar but I found it very difficult to understand as I am not an acedemic intellectual type. The only thing that I understood was the first line which said “The logic of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” is a recipe for empty cynicism”
I also find the logic that the enemy of my enemy is my friend to be a questionable way of thinking.
[…] Research, July 09, 2021CovertAction Magazine 8 July […]
[Gilbert Achcar] quotes favorably in his Nation article from a 2019 statement signed by several prominent figures on the American Left—including Judith Butler, Noam Chomsky, the late David Graeber and David Harvey—demanding that the United States “continue military support for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Force,” in the face of Donald Trump’s announced withdrawal.
First, The Nation became a Democratic Party mouthpiece quite a while ago. Second, I fear that Chomsky, also a Democratic Party supporter (which means a supporter of war criminals), has deteriorated into dementia. Judith Butler is a creepy academic with no understanding of radical feminism who makes false pronouncements about it. And I am very disturbed by David Graeber and David Harvey’s participation in this. But academia is not known for its deep connections to the real world where real people live and work and where real wars destroy humans and their environment. As far as I am concerned, anyone, no matter their previous respectability, who supports U.S. military intervention is utterly without conscience.
It is not your responsibility, Michael, to decide what is good for Syria. Take a glance at your own disgusting, bankrupt, corrupt nation which engages in human rights abuses every minute of every day of every year.
[…] CovertAction Magazine 8 July 2021 […]
Wonderful article and long overdue. The current four horsemen of the Apocalypse, The U.S. Israel, Britain, and Saudi Arabia have caused the deaths of millions of innocents with their insane policies. Unfortunately, most destruction and political nonsense in the Middle East is done at the behest of Israel. Israel’s Oded Yinon Plan or Greater Israel project see’s it’s borders on the Nile and the Euphrates with great amounts of land taken from it’s neighbors. It truly is a pipe-dream, but, they still try to achieve it no matter who or how many suffer in the process. And, America protects these thugs!
Don, what you are saying is not true.
Heather, have you even read the Oded Yinon Plan? I have a copy of it in my documents collection. Whether intentional or not, Israeli policies have been following this roadmap for a long time…
[…] Yet Again into Supporting a Criminal War of Aggression—and One That Has Been Effectively Lost https://covertactionmagazine.com/2021/07/08/the-syria-deception-the-public-has-been-hoodwinked-yet-a… Hidden History Lawsuit seeking truth on Saudi role in 9/11 hitting critical moment as […]
But see Assad or We Burn the Country: How One Family’s Lust for Power Destroyed Syria. Among other things it offers a very detailed discussion of exactly how U.S. intelligence concluded that Syria was responsibility for the chemical attacks to which the U.S. responded, as opposed to this article’s blithe generalization that “most Syrians believe were “staged by the terrorists helped by the USA and UK.” One wonders how the opinions of “most” Syrians were ascertained.
Excellent contribution. This book is very enlightening. I hope the writer will read this book and having a better understanding of the situation.
Aaron Mate has reported on the fake gas attack news and even testified before the UN. Here is his latest report:
Excellent overview!