The 9/11 attack has been shrouded in secrecy by the U.S. government for 23 years, leading to much speculation and questions among the public. Despite numerous investigations and official reports, the full picture of those tragic events has never been fully revealed.
Following another anniversary of this tragedy, we decided to publish a confidential FBI report that can illuminate many aspects that have remained hidden until today. Our step is intended not only to satisfy public curiosity but also contribute to a deeper understanding of how and by whom the preparations for this terrorist attack were conducted.
Penned by former FBI employee Bassem Youssef, who was directly involved in the 9/11 investigation, the report details Omar al-Bayoumi’s interactions with officials from Middle East countries, including Saudi Arabia, between 1998 and 2000. The document also offers an unprecedented look into the events leading up to that fateful day.
While some of these details have been explored in the media, many of our readers will find value in examining these first-hand insights.
The full report is available here.
Here is a brief summary of the comprehensive 311-page report.
Who Is Omar al-Bayoumi?

Omar al-Bayoumi is an Egyptian national born in 1958, suspected of orchestrating terrorist activities and helping al-Qaeda to conduct attacks within the United States. According to the FBI, initial targets included the Capitol building before shifting focus to the World Trade Center.
The FBI believes al-Bayoumi played a crucial role in coordinating the hijackers’ activities, receiving direct instructions from high-ranking Saudi officials.
Al-Bayoumi was arrested in England 11 days post-attack. His phone book, according to British intelligence services, contained phone numbers of Osama bin Laden’s spiritual mentor.
Although there are indications he was transferred to Guantánamo, his final whereabouts remain unknown.
Al-Bayoumi maintained communications with Saudi representatives using various phone numbers, including calls to Saudi Arabia and Washington, D.C., notably the embassy and cultural mission. His activity occurred over several months in 1998 and intensified from March to June 2000, approximately a year before the attack.

Mosques As Extremist Hubs
A key aspect of the document is its detailed examination of how the Islamic Foundation of Shaikh Ibn Taymiyyah and King Fahad mosques in Culver City, California, fostered extremist ideologies within the United States. It emphasizes Saudi Arabia’s role in funding and controlling these institutions to multiply Sunni extremism.

The document also highlights that the Ibn Taymiyyah Foundation (IFSIT), which advocated for mosque construction across the United States, had strong ties to Saudi Arabia. Its chairman, Khalil al-Khalil, was recruited by former Saudi Ambassador Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud.
Both entities received significant funding from Saudi Arabia and were overseen by state-hired imams. Key figures involved in financing these mosques included Turkish businessman Osman Kaldirim, linked to Osama bin Laden, and Mohamed Morsi, who later became the president of Egypt.
The mosques served as centers for extremist recruitment and radicalization, with Saudi Arabia managing them through diplomatic missions, including imams like Fahad al-Thumairy and Tajuddin Shuib who were linked to jihadist support. In 1993, Prince Abdelaziz committed funding for the King Fahad Mosque as part of a larger strategy to expand Saudi influence.
The document also underscores the pivotal role of the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs (MOIA) and its officials like Khalid al-Sowaylem and Musaed al-Jarrah in supervising mosque activities.
Finally, through diplomatic channels, Saudi Arabia maintained control and coordinated with key figures, ultimately establishing and financing extremist networks in Southern California that provided a base for al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks.
FBI’s Failure to Detect the Impending Attack
A critical unanswered question is why the FBI, tasked with monitoring phone communications of embassy personnel (particularly those from Middle East countries), did not detect the impending attack. The report reveals that terrorists’ preparations took place over several months, if not years.
We also requested information about the author, Bassem Youssef, from our source and received the following document:

A CNN report from 2003 reveals that, upon returning from an extended assignment in Saudi Arabia in 2000, Bassem Youssef was suddenly removed from his counterterrorism duties.
During this assignment, he established contact with the head of Saudi security services (Mabahith), facilitating a meeting between then-FBI Director Louis Freeh and Saudi officials.
CNN also reported that, two months before 9/11, Youssef alerted the FBI about a “walk in” entering the Bureau’s field office and purporting to have significant information about bin Laden.
Although initially asked to talk to this individual, the FBI counterterrorism unit later ordered against using Youssef’s services, likely due to a decision from top leadership.
In all of this story, it remains unclear who the good guys and bad guys are. One thing is certain: The assessment of former top-tier FBI employee Ted L. Gunderson about the involvement of the U.S. government in the 9/11 attacks further take on a new meaning.
[This article was recently published on the CIAGate substack—Editors.]

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About the Author

CIAGate is a new substack website that draws on information from an anonymous CIA whistleblower to publicize and expose criminal conduct being carried out by the CIA.
Its mission statement reads: We oppose all wars and military conflicts. Our purpose is to abolish the CIA and the military-industrial deep state. They can be reached at ciagate@proton.me.
Another plane crash took place in 1945 to the empire state building
The moderators or editors of this site ghost banned my 2nd post. Censorship on this “alternative” news site is just as bad as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
S Arabia was responsible for the hijackers.
Israel was responsible, for, for one thing, the demolition of the bldgs (the dancing Israelis).
There were all these Israeli “art students” trying to sell paintings in the US leading up to 9-11 and many of them lived blocks away from the hijackers.
Of course, Cheney/Bush were in on it all. Bush not whisked out of the classroom when the attacks commenced.
And so forth.
This article is classic misdirection away from the perpetrators (Jews) and onto their enemies (Arabs). Yes, a majority of Americans will fall for this trickery, but those that seriously study the 9/11 psy-op will not.
And the dish ran away with the spoon said the five dancing Israelis.
Anyone can watch the video of the second plane flying into the North Tower.
Hint: Planes don’t FLY into buildings. Planes CRASH into buildings.
No planes. Silverstein’s backdoor buddies.
A missile hit the Pentagon, that much is for sure.
This article was a pile of utter bullsh!t propaganda and misinformation. It is more lies to plaster over the lies and deceptions that have already been spread by the government and corporate media. It is plainly evident to anybody who has researched the facts surrounding the 9-11 terror attacks that the Israeli government, its intelligence agencies and its supporters in the USA were behind it and did it. There were over 500 Israeli intelligence assets and agents in and around NYC for many months leading up to the Sept 11th attacks. News reports in the immediate aftermath of the attacks report that the hijackers in one of the planes that hit WTC 1 & 2 had thick Israeli accents. Israel is infamous for its numerous false flag attacks they commit then blame on their enemies, the Palestinians and in this case the Saudis who they framed as patsies for the WTC attacks. Another important thing to consider is the fact that WTC 1, 2, and 7 were all brought down via demolition with thermite explosives. The Israelis, since Israel’s inception in 1948 have been experts at building demolition. In 1946 zionist Irgun Israeli terrorist cells blew up the King David Hotel in 1946, killing 91 British military who were stationed in Jerusalem, to keep law and order. The Israeli zionists wanted to force them out with terror attacks so they blew up their military in that hotel. More recently look at the thousands of videos taken of Israeli military blowing up schools, apartment buildings, mosques, by the thousands in Gaza in the months following the October 7th attacks last year. The Israelis have their fingerprints all over the 9-11 terror attacks, it was an inside job.
Brother you are right.
I had an at-length and in-depth deconstruction about why focusing on the “hijackers” and Saudi Arabia – was falling for a Red Herring… Like obsessing on Oswald and the connections they deliberately created for him (Russia and the “Fair Play for Cuba Committee) – when he couldn’t POSSIBLY have fired the fatal shot… But it disappeared into the ether… Blocked by Covert Action or ????.
Makes me wished I’d saved a copy…
The whole article reads like CIA propaganda. Diversion, diversion, diversion. No mention of *important* FBI whistleblowers like Sibel Edmonds or Colleen Rowley. The US government orchestrated the 9/11 attacks using islamist patsies. Just like the FBI provided explosives to Ramsi Youssef for the 1993 bombiing of the WTC. Just like the FBI shipped money to Hamas during the Clinton administration. Oh, yes, the last sentence gives a vague hint of US government involvement in 9/11, supposedly from the late Ted Gunderson. Well, I’ve met Gunderson, and he’s no legitimate source on 9/11. The late Michael Ruppert personally warned me about Gunderson.
What did Mike say about Gunderson, to you?