The mainstream media and almost all of the American political elite class refuse to acknowledge reality: The crisis in Gaza did not begin on October 7, 2023.
Neither did the annihilation of Native Americans begin following the battle of the Little Bighorn. There is a continuous 120-year history of Zionism, whose foundational belief from the outset was colonial and racist. There was no place for Palestinians in Palestine.
This was straightforwardly put forth by its founders who believed in the sacred biblical right of Jews to take over Palestine and remove its indigenous inhabitants.
The U.S. “Indian Removal” policies of the 19th century and the brutal European imperial landgrabs in Africa in that era provided clear models of how this could be done. As in the Americas, Africa, and other colonized regions, Zionism was borne of a white settler colonial heritage.

Since the Six-Day War in 1967, the dislocation and suffering of the Palestinian people perpetrated by the U.S.-Israel colonial alliance has prompted questions about the sanity of both governments and exposed the racist underpinnings of Zionist propaganda. There are multiple intersections between the West and the Zionist movement that have led to the gradual century-old destruction of a people, the Palestinians, reaching the full realization of the genocide policy in 2023 in which the U.S. acts as its main material accomplice.
As a project co-founded by European Jewish leaders, with the encouragement of European and American evangelicals and the backing of the British state, Zionism emerged from an intense period of nationalism and colonialism in the late 19th century.[1] These twin forces rested on a bedrock of Judeo-Christian notions of white supremacy sanctified in biblical scripture that justified the subjugation of non-white peoples. Its “civilizing mission” impelled the British “mandate” over Palestine, then an almost wholly Arab territory, formally established from the spoils of the Great War and the demise of the Ottoman empire.
One of the prominent Zionists, Chaim (aka Charles, his publishing name) Weizmann, then a chemist and professor of some renown at the University of Manchester, approached the British government and helped procure in 1917 the “Balfour Declaration.” This document promised the Zionists a “national home” for the Jewish people in what would become a post-war League of Nations-sanctioned British-administered “mandate.” British state elites and Arthur Balfour himself, then foreign secretary and former prime minister, had specific interests in reaching this accord with the Zionists.

For Britain, the prospect of Eastern European and Russian Jews seeking exile in the UK during that troubled period was an unwholesome prospect for many if not most of the British elites. Balfour had made clear in his writings that in fact he looked down on Jews, Arabs and, in general, people of color, but found the possibility of an Anglo-Jewish alliance in the Middle East a potentially strategic asset of the empire.[2]
Despite the best efforts of leading Zionists like David Ben-Gurion, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, and Weizmann, Jewish migration to the “homeland” proceeded slowly. It was only after Hitler came to power that the pace accelerated, largely illegally, which alarmed not only the Palestinians and the British authorities but also other Arab countries and the Soviet Union, the latter two of which began to question the loyalty of their Jewish citizens. But even with a large influx of European refugees, the Jewish population of Israel in 1940 was still below one-third, making Zionist control at that point problematic.
With Jewish paramilitary support, Britain brutally suppressed the Palestinian uprising from 1936 to 1939. What followed was the first Nakba (Catastrophe) in 1947-1948, one of several, in which some 750,000 Palestinians were driven out of their homes, cities and villages. None of these earlier catastrophes, however, compares to the Israeli effort at a final solution to the “Palestinian problem,” an Arab nation that Israel has refused to formally recognize or even acknowledge.

Britain’s exhaustion as an empire by the end of World War II led to its decolonization throughout the world, including its control of Palestine, which it transferred to the UN General Assembly following the war. The Palestinian leadership refused to accept the Western-dominated UN’s unequal and irrational partition of the land favoring the new Jewish state. The utterance “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” called for a unitary state guaranteeing complete freedom for all its residents, i.e., not an exclusivist Jewish nation.
From the outset, the Zionist leaders assumed that an Israeli state would require an overwhelming preponderance and hegemony of Jews and, thus, Israeli governments have depicted the mantra as a threat to the Jewish state. Likud created its own a version of it into an election manifesto in 1977, calling for Israeli control of the whole of historic Palestine. Israel’s first prime minister and defense minister Ben-Gurion wrote that “a Jewish state on only part of the land is not the end but the beginning.” “‘From the river to the sea’ is just fine so long as it’s Israel’s sovereignty.”[3]

That formality was enacted in July 2024 when Benjamin Netanyahu’s government put forward a resolution in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, foreclosing the creation of a Palestinian state, i.e., a two-state solution, predicated on an uncontested Jewish state stretching from the land west of the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea. There was not a single Zionist vote in opposition. Its rationale is always with reference to the historical persecution of Jews. Paradoxically, the Holocaust has been culturally appropriated and weaponized in service to the extermination desires of the praetorian Israeli state.
The 1948 atrocities directed upon Palestinians were severe enough to prompt Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, Sidney Hook, Seymour Melman, and other prominent Jewish-American leaders and intellectuals to denounce Israeli terrorism in a December 1948 open letter to The New York Times.
They described Herut, the right-wing predecessor to Likud, which carried out most of the murders and expulsions of Palestinians as a “terrorist, right wing, chauvinist organization” that is “closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.”
By any contemporary human justice measures, the magnitude of crimes confers on Israel and its U.S. political backers and materiel suppliers the status of one of the most criminal states in modern history.
The U.S.-Zionist Alliance
In support of Gaza and West Bank apartheid (as well as in “green line” Israel) and IDF genocide, the U.S. and UK have not only provided the weapons of physical annihilation, they are also collaborating with their junior partner in the propaganda war of public disinformation and deception.
By now it has become clear to most people in the U.S. and UK that the provision of weapons to the apartheid state, including thousands of 2,000-pound bunker-buster and other bombs, precision-guided air-to-ground Hellfire missiles, and assorted other instruments designed for maximum destruction, is part of the effort to either entirely eliminate the civilian Palestinian population or force survivors into helpless refugees.
Aiding the crime, Britain’s military corporation BAE provides Israel with parts of the F-35 fighter jets along with “systems for naval drones, missile guidance and components in fighter jets used against Palestinians in Gaza.”[4]
Germany, a country that knows something about genocide, is the second largest external provider of weapons to Israel after the U.S.
What sustains the contemporary close political alignments of the U.S. and British governments with Israel, which has become a pariah state in most of the rest of the world? The first thing to look at is the role of the political class in these countries and how foreign policy is collectively constructed in the Middle East (West Asia) by the U.S.-led West to bring about the horrors in Gaza and the West Bank.
The genocide is organized on the ground by Israeli military, state technocrats, and right-wing politicians, but this is possible only through their relationship to the larger goals of sponsoring powers that work together toward shared, though not always identical, objectives in the region.
Originally the PR branch of the American Zionist Emergency Council, a war-time organization that focused mainly on the Jewish colonization of Palestine, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in more recent decades has waged a propaganda and financial war on any American politician not fully behind the U.S.-Israel strategic alliance.
Thanks in large part to activist online journalism and a few journalists in the mainstream media, such as in Al Jazeera, the Israel lobby has been exposed for its close ties to the American and British political and media elites. Mearsheimer and Walt lifted the veil on the lobby’s influence on and manipulation of American politics at a time when few academics or journalists were willing to touch the subject.[5]
Joined by the Anti-Defamation League, Christians United for Israel, and other groups in the Israel lobby, AIPAC developed a broad strategy of controlling public discourse in the U.S. mainstream media, public forums, universities, Congress, and the White House on Israel’s supposed common interests with America in the Middle East and pushing unconditional support for Israel itself.
The lobby has successfully colluded with U.S. foreign policy elites to steer the ideological framing of Israel away from the reality of its refusal to permit Palestinians an independent state, the illegal encroachment of Jewish settlements on IDF-occupied Palestinian territory, the unending evictions of Palestinians from their villages, and the massive arrests, ruthless treatment, and torture of Palestinian resisters, including thousands of children as young as ten and even younger.
The U.S. elections in 2024 were especially crucial for the pro-Trump Netanyahu government and its operatives in America. By mid-June, an AIPAC-affiliated super political action committee had spent $14.5 million to unseat Jamaal Bowman, a Democratic two-term incumbent congressman in New York’s 16th congressional district who had criticized Israel’s genocide in Gaza and called upon the U.S. government to cut military aid to that country.
AIPAC and associated Zionist groups are among the largest contributors to selected political candidates—from the White House down to state legislative races—who can be relied upon or simply bribed through major campaign contributions to act as influencers in the service of the Israeli agenda.

According to its own website, AIPAC backed 362 pro-Israel candidates, and in each primary where it funded someone on the ballot, it won, while defeating 11 candidates critical of Israel.
The Zionist lobby was already active in earlier decades, helping to defeat the re-election efforts of Senators William Fulbright (1974) of Arkansas and Charles Percy (1984) of Illinois, along with House member Paul Findley (1982) of Illinois.
Former U.S. representative Pete McCloskey (1982) was targeted and defeated in his bid to become senator from California as was Adlai Stevenson III (1982 and 1986) in the race for governor of Illinois.
They and other politicians and government officials were culled by the lobby for expressing mild criticism of the one-sided, pro-Israel U.S. Middle East policy.[6] Much of the AIPAC $43 million war chest was spent on “filling television screens, stuffing mailboxes and clogging phone lines with caustic attacks,” causing Bowman to lose the primary to a pro-Israel Democrat, George Latimer.

The New York race had the largest pool of money any interest group had ever spent on a political contest and was one of several where AIPAC sought to unseat legislators deemed unfriendly to Israel. Cori Bush, another progressive Democratic incumbent, was also unseated in the 2024 primary for Missouri’s 1st congressional district with the help of AIPAC’s major financial contribution to her rival.
AIPAC and the United Democracy Project (UDP) thus have a dual character, not only lobbying for Israel but also in defeating left-wing candidates who oppose the Israeli genocide and the heavy hand of corporate power in American politics.

That linkage is important to recognize, as the apartheid system is directed against both Palestinians and the working class of the U.S. and all other nations. By March 2024, AIPAC’s super PAC, the UDP, and allied groups had already spent $30 million during the 2024 election cycle to unseat progressives critical of Israel. The amount spent for the full 2023-2024 cycle was expected to reach $100 million in support of Israel.
“AIPAC has become a fundraising juggernaut in recent years, raising more money for candidates than any similar organization this cycle.”[7] It is clear that the Zionist lobby had Kamala Harris under its supervision, as she acted listless in responding to the ongoing U.S.-backed Israeli genocide in Gaza and mass murders and terrorism in the West Bank.

Where does AIPAC get its money? PACs and Super PACs like AIPAC, created in 2020-2021, which is designated as a 501(c)4 social welfare organization, are not required to disclose their contributors, and the lobbying powerhouse prefers to keep this information under wraps. But according to a Jewish newspaper, The Forward, in 2023 its biggest funders included owners of professional sports teams, “heads of private equity firms; real estate titans; a Maryland congressman… the former CEO of Victoria’s Secret; the co-founder of the dance-exercise company Zumba; and the creator of Squishmallows,” a popular children’s toy.[8]

But as Bernie Sanders has pointed out, AIPAC is also being funded by corporations that are happy to support the defeat of progressive members of Congress who tend to stand up for both Palestinian rights and worker rights in America. Almost 60% of AIPAC’s money comes from corporate CEOs and other top executives from Fortune 500 companies. The largest single donor to United Democracy Project, AIPAC’s Super PAC, is Jan Koum, the multi-billionaire former CEO of WhatsApp and a regular Republican funder. The biggest institutional contributors to UDP come from FIRE, finance/insurance and real estate sectors (Marcetic 2024)
AIPAC represents “the intersection of the pro-Israel lobby and corporate, right-wing politics” married to neo-liberal free market fundamentalism. It is credited with developing the strategy of targeting candidates in both parties, which corporate funders can be expected to increasingly take up in the coming years.[9]
Harris’s message, no less than Trump’s, was more military, more wars, more capitalism, more fracking. What little separation exists between the two parties will be extinct in the next few years, giving way to an outright bacchanalian orgy of destruction of the planet and its people.
AIPAC Goes Transatlantic
The neo-liberal order, which among other things, stands for the breakdown of moral and ethical standards, has destroyed most of the vestiges of the public sphere, and this is true on both sides of the Atlantic. Like the U.S., Britain has long been captive to the Zionist lobby, which wields much influence in the country through access to ministers, donations to the parties, and the repression of public opinion critical of Israeli policies of apartheid and genocide.
The Starmer government purged Labour’s ranks of people sympathetic toward the Palestinians, taking cues from the Israel lobby by labeling the critics of Israel as anti-Semites. Keir Starmer himself declared a few months before taking over the leadership of Labour, “I support Zionism without qualification.”[10]
He also stated on LBC radio in the UK that Israel has the right of siege in Gaza, including its cutting off of water and power.[11] This is consistent with the view of retired Israeli Major-General Giora Eiland, who called for a starvation policy in Gaza and told Israeli media: “Creating a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a necessary means to achieve the goal. Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist.”[12]

Starmer put into practice the next phase of his Zionist program by arresting critics of Israel through the employment of the draconian “Terrorism Act 2000, Section 12” which covers materials posted online.
A journalist and pro-Palestinian activist, Sarah Wilkinson, was arrested under the Act (originally enacted under the Tony Blair government) in August 2024 after a raid on her house by 12 police who confiscated all her electronic devices.[13] She was threatened with a long prison sentence for posting online remarks about the “incredible” way that Hamas was able to launch its assault on October 7.

The same month, independent British foreign affairs journalist Richard Medhurst, who is sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, was arrested at Heathrow Airport and charged under the same act, which bans any writing regarded as favorable to proscribed entities, such as Hamas.
There is no conceivable application of this law to Jews or Israelis living in Britain who express even bloodcurdling support for terrorism and torture employed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) against Palestinian civilians.[14]

Israel exercises direct power connections to British electoral politics and Parliament through such groups as Labour Friends of Israel (LFI), founded in 1957, and Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI), founded in 1974, both of which lobby for Israel.
For the Tories, upon election to Parliament, one almost automatically becomes a member of CFI. As a result, Conservative cabinet members have come to expect regular donations from the Israel lobby, which has amounted to hundreds of thousands of pounds going to at least one-third of all current sitting members of the party.
Large numbers of Labour MPs have also been feeding at the trough. Twenty percent of Labour’s sitting MPs have been funded by pro-Israel groups or individuals—including 15 who have been directly funded by the Israeli state.[15]
The 2017 Al Jazeera documentary, “The Lobby,” exposed the fact that the Israeli government, working through its embassy in London, has had a direct hand in managing the various friends of Israel groups, including its many city branches. The Union of Jewish Students in the UK, which receives money from the Embassy, sends student delegations to Israel for propaganda immersion. Just prior to the 2024 general election, some 15 MPs took travel funding from pro-Israel lobby groups, the LFI and CFI.
Twelve successful Labour candidates and three winning Conservatives took advantage of the Israeli largesse by accepting the invitations and expressing solidarity with Israeli apartheid and genocide policies (McEvoy 2024d). Parallel with the U.S. but on a smaller scale in the UK, elections are open doors for contributions from wealthy individuals and corporate elites.
The Zionist lobby is able to exploit these openings to block those Anglo-American politicians from interfering with the apartheid state. Suppressing Palestine rights is fully consistent with neo-conservative foreign policy and fits the long trajectory of Western imperialism.
As the Al Jazeera documentary also disclosed, the Israeli main propaganda unit, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, regularly funnels talking points to British MPs to get them to serve as spokespersons for Israeli interests, such as during Prime Minister’s Question Time.
AIPAC as well is channeling money to universities in Britain to promote propaganda through the efforts of the campus-based think tank, the Pinsker Center, whose role is to construct a narrative of Jewish student victimhood without a word of condolence for Palestinian students whose relatives are being starved and slaughtered by the IDF.

Beyond the campuses, AIPAC seeks to create a stronghold in Parliament similar to the power it wields in Congress. The documentary also exposed plots in the Israeli Embassy in London to take down public officials who are seen as critical of the apartheid policy or insufficiently pro-Zionist.
Israel and its modern-day Maccabees have made their mark. Members of Labour Friends of Israel have used the (now increasingly failing) tactic of labeling anyone who brings up Israel’s repression as “anti-Semitic.” It was very successful, however, in purging Labour of pro-Palestinian MPs and party members, particularly during Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership period (2015-2020).

The “anti-Semitic” tag is equivalent to the use of “heretic” during the Inquisition. Though today’s heretics raising such issues may not be burned at the stake, they may lose their position in the party or their jobs or their university matriculation status. The militant attitude of LFI incites fear and intimidation among those concerned about social justice.
Stuart Roden, hedge-fund manager and chairman of the Israeli venture capital firm Hetz Ventures [based in Tel Aviv], “has given the Labour party over half a million pounds ahead of the UK’s [2024] general election,” part of the £1m he has donated to Labour since 2023. Roden is also the principal funder of a Zionist educational program, “I-gnite,” which teaches British children that “the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) are acting proportionately in Gaza.”[16]

In October 2023, he was filmed confronting pro-Palestinian protesters but was not taken to task for interfering with the speech rights or feelings of Palestinian-Britons or others involved in the demonstration.
AIPAC is just the newest of a number of pro-Israel influencers. These include the Jewish Leadership Council, the Zionist Federation, and the Board of Deputies of British Jews, all elite organizations amongst the Jewish population of Britain.
It was under Tony Blair, a member of Labour Friends of Israel, that the Israel lobby began to make serious political inroads in the government, according to a 2009 Channel 4 (UK) investigative news program.
The video also revealed that a press “watchdog” group on behalf of Israel, “Honest Reporting,” regularly challenged the Israel coverage in The Guardian and BBC. The organization is headquartered in Jerusalem with another branch in New York City.

Its managing editor at the time, Simon Plosker, had previously worked for the pro-Israel propaganda unit, Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) as well as for the IDF press office.
BICOM acts as an influencer upon the British public, largely by issuing press releases to the British media, funding trips to Israel for British journalists, and giving talks at British universities. Funding sources for Bicom have major investments in the occupied West Bank.[17]
The heavy hand of Zionism International helped to build a coalition of leaders, including Trump’s CIA director Mike Pompeo, Trump himself, and Benjamin Netanyahu, dedicated to blocking Corbyn from becoming prime minister and removing him as Labour Party leader.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Starmer will be hard-pressed to continue defending Israel’s genocidal policies in Gaza and the West Bank as “the right of self-defense.”
From the Jordan to the Sea: Turning the Tide?
By May 2024, a Data for Progress poll indicated that 70% of likely American voters, including 83% of Democrats, favored a permanent cease-fire and de-escalation of violence in Gaza. A similar YouGov poll found that 56% of Britons favored cutting arms shipments to Israel and an immediate cease-fire (66%). Despite these findings, neither of the leading political parties in the U.S. or UK has taken action to end the human slaughter in Palestine.[18]
In November 2024, the U.S. vetoed a UN Security Council resolution to demand a cease-fire in Gaza. The vote was 14 to 1.
The Biden government, which had already given Israel more than $20 billion in military support for the Israeli assault on Gaza and the West Bank, remained super-hawkish to the end, though its standard bearer managed to get five draft deferments during the Vietnam war. [four student deferments and a legitimate medical exemption]
Based on his acts as a first-term president, it is unlikely that Trump will use leverage on Israel to back away from its subjugation and slaughter of Gazan and West Bank civilians, confiscation of the remaining Palestinian state, and its “final solution.”
And unless the Gulf states, Western Europe, and the UN take a more interventionist role in forcing the U.S. to end its complicity in the incomprehensible Israeli atrocities, there appear to be only two possible outcomes: extermination of the Palestinian people or a regional war involving Israel, the U.S., and UK against Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, and Iran, with the possible material backing of Russia and China.
For Israel there is no such thing as a diplomatic solution. One way or another, it appears that the Zionist project may soon meet its Waterloo.

See Ilan Pappé, Lobbying For Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic {Oneworld Publications, 2024). ↑
Gilbert Achcar, “Zionism, Anti-Semitism, and the Balfour Declaration.” OpenDemocracy. November 2, 2017; Yousef Munayyer. “It’s Time to Admit That Arthur Balfour Was a White Supremacist – And an Anti-Semite Too.” Institute for Palestine Studies. November 1, 2017. ↑
Jonathan Ofir. “‘From the river to the sea’ is just fine so long as it’s Israel’s sovereignty.” Mondoweiss, December 5, 2018. ↑
Joseph Lee-Doktor, “£1 billion subsidy for arms company exposed.” Declassified UK. July 18, 2024. ↑
John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt. The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy. (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2017). ↑
Robert Hazo, “The Israel Lobby in America.” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, August 12, 1985. ↑
Jessica Piper and Hailey Fuchs, “Bipartisanship or Republican meddling? AIPAC is biggest source of GOP donations in Dem primaries,” Politico, June 9, 2024. ↑
Amos Barshad, “Inside the Israel Lobby’s New $90 Million War Chest,” The Lever, February 3, 2024. ↑
Branco Marcetic, “AIPAC’s Defeat of Jamal Bowman Disguises Its Weakness,” Jacobin, June 26, 2024. ↑
Mendel, Jack, “Keir Starmer Interview: I Will Work to Eradicate Antisemitism ‘From Day One’.” Jewish News, February 14, 2020. ↑
Asher McShane, “Israel ‘Has the Right’ to Withhold Power and Water from Gaza, Says Sir Keir Starmer.” LBC News (UK), October 11, 2023. ↑
Moushabeck, Michel, “The ‘Transfer’ of Palestinians Out of Gaza Is Not a ‘Voluntary Migration.’” Truthout, January 3, 2024. ↑
Brett Wilkins. “UK Continues Use of Anti-Terrorism Law to Arrest Palestine Defenders.” Common Dreams.August 20, 2024. ↑
Jonathan Cook. “UK Prime Minister Terrorizing Palestine Supporters.” Consortium News. August 30, 2024. ↑
Peter Osborne, video producer. “Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby.” Aired on Channel 4 (UK), November 2009; John McEvoy “Labour MPs Have Accepted Over £280,000 From Israel Lobby.” Declassified UK, February 13, 2024; John McEvoy. “Israel lobby funded a third of Conservative MPs” Declassified UK. May 23, 2024; John McEvoy. “Israel Lobby Funded 15 New MPs Before Election.” Declassified UK, August 27, 2024. ↑
John McEvoy, “Pro-Israel Tycoon Gives Labour Half a Million Pounds.” Declassified UK, July 2, 2024. ↑
Peter Osborne, video producer. “Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby.” Aired on Channel 4 (UK), November 2009. ↑
Data for Progress. “Support for a Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza Increases Across Party Lines,” May 8, 2024. https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2024/5/8/support-for-a-permanent-ceasefire-in-gaza-increases-across-party-lines; Matthew Smith. “British Attitudes to the Israel-Gaza Conflict: May 2024 Update.” YouGov. May 10, 2024. ↑
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About the Author

Gerald Sussman is a professor of international relations and author of numerous books, including Branding Democracy: U.S. Regime Change in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe (2010).
Prof. Sussman can be reached at sussmang@pdx.edu. For more information, see his website at: https://www.pdx.edu/global-studies/profile/gerald-sussman.
Here are some interesting suggestions to resolve the ongoing conflict: