From the U.S. Right to the U.S. Left, We Need to Reorient our Attention to What Our Own Government and Scientists Have Been Doing in Germ Research and Germ Warfare Labs. At the end of August, the U.S. intelligence community released its report on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, the...
In reflecting on 9/11 and the preceding terror attacks, it is clear that the security services’ long-entrenched practice of withholding and compartmentalizing information has had disastrous consequences.
The effects of this poisonous coup attempt—cooked up at Langley more than 30 years ago—had lingering consequences which exacerbated income equality, stifled economic growth and undercut human rights. Back in the 1980s New Zealand registered in the global consciousness because of its then-Prime Minister, the late David Lange, and his...
As It Did with Castro in Cuba and Noriega in Panama, the “Mighty Wurlitzer” of U.S. Propaganda Defused Antiwar Sentiment by Painting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as a Brutal Animal Who Had to Be Removed. In 1991, famed MIT linguist Noam Chomsky published a political pamphlet called Media Control: The...
A truly disgusting figure. You may be interested in the way Canada dealt with a unit that ‘went rogue’ in Somalia. After it was proven that a boy had been”executed” by the Regiment the unit was disbanded and is not revered, in fact if it is spoken of at all, it is with shame...
How Her Visit to War-Torn Syria Led a Dutch Socialist Reporter to Lose Her Faith in the West The picture below is a frame from a smug Western documentary on the Syrian War. I wrote the caption in 2020, after viewing the documentary, which was a piece of propaganda filled...
Biden’s order to declassify FBI files relating to the 9/11 attacks is a public relations stunt that will reveal little and satisfy no one Given that this is the 20th anniversary of 9/11, many investigators have reexamined this tragic event in hopes of learning important lessons or shedding new light...
Why Isn't the Whole World Screaming "STOP!"? Right now, the neocons that Biden has surrounded himself with are threatening to accuse him of having ‘lost Taiwan.’ Especially if Biden backs down from his many threats to China, including most notably the threat that the U.S. Government will reverse America’s “One China”...
Black Lives Matter should promote Pan-African solidarity and denounce U.S. imperialism in Africa The Black Lives Matter movement has had a major impact in raising awareness about police brutality and the ongoing persecution of Black people in the United States but has been remarkably parochial in evading discussion of U.S....
This failure resulted from previous FBI, CIA, and NSA protection for al-Qaeda members connected with the plot. Before examining the details of the 9/11 plot, it is worth noting the extent to which the CIA, FBI, and NSA have acted to protect members of al Qaeda in the past. The most relevant recent history begins with the 1987 founding of al-Kifah Refugee Center in Brooklyn, a hub for U.S.-based mujahideen to travel to Afghanistan, and later Bosnia.

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