Belarus is looking like a new Cold War battleground since protests broke out following the disputed election of Aleksandr Lukashenko on Sunday, August 9th. Lukashenko won the election with 80 percent of the vote, though his opponent, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, who garnered 10 percent of the vote, stated that she had...
Much of the American left has become so consumed with identity politics that they have lost sight of the fact that African-Americans or women candidates can be as bad or worse than white males. Take the case of Kamala Harris. Much of the liberal media is already gushing about her historic...
The United States is experiencing an acute challenge to its system of racism both in terms of police behavior and in its separate and unequal public health systems. This represents what is an ogoing challenge to the larger framework of systemic racism that has existed in the U.S. in...
In October, John Brennan, CIA Director from 2013 to 2017, will release a memoir titled Undaunted: My Fight Against America's Enemies, at Home and Abroad. Early excerpts from the book, published in The New York Times on Thursday July 30, quote Brennan expressing outrage that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell...
Part 1: Old Nazi Networks and Cold War Crooks While voter support for Germany’s most powerful party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), had been crumbling in the course of the current legislation period (2017-2021), with the onset of the coronavirus crisis, the tables have turned importantly in favor of the...
In CovertAction Magazine’s prior Paris Dispatches, we explained that the “union of the rights” (UoR) project was a political venture aimed at blurring the barriers between the right and far right. It is based on the premise that we are currently experiencing a redistribution of the political forces in France,...
Golden Dawn’s export of neo-Nazism Although more than 5,223 miles separate Charlottesville, Virginia, from Athens, Greece, the political connections are ominously close. One of the major instigators of the August 11-12, 2017, neo-Nazi demonstration in Charlottesville was Matthew Heimbach. In the past he has participated in a cordial conversation with...
In CovertAction Magazine’s prior Paris Dispatch titled "Linking the Right and Far Right: Marion Maréchal's Plan for France" (dated April 12, 2020), we explained that the “union of the rights” project was a political venture aimed at blurring the barriers between the right and far right. This creates, instead,...
There is strong evidence to suggest that both Juan Guaidó and the U.S. government were intimately involved in a botched weekend insurrection. The government of Venezuela is celebrating after thwarting another foreign-backed coup attempt Sunday, just two days after another coup attempt by self-declared “Interim President” Juan Guaidó ended in...
Part 2 -- Far-right groups in Greece In Part 1 of this dispatch we described recent visits of far-right politicians to the Turkish-Greek border. But also “pre-political” proponents have been instrumentalizing the current humanitarian crisis in Greece for their purposes. Since early March three groups of far-right and neo-Nazi sympathizers...

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