Michael Diamond

Michael Diamond was the Chief Enforcement Officer for water pollution laws in the state of New Jersey and the Regulatory Officer in charge of legal affairs at the Division of Water Resources. His law practice included representing people affected by environmental harms. He has written and lectured widely on the topic. He can be reached at michaeldiamond@comcast.net.
The Perpetrators This list of perpetrators is not meant to be exhaustive, but it can help us begin a conversation that should lead to indictments for treason, in addition to other crimes. The harms these perpetrators are doing must be stopped. Survival is at stake. If COVID-19 was a laboratory-created disease...
The mandate to end war in Ukraine is written clearly and decisively in our founding document, the Constitution of the United States. Article IV, Section 4 requires that “The United States…shall protect each of them against invasion.” Fomenting war in Ukraine runs counter to that mandated obligation. In fact,...
PROLOGUE FOR SURVIVAL We are succumbing to an array of physical illnesses and mental declines on a planet that will soon be uninhabitable. This reign of destruction has been brought about by individuals and corporations that seek gain at the expense of our health. This must be stopped. Doing so, however,...