Natylie Baldwin

Natylie Baldwin is the author of The View from Moscow: Understanding Russia and U.S.-Russia Relations Her writing has appeared in various publications including The Grayzone, Consortium News, RT, OpEd News, The Globe Post,, The New York Journal of Books, and Dissident Voice. Natylie can be reached at
Below is an interview that I conducted with Sarah Lindemann-Komarova, an American who has lived in Siberia since 1992. She was a community development activist there for 20 years. She currently focuses on research and writing, mostly about Russia and community activism. Her work has been published in The Nation...
Renfrey Clarke is an Australian journalist. Throughout the 1990s he reported from Moscow for Green Left Weekly of Sydney. This past year, he published The Catastrophe of Ukrainian Capitalism: How Privatisation Dispossessed & Impoverished the Ukrainian People with Resistance Books. In April, I had an email exchange with Clarke. Below is...