Paul Atwood

Paul Atwood, Ph.D. is retired but still teaches courses deeply critical of U.S. foreign policy at the University of Massachusetts Boston. After serving in the Marine Corps, he became active in antiwar efforts and veterans issues after discharge. As one of the original founders of the William Joiner Institute for the Study of War and Social Consequences at UMass-Boston, Paul has long been active in the Peace Movement, first with Vietnam Veterans Against the War and today mainly with Veterans for Peace and Massachusetts Peace Action. His most recent book is War and Empire:The American Way of Life (London, Pluto Press, 2010). Paul can be reached at:
In the last decade xenophobic tropes intended to stoke fear and loathing of Chinese have accelerated ominously in the American mainstream media as many public officials of both parties label China as our “adversary” or even our “enemy.” This last formulation is deep cause for growing alarm, especially because many...