Says sinking of Russian warship by Ukraine with aid of U.S. intelligence is tantamount to an act of war Colonel Richard Black has been one of the few former high-ranking military officers or government officials to speak out against U.S. military intervention in places like Syria and Ukraine. He...
Relationship Can Be Rekindled Today, Even in These Darkest of Times There was a time in the intelligence and diplomatic communities of the United States, when “intelligence” required study of the history and culture of other nations, and their historical relationship with our own country. The current conflict between the...
The United States and allied nations sought to isolate Russia on Monday at an emergency United Nations Security Council meeting over the Ukraine crisis, calling Moscow’s recognition of two separatist regions and the deployment of Russian troops to them a blunt defiance of international law that risks war. However, for...
The days of unchallenged U.S./NATO dominance are over For some reason, in the aftermath of this month’s failed talks among the Russian, American and NATO representatives in Geneva, everybody is talking as though they believe Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is imminent. From the officials of the U.S. State Department, Pentagon...
With tensions rising to fever pitches in Ukraine, and in the wake of Putin’s announced red lines regarding a mad frenzy for the absorption of Ukraine into NATO, Dr. Edward Lozansky, President of the American University in Moscow, arranged a roundtable discussion bringing together eight experts to provide their...
The Justice Department’s China Initiative Was Established by the Trump Administration to Crackdown on Chinese Economic and Scientific Espionage However, its primary targets have been academics prosecuted for failing to properly disclose their connection to Chinese universities on grant forms and it has led to numerous miscarriages of justice On the...
The two-hour December 7th Biden-Putin conversation (via video-conference) focused mainly on the conflict between Ukraine and its breakaway former Donbass region, which is in Ukraine’s far east and borders on Russia. In order to understand the conversation, some basic history that produced the current situation there needs to be stated, because this...
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley claimed last week that China was close to a “sputnik moment” due to its successful test of a hypersonic missile. However, U.S. space-based early warning systems can detect hypersonic missiles, marking them as no threat at all. General Mark Milley, Chairman of the...
Government-sponsored “fake news” is brainwashing the American public into accepting a new U.S./NATO-sponsored Cold War with China. A massive blitz of Western propaganda is behind the escalating U.S. cold war against China. President Biden and most of the U.S. Congress say China has become a serious threat that must be...
The at-times fiery protests that raged across Belarus throughout 2020 had largely fizzled out by the time local activist and seeming neo-Nazi Roman Protasevich was dramatically arrested in May this year. Now, the country has been catapulted back to the top of the mainstream news agenda, with new life breathed...