Silk and Steel Podcast EP#86-US China Tech War w an Industry Insider
New report paradoxically acknowledges the failure of the economic model the U.S. has tried to impose on the rest of the world. Published in Railway Age magazine and written by the Information Technology Innovation Foundation (ITIF), the report sounds the alarm about China’s growing high-speed rail sector amid escalations in the U.S.’s New Cold War against China, of which technology is a key component.
Cadets carried a copy of the Banner of Victory on Wednesday during a celebration ahead of Victory Day in St. Petersburg.
Claims that glorification of Soviet Russia’s role in victory over Nazis is part of “official propaganda.” On May 9, 2021, Russians celebrated Victory in Europe (V-E) Day with a customary parade honoring the sacrifices of the Soviet people in World War II. Rather than reporting on the day’s festivities, The...
Millions of people around the world breathed a sigh of relief with the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2020 U.S. election and victory of the Biden-Harris ticket. Joe Biden’s victory speech exuded a feeling of optimism in its call for a new era of bipartisanship and decency in politics. However,...
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to Thessaloniki and Crete in Greece on September 28-30—the second tour in the span of a year and only a few weeks before the U.S. presidential elections—furthers the aggressive U.S. agenda shaping the latest political developments in the region. The real purpose of Pompeo’s...
December 1, 2020 is the second anniversary of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou’s arrest—or kidnapping, depending on your point of view—in Vancouver, Canada. If you work for the U.S.’s Departments of Justice, Treasury and State, with the CIA/NSA cheering from the galleries, it is just a simple extradition request to “carry...
On July 4, 2020, the U.S. Navy dispatched an unprecedented two aircraft carriers and four other warships to the South China Sea for naval maneuvers in waters claimed by China. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo subsequently broke with the official U.S. policy of neutrality in territorial conflicts in the...
Thousands of Greeks have come out to protest the expansion of U.S. military bases in Greece, arguing this will further destabilize the region and perilously enmesh Greece in endless imperialist wars. Since the arrival of Geoffrey Pyatt as the American ambassador to Greece in October 2016, the government in...
With the country in turmoil, FOIA Research, our sister European research group, explores the people and entities behind recent protests and exposes the covert action that goes unreported in the Western media.—Editors] In Western mainstream media, the current protests in Belarus are portrayed as a natural development, in which...
On August 15, 2020, the Trump administration announced that it was sending 1,000 troops to Poland as part of the new defense cooperation agreement signed on the anniversary of the victory of Poland in the Polish-Soviet war of 1920. The new troops added to the 4,500 that were previously deployed...
Belarus is looking like a new Cold War battleground since protests broke out following the disputed election of Aleksandr Lukashenko on Sunday, August 9th. Lukashenko won the election with 80 percent of the vote, though his opponent, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, who garnered 10 percent of the vote, stated that she had...