Did investigative reporter Danny Casolaro commit suicide as Special Counsel Nicholas Bua concluded in his 1993 report on the Inslaw Affair?  Or was Casolaro killed because he was digging too deeply into the U.S. intelligence community’s illegal use of Inslaw’s PROMIS software?  Records related to Casolaro and PROMIS released...
Data acquired by the NSA has been used to convince the Danish government to buy fighter jets from Lockheed-Martin. Denmark’s military allows the United States’ National Security Agency (NSA) to spy on the nation’s Finance Ministry, Foreign Ministry, private weapons company Terma, the entire Danish population, and Denmark’s closest neighbors:...
Julian Assange has been held in isolation (23 hours per day) at Belmarsh high-security prison since he was dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London on April 11, 2019. The United States government claims he violated its Espionage Act of 1917 and committed illegal computer hacking. U.S. authorities requested...
Four leading Defense Intelligence Service personnel were suspended on Monday, August 24, pending an independent investigation into serious charges of illegalities—amounting to what Danish daily Politiken is calling the greatest “life scandal in its history.” Lars Findsen, the current director of Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE), the Danish Defense Intelligence agency, and...