Hunt Was Among Victims of a United Airlines Flight That Crashed in Chicago on December 8, 1972, Soon After Richard Nixon’s Re-Election Dorothy Hunt’s life of adventure and privilege came to a tragic end at the age of 52 on December 8, 1972, when United Airlines Flight 553 crashed into...
On December 10, 2004, the body of journalist Gary Webb, 49, was discovered in his home near Sacramento after a moving company worker found a note posted to his front door that read: “Please do not enter. Call 911 and ask for an ambulance.” Webb’s death was listed as a...
A noted historian says those three letters are C-I-A. And even more, that Lennon was betrayed by Yoko Ono. Far-fetched? Before you scoff, look at the evidence this respected professor has finally decided to release after sitting on it for 41 years. The Sixties era officially ended just before...
“Frank Olson is flying and it’s a long way down” - David Clewell, “CIA in Wonderland.” In September 1994, the NBC hit show Unsolved Mysteries aired an episode on Dr. Frank Olson, a CIA biochemist at the Fort Detrick laboratory on germ warfare. Olson had supposedly jumped to his death...
In popular lore, John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Abraham Lincoln, was the first lone deranged gunman—preceding Lee Harvey Oswald. A stage actor from a famous theatrical family from Maryland and Confederate sympathizer who was as “handsome as a Greek God,” Booth shot Lincoln in the back of the head...
The peaceful succession of presidents is sacrosanct in American democracy and marks the United States as an “exceptional nation” which does not experience the same kind of palace intrigues and coups as other nations. Conventional wisdom holds that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, by Lee...
Amir Was Convicted for the 1995 Assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin But Was Clearly Set Up Twenty-eight years ago, the Israeli nation went into mourning after the assassination of Labor Party Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin on November 4, 1995, allegedly by a right-wing West Bank settler named Yigal...
The Secret Team was a group of CIA agents run by CIA's “Blond Ghost” Theodore Shackley that was involved in the most scandalous U.S. foreign policy interventions throughout the 1970s and 1980s, including the “October Surprise” and Iran-Contra affair. Now, Shackley’s “secret team” has been found to have had...
The man who tipped off New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison about the corruption of the Warren Commission was poised to be the next Speaker of the House before his plane went down in October 1972 and could have potentially been president. On October 16, 1972, a Cessna 310 with the...
Gary Devore Vanished Mysteriously After He Had Learned About a Bribery Scheme Orchestrated by Panamanian General Manuel Noriega, Who Recorded High-Ranking Officials Having Sex with Minors in His House Hollywood screenwriter Gary Devore vanished 26 years ago on a June night in 1997. A year later his car was found...