In this extraordinary fifth installment of "Live on the Fly - Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom," Randy Credico speaks with Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on torture and professor at Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights; Lauri Love, who successfully avoided extradition to the U.S.; and...
In this fourth installment of "Live on the Fly - Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom," Randy Credico speaks with Stefania Maurizi, a trailblazing investigative journalist who has worked on all WikiLeaks releases of secret documents and partnered with Glenn Greenwald to reveal the Snowden files about Italy. Nathan Fuller...
In this interview, Randy speaks with Estelle Dehon, public law barrister at Cornerstone Barristers, as Wikileaks founder Julian Assange appears in the Westminster Magistrates Court, London for an administrative hearing relating to his extradition to the United States. Assange has been kept in prison since April 2019, when he...
Welcome to this special series of "Live On The Fly" with Randy Credico, Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom. Interviews on the approaching extradition trial of Julian Assange in London Interviews Nathan Fuller is director of the Courage Foundation which runs Julian Assange's public defense campaign at Courage supports whistle blowers and...
In this second episode of Live on the Fly - Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom, Randy Credico delivers an exclusive interview with the legendary documentarian John Pilger—a man whose searing vision and crusading exposés of government greed, hypocrisy, tyranny, injustice, poverty and heartbreak have fired the passions and...
Randy Credico: Welcome Pamela Anderson. It's been two years since you were last on the Free Assange Series with me and Dennis. When we talked back then, you brought in something that most people —with the exception of his mother: the real, human side of Julian Assange. People know...
met him to try to bring about an end to sanctions, suffering and war.” Galloway was dubbed by his fellow MP’s as the "MP for Baghdad North." In the following interview, Galloway stands up strongly in defense of his “personal friend”, Julian Assange. Galloway says in the following interview that he...